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单词 counter
释义 Word family  noun count recount counter adjective countable ≠ uncountable countless verb count recount  Related topics: Furniture, Board games, Technology, Computerscoun·ter1 /ˈkaʊntə $ -ər/ ●●● S3 noun [countable]  1  SHOPDHFthe place where you pay or are served in a shop, bank, restaurant etc 柜台 He wondered if the girl behind the counter recognised him. 他在想柜台后面的那个女孩是否认出了他。2. DHF American English a long flat surface on top of a piece of furniture, especially in a kitchen 〔尤指厨房中的〕操作台面,工作台 SYN British English worktop3. over the counter MDdrugs, medicines etc that are bought over the counter are ones that you can buy in a shop without a prescription from a doctor 〔买药〕不用处方4  under the counter SECRETif you buy something under the counter, you buy it secretly and usually illegally 〔购物〕秘密地,暗地里〔通常违法〕 It’s risky, but you can get alcohol under the counter. 虽然有些冒险,但你可以通过秘密渠道买酒。5. GAMEDGBa small object that you use in some games that are played on a board 〔某些棋盘游戏的〕筹码,棋子 →5 see picture at 见图 board game6  EQUIPMENTTCOUNT/CALCULATEa piece of electrical equipment that counts something 计算器,计数器 Set the video counter to zero before you press play. 在按播放键之前,把录像机上的计数器调到零。 → Geiger counter7. a computer program that counts the number of people who have visited a website 〔网站上统计浏览人数的〕计数器8  ACTION AGAINST somethingPREVENTan action that tries to prevent something bad from happening, or an argument that is used to prove that something is wrong 制止;反驳counter to The road blocks were a counter to terrorist attacks in that area. 这些路障是针对那个地区的恐怖袭击而设的。Examples from the Corpuscounter• The proprietor, Mr John Allan, sat at a counter carefully turning the brittle pages of what seemed an ancient book.• a counter-top appliance• After bids and counter bids the Secretary of State referred the Guinness proposal to the Commission for inquiry and report.• the blue counter• She was sounding unexpectedly urgent as they approached the empty checkout counter.• The local supermarket has a good deli counter.• I looked at her across the counter and tried to detect some glimmer of unexplained Highland intuition.• The cashier stood waiting behind the counter.• Careful, you're going to spill it all over the counter.• There's pots to wash and a broom under the counter.• The girl had left the weighing counter.counter2 ●○○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]PROVE to say something in order to try to prove that what someone said was not true or as a reply to something 反驳,反对 ‘I could ask the same thing of you, ’ she countered. “我也可以同样要求你。”她反驳道。counter an argument/an allegation/a criticism etc He was determined to counter the bribery allegations. 他决心要反驳受贿的指控。2  [transitive]SOLVE/DEAL WITH A PROBLEM to do something in order to prevent something bad from happening or to reduce its bad effects 抵消;对抗;制止 Exercise helps to counter the effects of stress. 运动有助于减轻压力。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscounter• Edward's first move was to counter any possible threat to Aquitaine from the south and from the sea.• This dual process of introduction is systematically countered by a dual process of elimination.• Yet they did little to counter the challenge of socialism.• Rodrigues countered the criticism by saying that the group does a lot of things for the area that go unnoticed.• Hospitals must offer better salaries to counter the shortage of nurses.• One measure designed to counter this is the introduction this year of just one school-leaving date - the end of June.• But Dole countered with a heavily negative response.• Now, I countered with an offer of $ 850,000.counter3 adjective, adverb  be/run/go counter to something to be the opposite of something 违背某事;与某事背道而驰 Some actions by the authorities ran counter to the president’s call for leniency. 当局的某些行为和总统呼吁的宽容背道而驰。counter- /kaʊntə $ -tər/ prefix  1  OPPOSITE/REVERSEthe opposite of something 〔与…〕相反 a counterproductive thing to do (=producing results opposite to what you wanted) 适得其反的行为 It is not hard to find a counter-example (=an example that shows the opposite). 找个反面例子并不难。2  REACTdone or given as a reaction to something, especially to oppose it 反,逆 claims and counterclaims 索赔和反索赔3  XXmatching something 对应,对等,相当 my counterpart in the American system (=someone who has the same job as I have) 美国体制中与我地位相当的人Examples from the Corpuscounter-• proposals and counter-proposalsFrom Longman Business Dictionarycountercoun‧ter /ˈkaʊntə-ər/ noun [countable]1COMMERCEthe place where you are served in a shop, bank etcPlease pay at the checkout counter. → trade counter2across/over the counterCOMMERCE if something can be done or obtained across or over the counter, it can be done easily in a shop, bank etc without making special arrangementsYou can also withdraw and deposit money across the counter in any of our branches just by presenting your card.3under the counterCOMMERCE something that is kept or sold under the counter can only be obtained illegally or unofficially → see also bean counterOrigin counter- Old French contre-, from contre; → COUNTER3 counter1 1. (1300-1400) Old French comptour, from Medieval Latin computatorium “counting place”, from Latin computare; → COMPUTE2. (1300-1400) Old French conteor, from conter; → COUNT13. (1600-1700) French contre, from contre “against” counter2 (1300-1400) Old French contre; → COUNTER3 counter3 (1300-1400) Old French contre, from Latin contra; → CONTRA-coun·ter1 nouncounter2 verbcounter3 adjectivecounter- prefixChineseSyllable  or pay Corpus served place where Business the you a in are




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