随便看 |
- astaire,-fred
- astaire,fred
- Astana
- a statistic
- asterisk
- asterisks
- Asterix
- astern
- asteroid
- asteroids
- as the crow flies
- as the next man
- as the next man/person
- as the next person
- as the spirit moves you
- asthma
- asthmatic
- asthmatics
- as though
- as though you own the place
- a stick to beat sb with
- a stick to beat somebody with
- a stick to beat with
- a sticky patch
- astigmatism
- Watery
- Handwritten
- Overcame
- To take into account
- Lie detector
- Police dog
- Goof up
- Affirmatory
- Arsonist
- Receptiveness
- 文章学习箴言《钱大昕·文箴》原文注释与译文
- 文章当从三易:易见事,一也;易识字,二也;易读诵,三也
- 文章总集
- 文章憎命达,魑魅喜人过
- 文章憎命达,魑魅喜人过
- 文章憎命达,魑魅喜人过。
- 文章最忌百家衣
- 文章最忌随人后
- 文章有八要:简、切、明、尽、正、大、温、雅。不简则失之繁冗,不切则失之浮泛,不明则失之含糊,不尽则失之疏遗,不正则理不足以服人,不大则失冠冕之体,不温则暴戾刻削,不雅则鄙陋浅俗。庙堂文要有天覆地载,山林文要有仙风道骨,征伐文要有吞象食牛,奏对文要有忠肝义胆。诸如此类,可以例求。
- 文章本天成,妙手偶得之
- 文章本天成,妙手偶得之。
- 文章流别论
- 文章流别论
- 文章流别论
- 文章流别论》简析
- Scammer句子
- Cut-price句子
- Genderless句子
- Jock句子
- Tittle-tattle句子
- Diplex句子
- Slue句子
- Wolfram句子
- Toggle句子
- With an eye to句子
- Ho-hum句子
- In behalf of句子
- Uncork句子
- Drifter句子
- Centered句子