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单词 convent school
释义  Related topics: Schoolˈconvent ˌschool noun [countable]  SESa school for girls that is run by Roman Catholic nuns 〔由天主教会修女办的〕女修道院学校Examples from the Corpusconvent school• She was a shy, retiring girl who had been brought up in a convent school after being abandoned as a baby.• Three years at a nice school in Vienna, not too liberated, but at the same time not a convent school.• This stood overgrown and decaying in the grounds of a convent school.• She went to a different school from us, a convent school, where they had to wear uniform.• We shared a room at convent school.• When the time came for Annie to leave the convent school she was recommended for training in child welfare.• You'd been to convent school as well, you said.ˈconvent ˌschool nounChineseSyllable  is girls a that for Corpus run school by




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