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单词 Coincide
1. The centres of concentric circles coincide.
2. My ideas coincide with his.
3. The strike was timed to coincide with the party conference.
4. I timed my holiday to coincide with the children's school holiday.
5. Our views on this issue coincide closely with yours.
6. If our schedules coincide, we'll go to Spain together.
7. Our views coincide on a range of subjects.
8. At this point the two paths coincide briefly.
9. The show is timed to coincide with the launch of her new book.
10. A referendum next year would coincide explosively with the election campaign.
11. The show is timed to coincide with the launch of a new book on the subject.
12. Publication of his biography was timed to coincide with his 70th birthday celebrations.
13. Her book was timed to coincide with an exhibition of Goya's paintings at the National Gallery.
14. He timed the election to coincide with new measures to boost the economy.
15. The singer's arrival was timed to coincide with the opening of the festival.
16. Her taste in music coincides with her husband's / Their tastes in music coincide.
17. His tastes and habits coincide with those of his wife.
18. The kids' views on life don't always coincide, but they're not afraid of voicing their opinions.
19. The members of the committee do not coincide in opinion.
20. The show is timed to coincide with the launch of a new book.
20. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. Our holidays don't coincide.
22. The demonstration had been carefully stage-managed to coincide with the Prime Minister's visit.
23. Operation Amazon is timed to coincide with the start of the dry season.
24. We work together when our needs coincide.
25. Individual and organisational interacts will not always coincide.
26. Personal and national interests seemed to coincide.
27. It's a pity our trips to New York don't coincide.
28. The interests of the US and those of the islanders may not coincide.
29. He gave great encouragement to his students, especially if their passions happened to coincide with his own.
30. The interests of employers and employees do not always coincide.
1. My ideas coincide with his.
2. The strike was timed to coincide with the party conference.
3. I timed my holiday to coincide with the children's school holiday.
4. It's a pity our trips to New York don't coincide.
5. His tastes and habits coincide with those of his wife.
31. Holidays did not always coincide with hay weather!
32. Or, if interests overlap, they do not necessarily coincide.
33. Other Botero shows are planned to coincide.
34. Thousands of fans up and down the country plan one minute's peaceful demonstration to coincide with weekend kickoffs.
35. The Museum agreed to bring this exhibition forward to coincide with the National Gallery's.
36. This was a talk on William Blake, timed to coincide with an internationally touring exhibition of this artist's work.
37. Except where subduction zones lie adjacent to mountain belts on continental margins, plate boundaries do not coincide with continental coastlines.
38. A drop in ratings and interest seems to coincide with pageant attempts to a more natural presentation.
39. This appears to coincide with the base of the granite batholith and may represent the basal Variscan thrust.
40. The exhibition was timed to coincide with the anniversary celebrations.
41. The arrests coincide with the publication in August of the recommendations of a Constitutional Commission.
42. They have arranged the launch to coincide with the start of the college term.
43. The demonstration is set for Sunday to coincide with World AIDS Day.
44. The agent expects an attitude adjustment to coincide with passage of the trading deadline at 6 p. m. Thursday.
45. They coincide with the launch of a Home Office campaign to cut car crime.
46. A Forte spokesperson says the launch of the Heritage campaign is timed to coincide with the Easter break.
47. Pareto is in no doubt that the two types of utility, for and of a community, do not necessarily coincide.
48. Restructuring must coincide with the broader Community objectives, and Community funds must be matched by national funds.
49. I don't give a darn if the results don't coincide with the editorial board's political biases!
50. The stoppage was planned to coincide with the day A-level results were announced.
50. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
51. Their geographical location tended to coincide with those areas in which the 1936 rising had been successful.
52. Even if her advice does not coincide with what you want, I advise you to follow it.
53. He said the date was chosen to coincide with the feast of St Teresa of Lisieux, patron saint of the missions.
54. Since both CHANike and Christmas were originally winter solstice celebrations, they often coincide and compete.
55. Now the belief is growing that the visit is being planned to coincide with the high-profile opening of the camp.
56. With no production externality, marginal private cost and marginal social cost coincide.
57. The value of the principle repayment may be increased during the period of the loan, perhaps to coincide with rent reviews.
58. The speaker's sectional interests, as a businessman, are seen to coincide with the wider interests of everybody else.
59. The blast appears to have been timed to coincide with a political offensive.
60. Temporary exhibitions: Annual exhibition to coincide with the street fair in September.
61. That would be fine, if their interest happened to coincide with that of the economy.
62. The interests of the White House and of congressional Democrats do not obviously coincide.
63. Still, Perry reminds us, straight journalism and Thompson never quite seemed to coincide.
64. Joette, never one for passive visitors, has soon arranged my visits to coincide with the weekly pumpkin observations.
65. He deliberately chose the day to coincide with the Paddington election.
66. First of all it is difficult for nomads to gather at one place so important events are made to coincide.
67. Some 400 local people attended a protest meeting at the weekend and will hold a demonstration to coincide with the planning talks.
68. As long as this aesthetic appreciation does not coincide with profitable necessity then this conflict will remain.
69. First, where dense cycle flows coincide with motorised through traffic, separate cycle paths have been constructed.
70. The attack was timed to coincide with the Tet holi-day and its traditional truce.
71. Their intensive questioning, in fact, seems to coincide with two other developments in the lexicon.
72. Expectations for waning inflation coincide with the anticipation of slower economic growth.
73. Union leaders denied government allegations that the general strike had been time to coincide with Herrera's rebellion.
74. Timed to coincide with the conference programme is the Law Society's new Office Manual for law firms.
75. National emergencies, however, may not necessarily coincide with times of personal emergency and gold is an erratic investment.
76. Holidays were usually taken to coincide with hay time or other busy periods on the farm.
77. Renovations planned at the Barnes are scheduled to coincide exactly with the planned tour.
78. And will it be timed to coincide with the upper house election due this summer?
79. Put more accurately, individual judges may be clear as to their preferences but those preferences do not always coincide.
80. Travelers can book a twoor four-night stay Aug. 30 to Sept. 20 to coincide with filming.
81. Compare this with most mammals[Sentencedict], in which mating is timed to coincide much more precisely with the release of an ovum.
82. When economic crisis and agricultural crisis coincide labor really gets squeezed.
83. For these data we need a 5-quarter centred moving average so that the smoothed values coincide with quarters.
84. The results of the field survey and model test are coincide.
85. The genotyping results obtained with this method for 37 Hans coincide exactly with the serological results.
86. After the data treatment of prototype by similarity law in this paper, the displacement, velocity, acceleration, strain and stress curves of the prototype basically coincide with those of the model.
87. If helix angle is equal to or slightly smaller than the angle which makes two meshing boundary lines coincide with each other, preferable meshing performance is obtained.
88. Set reading task - see if any of their points coincide with the points in the article - time limit: 1 minute.
89. Recommend effective and organization structure and development plans to coincide with strategic objective.
90. The unprecedented success of capitalism is due to the fact that in its sphere the long-run interests of the individual always coincide with those of other individuals.
91. The cross beam model is used to analyze the internal forces of reinforced concrete traffic barrier, and the results coincide with the test results.
92. It is pointed that prediction results coincide with incremental regulation of local electric power charge.
93. It was showed that the result of simulated experiments didn't coincide with the field situation.
94. An announcement next week could coincide with a meeting of NATO defence ministers in Bratislava, Slovakia, due next Thursday and Friday.
95. By means of the theory of coincide degree, some results on the existence of periodic solutions for a kind of high order neutral functional differential equation are obtained.
96. The simulation results coincide with the theoretical results well, and space diversity gain is to obtain.
97. We need not belabor the point that the sexual relevances of these three individuals will not coincide.
98. Mr. Porter planned a gala celebration at the Waldorf Astoria to coincide with the take - over.
99. It may draw a conclusion that the results coincide with the truth.
100. The results of this method coincide with the empirical data ofinternat - tonal earthquake - insurance c - ompanies.
101. Nek Chand's Outsider Art is published to coincide several exhibitions across the globe in 2005 and 2006.
102. It is possible that some of these methods coincide with the designer's needs.
103. The strong convergence areas, which are coincide to the big rain belt, mostly lie in the planetary-scale water vapor transport.
104. The main branches of one side excretory canal of the L. orientalis coincide basic pattern of trisection branches.
105. Hence, during each historical period, emperors all happened to coincide to confer Guan with different titles.
106. The company also runs trips to coincide with the spring transhumance, which takes place in the first week of June.
107. It has specific functions of semantic meaning and form. Moreover, the semantic unit of Causality Sentences doesn't coincide with the grammatical unit.
108. As time passes, music makes our nature glibly enters the tacit agreement that happen to coincide.
109. The market price happens to coincide with the computed value.
110. Flexibility matrix elements show whole structural information,[http:///coincide.html] its maximal changes may not coincide with damage location.
111. In general, Said the critic and Ondaatje the writer coincide in interpreting the connotation of post-colonialism in their respective writings.
112. Monopulse radar three-dimensional(3-D) images coincide with targets' size, but ISAR imaging does not hold, which is important in precision guidance.
113. The kinetics parameters of the oxydehydrogenation of ethane have been estimated. The simulation of the calculated values can coincide with the experimental ones.
114. Two people happen to coincide ground sigh at a heat.
115. Apparent vertical conductance differential imaging can coincide with other ways, and its' "electrical phase axis" shows the form of range of electrical boundary surface lucidly with intuition.
116. Data Conroy presented showed that dusty periods coincide with summers when a Northern Hemisphere atmospheric phenomenon called the Arctic Oscillation is in a "positive phase."
117. These differences obviously coincide with the distribution and density of the preganglionic sympathetic neurons.
118. If the population is normally or symmetrically distributed, the mean and median will coincide and we use this procedure for setting confidence limits for means .
119. In order to make the calculated burst pressure coincide with actual value, the developed fiber strength value must be determined by the simulation test.
120. Denmark began eight months of celebrations to coincide with the bicentenary of his birth.
121. The time - like limIt'surface, the apparent horizon and the event horizon no longer coincide each other.
122. The historic gala event has been timed to coincide with Argentina's national bicentennial celebrations of independence.
123. But although nomadism and travel can coincide, they need not.
124. The semantic and syntactic notions of valency need not coincide.
125. He chose the second week of February to coincide with the birthdays of President Abraham Lincoln and the abolitionist Frederick Douglass.
126. More cries of "Buona fortuna ". The priest organizes holy processions to coincide with the arrival of the steamer. And so the play goes on.
127. Measured by practical dip coating and experiment, the changing rule reflected by the theoretical results is coincide well with the measuring data.
128. The problem is that the contours of a cultural community rarely coincide with a political entity.
129. The simulation results coincide well with that of random input running test.
130. The method is applied to leakage reactance calculation for an actually operating three phase splitted two-winding transformer and the results obtained fairly coincide with test values.
131. In contemporary Shanghai, architectural styles all coincide – the crassest postmodern revivalism and the purest ascetic modernism.
132. For regular applications or those applications whose topologies coincide with that of multiprocessor system, it is feasible to assign tasks to processors by hand.
133. The curves of its amplitude frequency response have some nonlinear features, such as inclination and jump phenomena of the curves , which coincide with the theoretic analysis.
134. The conditions of the affected pericardium coincide with those of the heart.
135. The Treasury's three-year note auction on Tuesday will coincide with the start of a two-day Federal Reserve policy meeting.
136. Godel's completeness shows that in the case of the first order logic the syntactical and semantical characters of reasoning coincide.
137. What if the results from the inspection and the reinspection do not coincide with each other?
138. To set up a sync point coincide with a natural commutation point in OTC products, and will be able to improve reliability and stability of the phase shifting trigger and output of the power source.
139. Importantly, they coincide with the delivery of the most critical artifacts and, therefore, can and must be used to construct project plans and make "go/no-go" project decisions.
140. Focus on jackets, to build long-established' business philosophy coincided with my ideas from the business happens to coincide with so I chose a proxy Rimula Men.
141. There was much debate as to where the 787 would undergo cold-soak testing after delays in the flight-test program made it clear the timing meant a trip to Arctic Canada would not coincide with winter.
142. All years that are divisible by 4 should be leap years of 366 days, except those which coincide with the beginning of a century.
143. The so-called human engineering, is to use scientific methods of physical analysis and capabilities designed to coincide with the machinery and equipment.
144. This happens to coincide with the views and Guppy, Guppy is also called'small capital. "
145. Free indirect discourse is constructed by the substitution of those subjects, and the rules of substitution coincide with general grammar.
146. Effected by various factors, the time at different observation station are not all coincide, which leads to errors in the setimation of orbits.
147. Further ceremonies are scheduled on the 40th day of his death, which will coincide with Safar, during which the Prophet Muhammad's death is commemorated.
148. To coincide with the explosion, Digby would lead a rising in the Midlands and kidnap King James's daughter, Princess Elizabeth, ready to install her as a puppet queen.
149. What should we do if inspection and the reinspection dont coincide with each other.
150. Conclusion The methylene blue staining in the mouth for exploration ischial rectal fossa abscess coincide with the use of probes end detection methods.
151. Finally, one example is given, which result completely coincide with the expert collectivity judgement.
152. Inspiration is necessary to canonicity, but the two ideas do not coincide.
153. Also, if this setup doesn't coincide with the position of the sun, then it can be rotated 90 degrees and mounted so that it is perpendicular to the roof peak.
154. It happened to coincide with the NATO summit in neighbouring Latvia.
155. The result indicates that the model coincide with the field data and the formula.
156. The simulated results coincide with that of tests essentially. Rectilinear ridge waveguide is suitable for project application because of its simple structure.
157. And the calculations coincide with DFT, PM 3 and so on experiment tally well.




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