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单词 controlled substance
释义  Related topics: Drug cultureconˌtrolled ˈsubstance noun [countable] law  MDDa drug that is illegal to possess or use without permission from a doctor 管制药物 an arrest for the possession and sale of controlled substances 对拥有和出售管制药物者的逮捕行动Examples from the Corpuscontrolled substance• This prescription is for a controlled substance.• They were charged with possession of a controlled substance.• Anabolic steroids, a controlled substance in the United States since 1988, are not detectable by drug-sniffing canines.• Iverson was charged with misdemeanor possession of marijuana and possession of firearms with a controlled substance.• Lee was charged with felony sale of controlled substances and possession for sale of a controlled substance.conˌtrolled ˈsubstance nounChineseSyllable  that without or drug Corpus possess a use to is illegal permission




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