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单词 frankly
释义  frank·ly /ˈfræŋkli/ ●●○ S3 adverb  1  HONESTused to show that you are saying what you really think about something 坦白说,坦率地说 Frankly, I think the Internet is overrated. 坦率地说,我认为因特网被高估了。 His behaviour was frankly disgraceful. 他的行为老实说是可耻的。2  HONESThonestly and directly 坦率地,坦诚地 She answered all our questions frankly. 她坦率地回答了我们所有的问题。 Nicholas frankly admitted that the report was a pack of lies. 尼古拉斯坦率地承认,报道全是谎言。Examples from the Corpusfrankly• I don't think he's equipped for the modern age, quite frankly.• I was frankly astonished when this gentleman was ennobled.• One method, frankly, being barely indistinguishable from the other.• On the ramp he cut a frankly glamorous figure, where he moved like a series of elegant decisions.• The people, the routine, the boredom: frankly, he had been to hell and back.• Quite frankly, I'm very troubled by what you've told me.• We are not interested, frankly, in doing anything that would exacerbate the tensions.• Quite frankly it makes me angry to realise how the politicians, and fuzzy-thinking educationalists have cocked up my child's schooling.• It was another dose of statistics, and it was frankly mind-boggling.• Stan admitted frankly that he needs help to fight his drug problem.frankly admitted• Nicholas frankly admitted that for the most part the reports were a pack of lies.• They were watching the Masters because, as they frankly admitted, they wanted to meet some surfer boys.frank·ly adverbChineseSyllable  to show saying that Corpus you used are




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