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单词 continuation
释义 Word family  noun continuation ≠ discontinuation continuity ≠ discontinuity adjective continual continued ≠ discontinued continuous ≠ discontinuous verb continue ≠ discontinue adverb continually continuously  con·tin·u·a·tion /kənˌtɪnjuˈeɪʃən/ ●○○ noun  1  [countable]CONTINUE/NOT STOP something that continues or follows something else that has happened before, without a stop or change 延续,继续部分continuation of The present economic policy is a continuation of the earlier one. 现在的经济政策是以前政策的延续。2  [uncountable]CONTINUOUS the continuation of something is the fact that it continues to exist or happen 继续;连续;持续continuation of measures to ensure the continuation of food supplies 确保食品持续供应的措施3  [countable]JOIN something TOGETHER something that joins something else as if it were part of it 延续物,接续物continuation of The Baltic Sea is a continuation of the North Sea. 波罗的海是北海的延伸。Examples from the Corpuscontinuation• I took it for a continuation.• This consideration has resulted in continuation of the same procedures with some minor modifications for the second phase of pilot schemes.• In the first place, the scheme only operates for five years, with no guarantee of continuation.• There seems to be nothing in the early stages of the series which could support one continuation against the other.• Repeated statements to this effect at previous summits had been followed by inaction and the continuation of intra-community trade barriers.continuation of• The Gulf of Mexico is a continuation of the Caribbean Sea.• They favor continuation of Puerto Rico's status as a U.S. commonwealth.• The continuation of family traditions is important to many immigrants.con·tin·u·a·tion nounChineseSyllable   Corpus has follows or that something else something that continues




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