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单词 content
释义  Related topics: Foodcon·tent1 /ˈkɒntent $ ˈkɑːn-/ ●●● S3 W2 noun  1  contents [plural] a) IN/INSIDEthe things that are inside a box, bag, room etc 所容纳之物,内容contents of The customs official rummaged through the contents of his briefcase. 海关官员把他公事包里的物品翻了个遍。 Most of the gallery’s contents were damaged in the fire. 画廊里的大多数东西都被大火烧毁了。contents insurance (=insurance for things such as furniture that you have in your house) 家庭财产保险 b) TCNIN/INSIDEthe things that are written in a letter, book etc 〔信、书等的〕内容contents of She kept the contents of the letter a secret. 她对这封信的内容保密。 The program automatically creates a table of contents (=a list at the beginning of a document that shows the different parts into which it is divided). 该程序会自动生成一个目录。 He cast his eye down the contents page. 他扫了一眼目录页。2  [singular]DFPART the amount of a substance that is contained in something, especially food or drink 〔尤指食物或饮料中某物质的〕含量fat/protein/alcohol etc content the fat content of cheese 干酪的脂肪含量 water with a low salt content 含盐量低的水3  [singular, uncountable]IDEA the ideas, facts, or opinions that are contained in a speech, piece of writing, film, programme etc 〔演讲、文章、电影、计划等的〕内容 The content of the media course includes scripting, editing, and camera work. 大众传媒课程的内容包括稿件写作、剪辑和摄像操作。4  [singular, uncountable] the information contained in a website, considered separately from the software that makes the website work 〔网站上的〕信息内容 The graphics are brilliant. It’s just a shame the content is so poor. 图像非常漂亮,只可惜内容太差劲。Examples from the Corpuscontent• In addition to the statutory requirements, the form and content of an audit report is governed by requirements laid down in auditing standards.• Many of the essays are political in content.• He could not provide a copy of the report but outlined its contents.• Entrance requirement: First or Second Class Honours in mathematics, or another science with substantial mathematical content.• A full centralisation of structure and a more flowing and energetic style - often with greater pictorial content - is in evidence.• In other words, information received must have the same content and organization as information sent.• The software, designed for children, has good graphics and animation that doesn't overwhelm the content.• People pay as much attention to your voice as to the content of your speech.• The content may be too trivial or too deep for the group, causing embarrassment to the teacher.• The content of milk fat is not less than 8. 5 percent; of Sugar, about 44 percent.• The content of this document will be similar to the information listed in table 4.2.• Chestnuts have a high water content.fat/protein/alcohol etc content• But a breath test revealed an alcohol content of 88 milligrammes - more than twice the limit, the court in Pontefract heard.• The high sugar and alcohol content means that a pudding can become dangerously hot in a microwave.• Flavoured varieties are acceptable, but check the nutritional panel for fat content and avoid ones with added cream.• Guinness, which sells 22 variants of its stout around the globe, varies hugely in alcohol content.• Optimum fat content imparts good body and flavor to ice cream.• It could be the fat content of the diet.• Conscientious about nutrition, Wait said he added fruit to his recipe to increase moisture and decrease the fat content.• Gina Smouse notes that by using low-fat evaporated milk and egg substitute, the fat content of the pudding will be lower.con·tent2 /kənˈtent/ ●●○ adjective [not before noun]  1  HAPPYSATISFIEDhappy and satisfied 满意的,满足的 Andy was a good husband, and Nicky was clearly very content. 安迪是个好丈夫,尼基显然非常满足。content with We’ll be content with a respectable result in tomorrow’s match. 明天的比赛我们能够有个不失体面的结果就满意了。► see thesaurus at satisfied2  content (for somebody) to do something willing to do or accept something, rather than doing more 乐得(让某人)做某事,满足于(让某人)做某事 She sat quietly, content to watch him working. 她安静地坐着,心满意足地看他干活。 He seemed quite content to let Steve do the talking. 他好像乐得让史蒂夫来讲话。 Dr Belson had been more than content for them to deal with any difficulties. 贝尔森博士一直都巴不得什么困难都让他们去解决。3  not content with something MORE/EXTRAused to emphasize that someone wants or does more than something 有了某物还不满足 Not content with her new car, Selina now wants a bike. 塞利娜有了新汽车还不知足,现在又想要自行车了。Examples from the Corpuscontent• All he needs is a good book to read and he is quite content.• The baby sat on its mother's lap, perfectly content.• Unlike many others, Church was not content to depict the Falls from one or two vantage points.• We were perfectly content to go on walking until it got dark.• Melville is content to let his story flow and ebb.• They were quite content to let it fall down.• He rarely talked about his own work, and was content to listen to the experiences of others.• At the moment my mother seems content to take things slowly.• Carla seems pretty much content with her life.• He was a strong, vital man, successful and content with his life.• He had got under her skin, and after half an hour she went home alone, not content with second-best.content with• I am content with my job, my home, and my family.content3 /kənˈtent/ noun [uncountable]  1. literaryHAPPYSATISFIED a feeling of quiet happiness and satisfaction 满意,满足2  do something to your heart’s content LOT/VERY MUCHto do something as much as you want 尽情地做某事 She took refuge in the library, where she could read to her heart’s content. 她躲在图书馆里,在那里她可以尽情地看书。Examples from the Corpuscontent• Ferroan dolomite Pale to deep turquoise with increasing Fe content.• In other words, information received must have the same content and organization as information sent.content4 /kənˈtent/ verb [transitive]  1  content yourself with (doing) something SATISFIEDto do or have something that is not what you really wanted, but is still satisfactory 使自己满足[甘心]于(做)某事 Mr Lal has been asking for more responsibility, but has had to content himself with a minor managerial post. 拉尔先生一直在要求承担更多的责任,但只能将就着担任一个小小的管理职务。2  HAPPYSATISFIED formal to make someone feel happy and satisfied 使满意,使满足 I was no longer satisfied with the life that had hitherto contented me. 原来一直让我感到满足的生活,我已经不再满意了。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscontent• Jones, shoulders hunched against the numbing cold, contented himself with a quiet display.• Corbett could scarcely understand some of the accents and contented himself with gazing around.From Longman Business Dictionarycontentcon‧tent /ˈkɒntentˈkɑːn-/ noun1contents [plural] the things that are inside a bag, box, room etcThe contents of the suitcase were seized by the police.2contents [plural] the things that are written in a letter, document, book etcHe refused to disclose the contents of the report. (=say what was in the report)3[uncountable] the amount of a substance that is contained in somethingThe beer has an alcohol content of 2.6%.Coal has a high sulfur content.4[uncountable] the materials, parts etc that a product containsEight states require a minimum percentage of recycled content (=materials that have already been used) in packaging. → local contentOrigin content2 (1400-1500) French Latin contentus; → CONTENT2con·tent1 nouncon·tent2 adjectivecontent3 nouncontent4 verbChineseSyllable  that bag, Corpus inside things Business are the box, a




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