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单词 dairyman
释义  Related topics: Agriculture, Occupationsdai·ry·man /ˈdeərimən $ ˈderimən, -mæn/ noun (plural dairymen /-mən $ -mən, -men/) [countable]  TABOa man who works for a dairy 奶场工人,挤奶工人Examples from the Corpusdairyman• He wore the clothes of a dairyman but underneath he was quite different.• She finally heard that a dairyman some miles to the south needed a good milkmaid for the summer.• Grass and clover grow well - good for dairymen.• As a practical man, the dairyman might laugh at love, but love has a habit of changing people's lives.• But soon it was clear that the dairyman did not want so many dairymaids at this time of year.dai·ry·man nounChineseSyllable   Corpus man a dairy for a works who




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