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单词 conjuncture
释义  con·junc·ture /kənˈdʒʌŋktʃə $ -ər/ noun [countable] formal  MIXa combination of events or situations, especially one that causes problems 〔事件或情况的〕结合,同时发生 the historic conjuncture from which Marxism arose 产生马克思主义的历史性时机Examples from the Corpusconjuncture• The same theory may take on quite different political, moral and even existential meanings according to particular circumstances of context and conjuncture.• Are we able to test claims, for example, about the way the state mediates between classes in a particular conjuncture?• We also need to look at the wider political conjuncture.• Science in this sense came to stand as a meta-discourse, framed by the broader contours of the conjuncture.• These were themselves deeply implicated in the political and intellectual struggles of the conjuncture before the First War.• The conjuncture of these two relatively autonomous processes, it was argued, has been central to the development of sports medicine.• More emphasis should be placed on this conjuncture of forces than on the strike record.• Revolution was on the agenda, in the sense that there were conjunctures of objectively revolutionary situations.con·junc·ture nounChineseSyllable  a one especially combination events situations, that of or Corpus




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