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单词 stuck
释义 Word family  noun sticker stickiness adjective sticky stuck unstuck non-stick verb stick  stuck1 /stʌk/  x-refthe past tense and past participle of stick1 stick 的过去式和过去分词stuck2 ●●○ adjective [not before noun]  1  MOVE/CHANGE POSITIONMOVE something OR somebodyimpossible or unable to move from a particular position 卡住的,无法移动的,动不了的 Sara tried to open the window but it was stuck. 萨拉想打开窗户,但窗户卡住了。 They got stuck in a traffic jam. 他们遇到了交通堵塞。stuck in The boat was stuck in the mud. 船陷在泥里了。 I’ve got something stuck in my throat. 我的喉咙里卡了什么东西。2  ESCAPE# informal unable to escape from a bad or boring situation 无法摆脱困境的stuck in/at Mum resented being stuck at home with two young kids. 妈妈讨厌整天困在家里照看两个幼小的孩子。 We could be stuck in this place for days. 我们可能会被困在这个地方好几天。3  CAN'T informal unable to do any more of something that you are working on because it is too difficult 被难倒的,难住的;没法进行下去的 Can you help me with my homework, Dad? I’m stuck. 爸爸,你能辅导我做一下家庭作业吗? 我不会做了。stuck on If you get stuck on a difficult word, just ask for help. 如果遇到难的单词,就请求帮助。4  be stuck with something HAVE informal to have something you do not want because you cannot get rid of it 不得不接受某事物;无法摆脱某事物 We are, unfortunately, stuck with this huge, ugly building. 不幸的是,我们只得接受这幢又大又丑的楼房。5  be stuck with somebody to have to spend time with someone or have a relationship with them, even though you do not want to 摆脱不了某人,甩不掉某人 They are stuck with each other with no end in sight. 他们俩互相都被对方拖住,看不到出头之日。6  be stuck for something to be unable to think what to say or do 词穷句蹇,不知所措 For once Anthony was stuck for words (=did not know what to say). 就这一次安东尼无话可说了。7  get stuck in/get stuck into something British English spokenSTART DOING something to start doing something eagerly and with a lot of energy 积极地开始做某事,急切地做某事 Take your jacket off and get stuck in! 脱下夹克,甩开膀子开始干吧!8  be stuck on somebody informalATTRACT to be attracted to someone 对某人入迷 He says he’s stuck on me. 他说他被我迷住了。n THESAURUSstuck [not before noun] fixed or trapped in a particular position or place and unable to move or be movedI can’t open this drawer – it’s stuck.Sorry I’m late – I got stuck in traffic.jammed [not before noun] stuck and impossible to move – used especially about parts of a machine, or something trapped between two surfacesThe photocopier is jammed again.I put in a 50p coin but it got jammed in the slot.entangled [not before noun] twisted together and unable to be separated – used especially about things such as hair, wire, or string getting caught around somethingThe chain of her necklace was entangled in her hair.Swimming in the river is dangerous because you might get entangled in the weeds.stranded stuck and unable to move from or leave a place – used about people, vehicles, and animalsHundreds of motorists were left stranded by the snowstorms.We were stranded at Moscow airport.The jellyfish were stranded on the beach.beached stuck in shallow water or on the shore, and unable to move – used about whales, sea creatures, and boatsThey helped push the beached whale back into the sea.the owner of the beached vessel Examples from the Corpusstuck• I can't open the window - it's stuck.• Obviously it is worth keeping watch over the pond during these times to ensure that the fish do not become stuck.• They tried to drive through the snow, but the car got stuck.• This drawer is stuck.• Douglas drove very carefully, making sure that Jean didn't get stuck at the traffic lights.• The elevator was stuck between two floors.• While some special interests get fat, the average taxpayer gets stuck cleaning up the manure and feeling pretty frail.• She had got stuck getting out of Belfast, and got lost trying to take a short cut round the traffic jam.• Sorry I'm late. I got stuck in traffic.• He would instead become stuck making endless comparisons and contrasts, often making no decision at all or a purely random one.• But here I am stuck now and can't go out in case I bump into her.• I was getting stuck with all their stuck• Stepping down off the chair to pick it up, so did I, and I got stuck.• She had got stuck getting out of Belfast, and got lost trying to take a short cut round the traffic jam.• Richie had attempted to open some beans and the opener got stuck half way round the lid and refused to go any further.• The candy got stuck in my teeth.• One got stuck in some orange pancake syrup.• I guess Waldo must have been the codename for CorelDRAW 2 during development and it got stuck in the code.• Somehow he got his toe stuck in the drain.• I arrived late for supper, having got stuck in the flats with my boat.• Then his cab got stuck in traffic, for which I thanked the Lord.• He stripped off his clothes and jumped overboard to free the straps when they got stuck under the raft.stuck in/at• Davis recalled becoming lost on a private rural road and stuck in a ditch when he tried to turn around.• The three incense sticks stuck in a howl of rice were burning steadily to their bones.• The back tires were stuck in a shallow ditch, and nothing we did made any difference.• On top of the boulder of his head sat a tweed hat with a grouse feather stuck in its band.• Why should I want to look at pictures of you stuck in little cracks?• Bob was stuck in meetings all afternoon.• The sharp rocks, or moraine, which were stuck in the glaciers caused them to scrape out the valleys much deeper.• Stressors can also be negative events, like dealing with an irate boss, getting stuck in traffic, or undergoing surgery.get stuck• And I hated it even more when I rented one in New Zealand and it got stuck.• Stepping down off the chair to pick it up, so did I, and I got stuck.• Well, when he grabbed the tar baby, he got stuck.• But Ranger 1 got stuck in low orbit around Earth, as did Ranger 2 three months later.• He should get stuck in, or get out.• If a punting pole gets stuck in the mud the best thing is to twist it.• When you get stuck, what do you want me to do?stuck1stuck2 adjective →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  of tense stick1 participle past Corpus the past and




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