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单词 Athens
1. We flew to Athens via Paris.
2. Smog is a major problem in Athens.
3. Many tourists visit the Acropolis in Athens.
4. Athens had strong ties to the Arab world.
5. They'd come on a direct flight from Athens.
6. My flight was re-routed via Athens.
7. Athens is often called the queen of the Aegean.
8. The Acropolis dominates the city of Athens.
9. The train headed out of Athens.
10. Athens is often regarded as the cradle of democracy.
11. Did democracy have its beginnings in Athens?
12. The Spartans were persuaded to make war on Athens.
13. Athens is a city of great antiquity.
14. Those were the halcyon days of Athens ( fifth century BC ) when she produced her finest poetry and drama, architecture and sculpture.
15. They flew to Athens and then chartered a boat to the island.
16. The bus journey from London to Athens took 60 hours.
17. I'm sorry,[http:///athens.html] but all the flights to Athens are fully booked.
18. Lastly, we're going to visit Athens, and fly home from there.
19. She spun a story about a trip to Athens to meet one of the authors.
20. In Athens at that time, judges were chosen by lot .
21. The once azure skies of Athens have been ruined by atmospheric pollution.
22. Those were the halcyon days of Athens when she produced her finest poetry and drama, architecture and sculpture.
23. Rome, Carthage and Athens were some of the great city-states of the ancient world.
24. When we accepted that lift in Paris, we never expected to land up in Athens.
25. He quit his job as an office boy in Athens.
26. When the days become old photo when the old photos become memories, we became back to back the pedestrians, along different directions, the stubborn one step away from Athens, no, no Rome, no way back.
27. I asked the Captain to wangle us three tickets to Athens.
28. The hymn was written by an obscure Greek composer for the 1896 Athens Olympics.
29. We coordinate the reports from the overseas divisions, and send them on to headquarters in Athens.
30. From the hill we looked out over the rooftops of Athens.
1. We flew to Athens via Paris.
2. Smog is a major problem in Athens.
3. When we accepted that lift in Paris, we never expected to land up in Athens.
4. He quit his job as an office boy in Athens.
5. Athens is often called the queen of the Aegean.
6. Did democracy have its beginnings in Athens?
7. Those were the halcyon days of Athens ( fifth century BC ) when she produced her finest poetry and drama, architecture and sculpture.
31. Athens is a capital city too, you know.
32. Athens is in the middle of her golden age.
33. Make peace between Sparta and Athens!
34. Athens is surrounded by mountains which trap pollution.
35. Athens is now capturing the western market from Corinth.
36. Athens was evacuated, not without haste and panic.
37. Athens, after all, had command of the oceans.
38. Euripides ended his life in exile from Athens.
39. Athens asserted her rights over her citizens temporarily exiled, as she did over those at home and liable for service.
40. Analysts say Athens accounted for as much as 10 per cent of investment by emerging market funds.
41. In 1988 the cruise ship Jupiter sank off the coast of Athens, with a party of schoolchildren aboard.
42. His secondary theme is Athens, which on the whole he seems to prefer.
43. From Los Angeles to Athens, city authorities have tried to enact measures to limit exhaust emissions.
44. An appeal to Athens against capital sentences in criminal cases was also imposed in some treaties.
45. He learnt to make excellent cheeses - they fetched good prices in Athens.
46. It spread from there to Rome, and also to Athens and as far as London under Roman rule.
46. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
47. Plato founded an Academy in Athens aimed at the furtherance of such ideas.
48. One lesson Athens had learnt, not to overreach herself with warfare in two theatres.
49. Athens annexed their lands and settled on them 4,000 Athenians as small-holders.
50. In Athens some 60,000 pupils, parents and teachers held a demonstration on Jan. 10.
51. But the enactment fixed a gulf between the people of Athens and their allies.
52. The great temple was at Eleusis, a little town near Athens, and the worship was called the Eleusinian Mysteries.
53. It culminates in Athens, just when Athens too was falling upon evil days.
54. Nehemiah's law against mixed marriages was paralleled in Athens by Pericles' legislation against foreign wives.
55. The Swastika in both its configurations adorning the fence at the one-time residence in Athens of Schliemann, the founder of Troy.
56. He agreed, and said he would go to Athens himself and escort her.
57. Melissanidis won gold with his floor routine, sending Athens into a frenzy.
58. A simple design of diameter some 65 feet, was part of the administrative centre in the agora in Athens.
59. Pasok by-election victory Pasok secured a convincing victory in a by-election in the Athens B district on April 5.
60. Besides, the citizens of Athens are known to have clustered around philosophers as well.
61. Last year his family bought a villa in a smart Athens suburb.
62. On May 1st, all the players in the Yugoslav drama gathered at a seaside resort near Athens.
63. He encountered two State Department officials working hard in Athens.
64. The men of Plataia were helping Athens, whose manpower was at full stretch, to man her great fleet.
65. After Homer, the tragedians of fifth-century Athens reveal a dualist universe in which Zeus is transcendent and man introspective.
66. That fall after camp Janir went to his first dance at the Athens Middle School.
67. The earliest known is the Apollo at Athens, pre-500, found with later works in a ruined warehouse at Piraeus.
68. The citizens of Athens recognized that responsible citizenship would not come about automatically; it had to be carefully cultivated.
69. When the Persian ambassadors arrived at Athens, demanding tribute in their barbarous tongue, my heart filled with fury.
70. Sunday, the following afternoon, the three of us went to a harvest festival at the Athens Fairgrounds.
71. Thebes and Corinth wanted Athens to be utterly destroyed sooner than see her turned into a Spartan puppet.
72. He was a personage of quite another order from the great hero of Athens, Theseus.
73. I caught a ride as far as Columbus, then hitched to Athens.
74. A recent discovery has shown that in kindred matters they followed a tradition current in Athens, at least in the fourth century.
75. In Athens he lived by night, indulging in his two hobbies, whoring and eating.
76. Being raised in Athens, the City of the Gods, I was infused with that sense of community.
76. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
77. She was at the bus station in Athens, and would I come get her?
78. To Athens, the Peloponnesians offered economic assistance to maintain their destitute people, and even a new home within the Peloponnese.
79. The practice was stopped only after Richard Welch, a CIA station chief in Athens, was murdered in 1975.
80. First, Athens lost Boiotia in a rising which ended in an Athenian defeat at Coronea.
81. The Permanent Court was asked for an opinion on the correct interpretation of the Athens Agreement.
82. At 5.30 he had left his room in the west quarter of Athens, in the student sector.
83. In 1976 the counterculture still had a solid beachhead in Athens, Ohio.
84. While Ionia was slowly beaten down, the question of intervention or non-intervention kept Athens painfully divided.
85. For Stewart, the Athens dispatches were a journalistic coup of the first rank.
86. He traveled to Athens, sent there by Apollo to plead his case before Athena.
87. That day I made a vow to myself that I would return to Athens and run better.
88. From his Godlike prominence, Ward could see the truth: Athens can not outlast the barbarians.
89. Ancient Athens is generally thought of as the cradle of democracy.
90. Ephialtes was assassinated by a Boiotian, hired by his enemies - the last political bloodshed in Athens for fifty years.
91. Where the courts were open to criticism was in that they were prejudiced - in favour of Athens and in favour of democracy.
92. But he was the most brilliant strategist and politician that Athens ever had.
93. In the procession from Athens, as the mystae came over a bridge, people impersonating BAubo performed lewd dances before them.
94. Athens, in a rather suspiciously parallel story, claimed to have done the same.
95. We have more archaic sculpture from Athens than from anywhere else.
96. She told us she worked as an educational psychologist in Athens.
97. At first Athens was in the ascendant, then Sparta.
98. Pericles was in Athens are reaching its peak.
99. A divine work! Athens, diviner yet.
100. The waves were breaking against Fiddler key opposite Athens.
101. The sun in Athens is unforgivingly burning.
102. After this, Paul left Athens and went to Corinth.
103. Agora Museum, Ancient Agora, Athens, Greece.
104. Temple of Hephaestus, Ancient Agora, Athens, Greece.
105. Olympiad is the 2004 Athens Olympic Games?
106. In ancient Athens, hubris was a crime.
106. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
107. The capital of Greece is Athens.
108. Send any message to Post Restate, Athens '.
109. Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece.
110. Tower of the Winds, Roman Agora, Athens, Greece.
111. In Athens we stayed in the four-star President Hotel.
112. All Athens swore to carry out his demands.
113. The position is quite different among the Ionians ; here Athens is typical.
114. What we remember today is the story of the messenger who brought the good news to Athens, the capital of Greece.
115. The Acropolis at Athens and the Parthenon are the finest monument of Greek architecture and sculpture in more than 2000 years .
116. Not for Goethe's 35,000 students the grotty campuses of others: the "House of Finance" has a marble floor inspired by Raphael's fresco "The School of Athens."
117. Athens was suffering under the rule of an oligarchy that had no concern for the people's welfare.
118. During that time Pericles was the best - known ruler of Athens.
119. Time for the headliner of the Athens games to play superman all over.
120. The Greek fleet was beaten at Artemisium, Thermopylae stormed, Athens conquered, the Greeks driven back to their last line of defence at the Isthmus of Corinth and in the Saronic Gulf.
121. Different from the sublimity and quietness in the painting The School of Athens, Caravaggio dramatic shading and exaggerative style can also embody this change.
122. Mary was born in Athens , favorite dance age, when small dance talent show.
123. Thirdly Peloponnesus War was a disaster to Athenian, made the citizens of Athens much poorer compared to before of pre-war, and weakening their capacity to gather land.
124. Athens and Sparta were the two most significant states ancient Greek.
125. It was the result of his efforts that the first modern Olympic Game was held in Athens, capital of Greece in 1896.
126. King Pandion of Athens had two daughters, Procne and Philomela .
127. In 480 BC, Athens lay in ruins conquered by the seemingly unstoppable Persian Empire.
128. Riot police officers ran from the flames of a firebomb outside the American Embassy in Athens during the demonstration.
129. Thus he creates the Socratic Method, as well as arousing suspicions among some citizens of Athens that he is a corrupter of youth.
130. This past week, the Games of the 28 th Olympiad began in Athens.
131. One man , Heracles of Athens emerged as its undisputed leader.
132. Middle-distance runner Bernard Lagat says he hopes to win a gold medal in Beijing in order to fulfill a promise he made to his mother four years ago when he won a silver medal at the Athens games.
133. In Athens, thousands protested cuts in government spending and other budget reforms.
134. Cyprus joined the European Union in 2004, but has been divided since 1974 when Turkish troops invaded in response to a coup in Nicosia backed by the Greek military government then in power in Athens.
135. "I was just in Athens and didn't feel it was in crisis, " Steves says. "For a visitor, I'd say the troubles are almost unnoticeable."
136. Is wearing bamboo hat to hit umbrella bring owls to Athens?
137. Acropolis is a large hill that was the center of life in Athens.
138. Athens chose olive branch as symbolization of peace and friendship in the first modern Olympic Games.
139. The public space of athens city, agora, bouleuterion, prytaneion, stoa, tholos , theatre, gymnasium, and so on, became the main place for the democratic political activities of the city.
140. From these cities—Mycenae, Corinth, Sparta, Athens—was born the multifaceted Greek cultural identity.
141. She was 42nd at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens and supports her sporting ambition by modelling.
142. Among the eight athletes, the most promising gold medal winner is Sheikh Ahmed Mohammed Hasher Al Maktoum, who won the UAE's only Olympic gold medal at 2004 Athens Olympics in men's Double Trap.
143. She was Athena, goddess of wisdom and knowledge and patroness of Athens.
144. KAREN BARLOW : Athens 50 - metres freestyle finalist, Michelle Engelsman, recently retired from competitive swimming.
145. His chequered rule -- he was twice expelled from Athens -- was a period of great prosperity and culture.
146. It ran out on the road between Salonika and Athens this August, where he was knocked out of the way by a car that appeared to be chasing another.
147. Three years to the day of the Hue non-event, Bill rang me in Athens and asked if I could get back into Saigon as soon as possible.
148. Lovers kiss on a rocky outcrop with a view of the Acropolis of Athens.
149. Kenneth , what'll be the venue for sailing at Athens 2004?
150. Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA dropped 8.5 percent in Athens after saying it will cut its dividend.
151. A guard marches before the Monument of the Unknown Soldier at the Greek Parliament building in Athens.
152. Athens Olympic Games in the women's 3 m diving board - bombs and double ( with Wu Minxia cooperation ) champion.
153. While the class war in Athens was not quite as gruesome as, for example, in Corcyra, where the democrats butchered almost the entire oligarchic ruling class, it was nevertheless bloody at times.
154. Send any message to " poste restante , athens ".
155. Athens had turned against its most brilliant and virtuous citizen.
156. Athens and Sparta were the two most advanced Greek cities of the Hellenic period.
157. For the number of slaves in Athens , see above , page 107.
158. A policeman is in flames after a petrol bomb was thrown at him during riots in front of the parliament in Athens on Feb. 23.
159. 2004 - Olympic Games: Summer Olympic Games - The Games of the XXVIII Olympiad open in Athens, Greece.
160. Athens Wei Cheng was the ancient times Greek culture symbol, also was modern Greek's arrogant.
161. Demonstrators took to the streets in Athens, Thessaloniki, Patra and other cities in Greece, setting fires to cars and damaging banks and shops.
162. A protester threw barrier at riot control officers outside Parliament during a demonstration in central Athens.
163. Athens is the capital of Greece and one of the oldest cities in the world.
164. The trend accompanied the high point of democracy in Athens.
165. Poseidon: Kratos, before you reach Athens, there is a task you must complete.
166. The scene is laid in Athens, in the third century BC.
166. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
167. Yelena Isinbayeva saw off fellow Russian Svetlana Feofanova to claim Olympic pole-vault gold with a world record in Athens.
168. Public debate and political competition (agon was the Greek word, which gives us our "agony") were the norm in democratic Athens.
169. Athens was an ochlocracy; the beggars were the making of Holland; the populace saved Rome more than once; and the rabble followed Jesus Christ.
170. Indeed, the great lawgiver Solon once contemplated making marriage compulsory, and in Athens under Pericles bachelors were excluded from certain important public positions.
171. Athens, Machu Picchu , Beijng ── Warmly Congratulate the 20 th UIA Congress on Convening!
172. Which of the Two Can Represent Greek Civilization —— Sparta or Athens?
173. The senate of 400 founded by Solon in ancient athens.
174. Maya Lin was born in Athens, Ohio. She is the niece of Lin Huiyin, who is said to be the first female.
175. Perillos of Athens, a brass-founder, proposed to Phalaris, the tyrant of Akragas, Sicily, the invention of a new means for executing criminals.
176. He goes to the next town,he does this in Thessalonica, he does it in Philippi,he does it in Corinth, he tries it in Athens but he's not successful because nobody pays any attention to him in Athens.
177. Liu became the first Chinese athlete to win a gold medal in a track event when he won the 110 meter hurdles at Athens in 2004.
178. R.E.M. was an American rock band formed in Athens, Georgia, in 1980 by singer Michael Stipe, guitarist Peter Buck, bassist Mike Mills and drummer Bill Berry.
179. Thus troubled by her own evil designs, Mede fled in her dragon drawn carriage, never to return. for a time Theseus stayed with his father at Athens.
180. Migration University of Athens Center for Pan Dien Martin Edwards said.
181. With the objectives of flying ring athletes in Athens Olympic Games, this paper analyses current flying ring competition characters.
182. Other foreground venues include an old church in Peloponnese, a stone bridge in Ioannina, a Frankish Castle in Euboea, and a picturesque sunset above Lycabettus Hill, Athens.
183. A resident sits on top of a water wagon during a fire on the Mount of Penteli, east of Athens.
184. So the point I'm suggesting is that many of Socrates' students and associates including Plato himself had some connection with this oligarchical government that had ruled Athens for a brief time.
185. Weightlifting has been in sharp focus all day at the Athens Olympic Games after 5 women weight-lifters were found to have tested positive for anabolic steroid.
186. Athens was the head and front of the opposition to Philip.
187. Except for two expeditions to Sicily, where he went at the request of Dionysius to help try to establish a philosophical kingship in Syracuse, he remained in Athens teaching and writing.
188. Once more Athens flared into importance as the head of a confederation.
189. The President of the Republic Mr Demetris Christofias had a meeting, yesterday in Athens, with the President of the Hellenic Republic Mr Karolos Papoulias.
190. There was no reason that Athens at 338 B.C. needed to lose to Philip of Macedon at the battle of Chaironeia, or even that the loss there meant the end of the freedom of the Greek city-states.
191. Chisinau for Athens by special plane after successfully concluding his visit to Moldova.
192. The swimsuit will be used by most US swimmers in athens.
193. 1896:The first modern Olympic Games opened in Greek capital Athens.
194. No, indeed, men of Athens , that is not very likely.
195. Serbia and Montenegro has lost to Hungary in the water polo gold-medal match during the 2004 Athens Olympics.
196. Maya Lin was born in Athens, Ohio in nineteen fifty-nine. Her parents had each fled China in the late nineteen forties. They met and married while living in the United States.
197. His successes since Athens have ensured he is challenged only by basketballer Yao Ming as the most popular sports personality in China.
198. Greece is, of course, the land of ancient sites and architectural treasures---the Acropolis in Athens, the amphitheater of Epidaurus, and the reconstructed palace at Knossos among the best known.
199. Thucydides famously attributed the Peloponnesian War to the rise in power of Athens and the fear it created in Sparta.
200. Athens is credited through the Eurocentric perspective as the home of democracy as a political system.
201. A riot control officer was covered in flames from a gasoline bomb thrown by rioters during clashes in central Athens.
202. The gorgeous popstar wore a daring wooly leotard on stage in Athens last night.She teamed the grey, off-the-shoulder number with cream, thigh-high leather boots.
203. Paradoxically, Athens was on the threshold of her " age of despotism ".
204. When Athens was threatened by the wild men, King Tereus of Thrace came to its help.
205. As far as Hughes can tell (or at least Plato tells), he resists the sexual lures of Alcibiades, famous even centuries later as the most beautiful and dissolute boy of Athens.
206. A policeman tries to escape after a petrol bomb was thrown at him during riots in front of the Parliament in Athens.
207. Ever since Thucydides observed that the shift in power from Sparta to Athens was the fundamental cause of the Peloponnesian War, scholars have watched such moments with apprehension.
208. 22Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: "Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious.
209. In Athens there was no supreme official with executive power.
210. Jeff: I went to a very sacred place - Olympia, in Athens, Greece.
211. By 1997 or thereabouts Athens will have a new airport, plus the best underground railway in Europe.
212. Athens built up its naval supremacy in the Aegean under the guidance of Themistocles.
213. The first modern Olympic Games opened in Greek capital Athens.
214. Modern Greek Olympic gatherings had been held in Athens since 1859, but the efforts of Frenchman Pierre Fr?dy, Baron de Coubertin, and others revived the games as an international event.
215. When just a girl she was taken to Athens, (dressed as a man), by her lover. She was highly intelligent and studied hard and when they moved to Rome she taught the liberal arts (the trivium).
216. A new museum is opening in the Greek capital Athens with a special gallery in it for the Elgin Marbles, Greek sculptures that have been held in the British Museum in London for nearly 200 years.
217. Athens is the capital of Greece as well as Greece's largest city and industrial center.
218. Athens has been a headache to International Olympic Committee, not least because of infighting.
219. Field played the Olympic theme song from the Athens City Philharmonic Orchestra concert.
220. From then on, Pallas become the protect goddess of the city Athens.
221. Athens, with the rest of Greece, was at that time a protectorate of Macedonia.
222. It is the home ground for football teams AEK Athens and Panathinaikos.
223. One of them was Attica ; its centre, the city of Athens.
224. Bema: (Greek: "step") Raised stone platform originally used in Athens as a tribunal where orators addressed the citizens and courts of law.
225. The quake with a magnitude of six-point-five was felt throughout the capital, Athens.
226. He added that Michelangelo's appearance in the foreground of Raphael's The School of Athens suggests he suffered from "an excess of uric acid[Sentence dictionary], typical of those afflicted by renal calculosis".
227. "A concession with a long lease is better for all concerned, " says Dika Agapitidou, director of Athens Economics Ltd. , a property consultant and affiliate of Jones Lang LaSalle.
228. Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the birthplace of western civilization.
229. Paris was unable to convince members to keep the Olympics in Europe for a third straight time after the 2004 Summer Games in Athens and 2006 Winter Games in Turin, Italy.
230. Hellenization Alexander the Great's father was Philip II, King of Macedonia, King of Macedon, and he conquered different Greek city-states by defeating Athens and its allies at Chaeronea in 338 BC.
231. I remember with particular vividness a hastily snatched visit to Athens.
232. The indignados of Madrid, Athens and Paris demand support for a "European social model", which promises free education and healthcare and a decent income for all.
233. For the first time Athens became an Aegean power to be reckoned with.
234. A museum has opened in Athens with a special gallery for the Elgin Marbles, Greek sculptures which have been in the British Museum in London for nearly 200 years and are still there.
235. In the year 508 before the common era, after the overthrow of a tyrant, Cleisthenes established a democracy in Athens.
236. The 2004 Athens Olympics was Denmark's twenty-fourth participation of the Summer Olympics.
237. Thespis, of Athens (6th BC) was the first person to speak lines as an individual actor on stage, thus the term “Thespian” to refer to a theatrical performer was born.
238. Athens, Greece: Greek surveyors work above the pediment of the ancient Parthenon temple on the Acropolis.
239. Greece's top central banker called on the government to speed up efforts to close the budget gap amid growing concerns elsewhere in Europe that Athens can't pull itself out of its debt spiral.
240. Human-rights groups and local residents oppose plans to use an old military base outside Athens as a detention centre .
241. Democracy got going, and conversation buzzed, in Athens in the fifth century BC, with the Peloponnesian war raging outside.
242. The goals give satisfaction, but Manchester and Athens will remain indelible memories.
243. The weak and trusting character of Solon plunged Athens into slavery.
244. I still remember clearly that in the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, when Liu Xiang stood up on the award platform, he was wearing a coronet, which made by olive branch.
245. Cori Bargmann grew up in Athens, Ga., a small college town in the Deep South where her father taught statistics at the University of Georgia.
246. Eurostat said Greece cut its budget gap to 10.5 percent of GDP from 15.4 percent in 2009. The European Commission and Athens had estimated the deficit at 9.6 percent.sentencedict .com
247. With their aid a vital viaduct on the main Athens railway line was destroyed.
248. The gorgeous popstar wore a daring wooly leotard on stage in Athens last night.
249. Athens ( again ) had a severe bout of the jitters.
250. It was about 40 kilometres from Athens - the capital of the country.
251. King Pandion of Athens had two daughters, prone and Philomela.
252. The Peloponnesian War is the war between Athens and Sparta in the Fifth Century B.C.
253. It is man who Asclepius of Athens, arguing from his mutability of character and from his self-transforming nature.
254. What about javelin throw? She was 42nd at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens and supports her sporting ambition by modelling.




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