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单词 Constrained
1. Hunger constrained him to eat.
2. Cold weather constrained the plant's growth.
3. The company said that it was constrained to raise prices.
4. Women are too often constrained by family commitments and by low expectations.
5. The evidence was so compelling that he felt constrained to accept it.
6. I feel constrained to write and ask for your forgiveness.
7. His anger could not be constrained, up and up they surged.
8. Changes in temperature occur slowly and are constrained within relatively tight bounds.
9. She felt tightly constrained by her family commitments.
10. Poor soil has constrained the level of crop production.
11. Research has been constrained by a lack of funds.
12. He felt constrained to accept the invitation.
13. For some reason he felt constrained to lower his voice.
14. She felt constrained from continuing by the threat of losing her job.
15. I felt constrained to do what I was unwilling to do myself.
16. Men and women are becoming less constrained by stereotyped roles.
17. Don't feel constrained to do what he says - he's got no authority.
18. The country's progress was constrained by a leader who refused to look forward.
19. Women's employment opportunities are often severely constrained by family commitments.
20. I feel constrained to tell the truth.
21. It is constrained only by Ethernet.
22. Wealth, however, is not similarly constrained.
23. Even observation is constrained by practical issues of access.
24. The more highly constrained and ritualised the genre, the more likely we are to be able to identify norms.
25. Thirdly, estimate the elasticity of the constrained labour demand function with respect to the real wage rate.
26. Teachers have always been constrained by the demands of examinations and the expectations of parents.
27. But workers' influence has been more constrained than these provisions might suggest.
28. She felt constrained creatively by the reactions of the critics, even making conscious interventions to redress their interpretations.
29. He seemed to be behaving in a strange and constrained manner.
30. Nor does it mean that the new controllers are any less constrained by the pressures of markets and profitability than old-style entrepreneurs.
1. Hunger constrained him to eat.
2. Cold weather constrained the plant's growth.
3. The company said that it was constrained to raise prices.
4. Women are too often constrained by family commitments and by low expectations.
5. The evidence was so compelling that he felt constrained to accept it.
6. His anger could not be constrained, up and up they surged.
7. Changes in temperature occur slowly and are constrained within relatively tight bounds.
31. The more constrained the grammar the greater the reduction in the number of incorrect partial solutions.
32. It is true for intra-generational talk as well that speakers are not constrained to use Creole to respond to a Creole utterance.
33. Nature abhors the superfluous, yet is constrained to produce the seemingly extravagant.
34. Childless, they were free, not constrained - constraining - links between birth and death.
35. Second, there are physical objects, indulging in this activity, but constrained by precise mathematical laws.
36. Constrained by the above, current gas fuel work is directed at short-haul transport like city-based buses and delivery vehicles.
37. However, a real plant will be constrained by the amount of already existing plant material and its needs.
38. If perception has to be triggered off by what is actually there, then it is constrained to be true.
39. This was an effective method of recognition, but it is generally agreed that the method works only for highly constrained tasks.
40. However, firms and households can be constrained by the state in the mixed economy.
41. They have also been constrained by Britain's geographic location and limited resources.
42. It is also interesting to note that often they are severely constrained.
43. They enjoyed sophisticated pleasures, less constrained than elsewhere, which seemed to purists appallingly perverse.
44. The detailed are more constrained and continuous with the plot.
45. To obtain quantitative information from the mean and variance data requires the assumption of a more constrained model of the release process.
46. The prospects for tourism were constrained by limited airline capacity and the lack of skilled personnel.
47. The effort has been constrained by the limited number and type of male contraceptives.
48. Technologies have proliferated, economic resources have become constrained, and competition has intensified.
49. The factor price equalization set is now, however, more constrained.
50. Kat Bjelland rather teasingly answered that she's never felt constrained by male domination - unwillingly.
51. Emotion becomes ever more constrained by feelings of shame, repugnance or propriety.
52. Alternatively, the collective good is seen as paramount, and individual freedom must be constrained to achieve that collective good.
53. The aeronautical pioneers in the nineteenth century were constrained by the lack of a lightweight power source.
54. In the days of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, women were constrained from having any sexuality at all.
55. On the other hand, he was three full years out of the training program and no longer constrained by the band.
56. For the late fifth and early sixth centuries, however[], he was less constrained.
57. While military spending was constrained by the renunciation of belligerency, this does not mean that defence expenditure is insignificant.
58. Mr. Davis felt constrained to accept that such a case might be within the purview of the legislation.
59. Third, as a government becomes less committed to democracy, the freedom and independence of the media are increasingly constrained.
60. But they are severely constrained by the time-table of forty-minute periods.
61. Downstairs, when Jessica had stormed out, her parents had found themselves remarkably constrained by the stranger in their midst.
62. Fundholding practitioners would be less constrained in their clinical decision making and patients could anticipate more choice and improvements in services.
63. The success of this sales communication will be constrained by the general level of education within the culture.
64. Democratic regimes are constrained by the authoritarian and elitist state that ultimately controls the instruments of economic policy and coercion.
65. Republicans who used to back it because the president liked it will no longer feel constrained to do so.
66. Some one who could be trusted with confidences, give advice, and yet not be constrained and influenced by being your parent.
67. Hutchinson is constrained by an Arkansas ballot initiative in his state to vote only for the term-limit measure voters there approved.
68. In the early decades of the century, evangelicals had been constrained by the fear of revolution.
69. This view was so widely attractive that Themistokles himself was constrained to lay more emphasis on a nearer enemy, Aigina.
70. We would expand the Smart award scheme for small companies which has been constrained by funding resources.
71. The state should plan the growth of the economy and not be constrained by artificial financial pressures.
72. The exercise of parental autonomy is constrained by various factors.
73. Duckham is a much more hapless figure: rather a constrained Everyman, almost a bore in fact.
74. You could take Richard anywhere too but you would feel constrained to keep explaining he was a genius.
75. Black feels constrained by the threat of xe8 to capture the white rook which has been en prise for nine consecutive moves.
76. But affirmative action is clearly going to be a more constrained remedy in future years than in past decades.
77. In the boiler overhaul, for example(), Taylor found that a worker lost much time because of his constrained position.
78. Areas of poor acoustic quality but tightly constrained by local syntactic and semantic information would be identified through top-down prediction.
79. This is because metaphorical mappings, and hence readings, are ultimately constrained by what appear to be universal cognitive structures.
80. Most are constrained by limited resources and by intractable domestic agendas that impede their capability to implement policy.
81. Because they are unsure of their male identities, they feel constrained to prove them continually.
82. Judge Leval was constrained by an earlier decision of the court.
83. Clearly, the existing technologies are a limitation and multimedia must temporarily be constrained by the platforms currently available to deliver it.
84. It is claimed that economic power is constrained by the competitive market.
85. Local authorities are also constrained in the proportion of capital receipts they may use to support capital expenditure.
86. In other words[http://], how many people were constrained by credit rationing?
87. Finally, these books are less constrained and more cynical in their criticism of science than those written by nonscientists.
88. Leapor, however, is not ultimately constrained by what Pope gives her.
89. The negotiations dragged on and in the end I was constrained to issue a writ.
90. It was perhaps even worse when public servants were or felt constrained to file affidavits which demonstrated a political purpose.
91. Our research has been constrained by lack of cash.
92. My conscience constrained me to apologize to him.
93. However, the skyline is making people somehow emotionally constrained.
94. The staff development is constrained by the product singleness.
95. The roll angle is constrained by the control system.
96. Women are too often constrained by family commitments.
97. I feel constrained to write and protest the decision.
98. And the constrained - dominance is applied constrained multi - objective optimization problems efficiently.
99. When individual enzymatic units are morphodynamically constrained into a recursive cycle as Stu describes, the emergent property is called autocatalysis.
100. I had a sensitive consciousness of always appearing constrained, boorish, and dull.
101. An active and passive hybrid damping control manner with lower voltage is proposed through both multiple piezoelectric patches and constrained damping layer for suppressing structural vibration.
102. Santos ( 1998 ) and the region algorithm is usedtogether for solving the equality constrained optimization.
103. At higher speeds the current is naturally constrained, and single-pulse voltage control is normally employed with angle advance prior to the unaligned position to optimise performance.
104. The matrix extension problem is, under some constrained conditions, constructing a matrix A with a given matrix A_0 as its submatrix.
105. The experimental condition of ethylene-propylene copolymerization catalyzed by titanium-oxygen heterocycle constrained geometry metallocene catalyst through mould device was reported.
106. Trajectory tracking in free space and torque tracking in constrained space are realized, and reliability of mode switch and stability of system are achieved in transition.
107. When it bucks, the buckling of model is different from other shells because it is constrained by the cavum.
108. By designing around a particular design pattern, developers have greater flexibility to control the generated code, which is not constrained simply based on an abstract model.
109. The African Union's efforts to make peace are constrained by lack of human resources, material supplies and funding.
110. An improved method for transient stability - constrained optimal power flow is presented in this paper.
111. In this paper, we propose a hybrid parthenogenetic algorithm approach to solve a general resources constrained and shortest time optimization problem.
112. The production and comprehension of a discourse is constrained by both "linguistic code system" and "cultural code system".
113. If primary language acquisition is constrained by Universal Grammar (UG), is UG still applicable to second language acquisition (SLA)?Research has been done in this field from different perspectives.
114. However, their reasoning abilities are constrained by their conceptual knowledge, the nature of the task, and their awareness of their own thinking.
115. Expect one about a min/max problem, something about Lagrange multipliers, something about the chain rule and something about constrained partial derivatives.
116. The constrained conditions of suspension travel and wheel contact force fluctuation added as the penalty functions.
117. Any sustained economic recovery will ultimately have to come from the revival in private demand—i.e., through consumption and investment—both of which will be constrained by structural factors.
118. Chapter 3 constructs a new generalized pattern search method for linear equality constrained optimization problems and gives the proofs of the global convergence.
119. Compared with the constrained variable metric algorithm, GA has more advantages such as high seeking speed and efficaciousness.
120. This paper gives a feasible trust - region dogleg path algorithm for solving nonlinear inequality constrained optimization problems.
121. The optimization model of multi-product inventory with chance constrained attributes based on behavioral portfolio theory is established, which are solved as well.
122. The PSF reconstructed in the first restoration, P 1, obviously does not fit into the constrained size.
123. The constrained matrix equation problem is to find a solution for the matrix equation in a constrained matrix set.
124. Much still needs to be done to ensure that these new treatment advances lead to greater access and treatment responses in resource constrained areas of the world.
125. Constrained optimization methods include feasible directions, projection, interior point, and Lagrange multiplier methods.
126. In this thesis, blur image restoration methods based on partial prior information and constrained least squares algorithm based on orientation information measure are illuminated in detail.
127. A constrained growth algorithm of simple polygon triangulation is proposed.
128. The dynamic problem of constrained multibody systems in Riemannian configuration space is researched.
129. She feel constrained to carry out the new plan .
130. A new algorithm for the direct allocation method named "adjacent facets searching algorithm" was presented to solving the three-objective constrained control allocation problem.
131. Cut capacity to pay for the upgrade is still constrained by high housing prices.
132. Formative approximation problem is solved by variable metric method for constrained optimization.
133. Database performance has long been constrained by the I/O capability of hard disk drives (HDDs).
134. Classical algorithms of image restoration include the inverse filter, wiener filter, constrained least squares filter and so on.
135. First, when commodity processes and applications are sourced from the outside, a company is not constrained by fixed internal capacity but can contract and expand as business conditions dictate.
136. The linearly constrained minimum variance (LCMV) algorithm based on the power inversion array and its iterative formula are deduced in the paper, which avoids the complexities of matrix inversion.
137. In steel-structural residence system, its application is greatly constrained by the influence of the anti-fired requirements on structures and other factors.
138. AimTo construct the simple and feasible neural networks for solving a class of linearly constrained convex programming problems.
139. Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Techniques (SUMT) are most common and comparatively successful method in constrained optimization.
140. Generally, repetition of material is constrained by the size of the linguistic unit that a person can process in an automatic or nearly automatic fashion.
141. Aim to the serious subfilling of the crank arm, the construction of"constrained wing"was presented to form the favorable die filling instead of increasing the forging size.
142. Secondly, we consider the degenerate linear programming problem with upper bounded variable constrained.
143. But his life is not too constrained: he still has a mobile phone and satellite TV.
144. This paper presents a constrained multiobjective optimization method by integrating a Pareto genetic algorithm with dominated penalty concept.
145. In this paper, we give three convergence algorithm models for nonlinearly constrained optimization problems.
146. Under the new principle,[] the optimal release time problems turn out to be probabilistic constrained programs in stochastic programming and the solution procedures are available.
147. General Sidelobe Canceller ( GSC ) is an alternative form of Linear Constrained Minimum Variance beamformer.
148. The calculating method application about ordinal of being duplicated permutable number with constrained condition are approached.
149. Direct search feasible direction (DSFD) is an effective algorithm for solving the constrained non-linear programming problem, however, it could only find the local optimal solution.
150. Describes the function and behavior of constrained execution regions ( CERs ).
151. The mahjong players , embarrassed by the silence, felt constrained to break it.
152. A resolution principle for constrained clauses is proposed, where unification is replaced by testing constraints for satisfiability o...
153. The iteration of geo - metrical programming with constrained positive - negative term equations is used.
154. These are three major parts: well - log inversion volumetric analysis , broadband - constrained inversion, and lithology - constrained inversion.
155. Several examples showed that this improved method has more calculated precision and stability than constrained cyclic variable method.
156. The algorithms for the motion path and constrained force of each member in each basic group are presented and the calculation examples are also given.
157. The speech understanding performance is usually constrained by speech recognition errors and out - of - grammar problems.
158. In this paper, a new method for direct solution of constrained optimizations is presented.
159. All these capabilities are of course constrained by the physical resources of the platform at hand.
160. However, their reasoning abilities are constrained by their conceptual knowledge, the nature of the task, and theirwww. tag365. cn awareness of their own thinking.
161. The production planning model restricts process operations in a constrained nonlinear programming problem.
162. In the third chapter, nonmonotonic trust region algorithms for nonlinear constrained optimization are discussed.
163. But others, most obviously the US and European "gold bloc" countries, were sharply constrained in their ability to adjust their currencies.
164. This method, based on combinational logic minimization, proposes a new idea to proceed state assignment according to constrained. relation of compressed state table.
165. Legacy systems, performance, and other QoS attributes will tend to be constrained to use the most optimal access mechanism: whether pure services, hard-wired, or hybrid.
166. This paper briefly introduces the principle of linearly constrained adaptive monopulse estimation algorithm a planar array.
167. Against the question of low usage of practical Decentral Co-generation System, the prime constrained reason is got after investigation and study.
168. An improved dynamic penalty method is applied to transform the constrained structural optimization problem into an unconstrained problem for the optimization procedure using genetic algorithms.
169. The method gives out the presentation be constrained to objects into pipeline by using collision matrix, and findsout scheduling model with goal-oriented optimization by heuristic search.
170. This constrained domain makes specialization processes relatively easy to implement and maintain.
171. Then, the generic upper limit of EIFS distribution and crack growth parameter under different stress levels are estimated with constrained least squares fitness.
172. For many years, our mother tongue was claimed to be a "prison house" that constrained our capacity to reason.
173. We feel quite free and easy with him, not in the least constrained.
174. To optimize the operation of power system, it is necessary to establish security constrained economic dispatch(SCED) and introduce locational marginal pricing(LMP)method.
175. We have discussed the Dirac method and Faddeev - Jackiw method in the quantization of constrained systems.
176. Based on model predictive control techniques[/constrained.html], MCC is a multivariable constrained optimal controller with easy task switching.
177. But Mr Streiff 's room for manoeuvre is constrained by politics.
178. The lithology seismic inversion technique utilizes logging data with high vertical resolution, and accomplishes the constrained inversion of seismic data nearby wells.
179. We are more fiscally constrained, which forces us to work smarter and more efficiently.
180. In China, local governments and capital are not constrained and tend to ally with each other, giving rise to various disharmonies.
181. Problems of constrained capital budgeting are common in investment decision.
182. By selecting suitable protein scaffold, display and screening methods, the rational and constrained random peptide library(RPL) can be constructed.
183. Constrained two-dimensional stock cutting algorithm based on heuristic regulation is given in this paper.
184. This paper studied the robustness problem of discrete-time system with parametric perturbations and whose state and control vectors are all constrained.
185. Third, an efficient enumeration algorithm is proposed for solving the constrained minimum spanning tree problem.
186. This constrained and messy adultery was a damned poor substitute for having a wife.
187. Thou, constrained by no limits, in accordance with thine own free will, in whose hand We have placed thee, shalt ordain for thyself the limits of thy nature.
188. How can we produce top-class engineers when universities are constrained to offer salaries that can only attract mediocre staff?
189. If Constrained Orbit is selected, then the Orbit control honors that setting.
190. This paper presents a geodesic - based constrained deformation method for polygonal mesh models.
191. The female characters are constrained by the Byronic Heroes' love.
192. The optimization design of a deccelerative gear transmission in a belt conveyer by the geometric programming duality method with constrained positive term equations is reported.
193. Enable constrained intra prediction, which is required for the base layer of SVC encodes.
194. Chance - constrained programming method was used to solve the model.
195. For the calculation of workspace for any manipulator with constrained parameters, nonlinear programming and discrete algorithm are preferred.
196. When transmission constrained, actual ex-post price is sometimes greater than ex-ante price, because of high congestion price.
197. A resolution principle for constrained clauses is proposed, where unification is replaced by testing constraints for satisfiability over the cons...
198. Constrained sparse spike inversion is conducted to predict the general distribution of reservoirs before GI, and the results including wavelet and 3D acoustic impedance(AI) can be used later.
199. These will be very constrained budgets designed to get the deficit down.
200. In the present paper, optimal design of valve spring used constrained positive deterministic formula geometric programming iteration.
201. But the distributed capacitance of connecting wire and the temperature have a bigger effect on the accuracy of this kind sensor, the increase of the sensor's precision was constrained.
202. This planning approach is an extension of the multi - mode resource - constrained project - scheduling problem ( MMRCPSP ) from operations research.
203. Design optimization of electrical machines is a nonlinear constrained and mixed - discrete multiple variables optimization problem.
204. Based on fixed data packet dropout rates and constant time-delay, the NCS is modeled as an asynchronous dynamical-switched system constrained by configuration event rates.
205. This paper discusses how to solve Degree- constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problems by means of genetic algorithm and gives a relative algorithm .
206. In the second chapter, nonmonotonic trust region algorithms for linear constrained optimization are discussed.
206. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
207. A constrained optimization problem in primal weight space with incorporation of a regularization term was discussed. The dual problem was solved by using the kernel trick.
208. But developing countries are constrained not just by a lack of money, but a lack of "policy space".
209. Under the control of time a constrained combination method is used to enhance the spatial utilization.
210. The component referenced in the Lead Manager application is actually a doubly constrained list implemented using a frameset, the details of which are outside the scope of this article.
211. Taking it as a multivariable control system, the additional operating force can be constrained by a decoupling regulator.
212. In the paper, a varied step length LMS algorithm is adopted in space-time multiuser receiver, in which a new bierror function is used to solve the constrained optimization problem.
213. Method of image restoration includes the Inverse Filter, Wiener Filter, Constrained Least Squares Filter and so on.
214. The Mega Basin is a typical intermountain fault basin constrained by the faulting around the basin.
215. The feed conductor 106, and the grounding conductor 108 may be plated on the dielectric support or may be adhesively constrained on the dielectric support 110.
216. He believed that wealth and possessions constrained humanity's natural state of freedom.
216. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
217. You also have to specify column types in a relational system, so you might find yourself constrained by, say, the length of the address field.
218. Mr. Green felt constrained to carry out the new plan.
219. To determine the internal gear pair design parameters of two-stage internal contact involute planet gear reducer all constrained conditions from machining to assembly must be satisfied.
220. Then actually there are ways you can use basically differentials and constrained partials to figure out what the tangent vector to the curve is and so on.
221. Objectives of project progress, investment and quality are correlated, constrained, considered each other and inseparably inter - connected.
222. The strut can be treated as compression member constrained by lateral translation nonlinear spring.
223. A function generator not constrained by design or commitment to a specific function only.
224. For the complicated chance constrained model with multiple stochastic variables, a genetic algorithm incorporated with stochastic simulation is used to obtain reasonable solutions to problems.
225. The land requisition rules and employment policies, the human capital and social capital of themselves constrained land-expropriated farmers occupational mobility towards un-farming area.
226. Two masses constrained to move in a horizontal plane collide.
227. The experiment results show that it is effective on solving Degree- constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem.
228. To avoid leaking handle resources, always call this method inside a constrained execution region (CER), where a thread abort cannot interrupt processing.




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