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单词 confirmed
释义 Word family  noun confirmation adjective confirmed ≠ unconfirmed verb confirm  con·firmed /kənˈfɜːmd $ -ɜːr-/ adjective  a confirmed bachelor/atheist/vegetarian etc SATISFIEDsomeone who seems completely happy with the way of life they have chosen 誓不结婚的单身汉/坚定的无神论者/坚定的素食主义者等Examples from the Corpusconfirmed• The Commissioner of Inland Revenue made and confirmed assessments on the taxpayer for those years in respect of the profits from sub-licensing the films.• The confirmed hard left on the executive is now reduced to two: Tony Benn, and Dennis Skinner.• Teachers are not required to give a confirmed level for a pupil at any one moment during the key stage.• But he was a confirmed teetotaller.con·firmed adjectiveChineseSyllable  someone with happy who the completely seems Corpus




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