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单词 expense
释义 Word family  noun expenditure expense expenses adjective expensive ≠ inexpensive verb expend adverb expensively ≠ inexpensively  ex·pense /ɪkˈspens/ ●●○ noun  1  [countable, uncountable]SPEND MONEY the amount of money that you spend on something 费用,花费 He borrowed £150,000 and used the money for legal expenses. 他借了15万英镑用于支付律师费。 Conference rooms were equipped at great expense. 装备会议室花费巨大。2  expenses BECmoney that you spend on things such as travel and food while you are doing your job, and which your employer then pays to you 业务费用on expenses Can you claim this meal on expenses? 这顿饭你能报销吗?3  at the expense of somebody/something HARM/BE BAD FORif something is done at the expense of someone or something else, it is only achieved by doing something that could harm the other person or thing 以损害某人/某事物为代价 the growth in short breaks, at the expense of longer package holidays 短假增多,以牺牲时间较长的包价旅游为代价4  at somebody’s expense a) PAY FORif you do something at someone’s expense, they pay for you to do it 由某人付费 Her mansion was refurnished at taxpayers’ expense. 她的宅第由纳税人出钱重新布置了一番。 b) HARM/BE BAD FORif you make jokes at someone’s expense, you laugh about them and make them seem stupid or silly 嘲笑某人 Louis kept making jokes at his wife’s expense. 路易斯不断地嘲笑妻子。5  all expenses paid having all of your costs for hotels, travel, meals etc paid for by someone else 〔酒店、旅行、用餐等〕所有费用均由他人支付的 The prize is an all-expenses-paid trip to Rio. 奖品是去里约热内卢的全程免费旅游。 COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: the amount of money that you spend on something 费用,花费ADJECTIVES/NOUN + expensethe extra/additional expense 额外的费用Is it worth the extra expense to get a room with a sea view? 值不值得为海景房多付钱啊?an unnecessary expense 不必要的花费Paying extra for leather seats seemed like an unnecessary expense. 另加钱坐皮座椅似乎是不必要的花费。living expenses (=money that you spend on rent, food, and things such as electricity, gas etc) 生活费用She receives £80 a week, from which she must pay for all her living expenses. 她每周收入80英镑,得用这笔钱支付所有的生活费。operating expenses (=money that a company spends on running its business) 营运开支We must reduce our operating expenses. 我们必须减少营运开支。legal/medical expenses 律师费/医疗费We had to get a loan to pay for my husband’s medical expenses. 我们只得贷款支付我丈夫的医疗费。nThe tenant can incur considerable legal expenses.household expenses (=money spent looking after a house and the people in it) 家庭开支nUnfortunately, household expenses don’t go away just because you’re in hospital or out of work.funeral expenses (=the cost of arranging a funeral) 丧葬费nShe had a small insurance policy to cover the funeral expenses.phrasesat great/huge/considerable/vast expense (=used when saying that something costs a lot of money) 花费大笔费用The tiles were imported at great expense from Italy. 这些瓷砖是高价从意大利进口的。nRecently, and at vast expense to the taxpayer, the bridge was your own expense (=used when saying that you pay for something yourself) 自己支付费用He had copies of the book printed at his own expense. 他自己花钱印了这本书。at (the) public expense (=paid for by the public through taxes) 用公费The bridge was built at public expense. 这座桥是公费修建的。go to the expense of doing something (=do something that costs a lot of money) 花钱做某事The council must now decide whether to go to the expense of appealing through the courts. 地方议会现在必须决定是否要出钱向法院上诉。spare no expense (in doing something) (=spend a lot of money to buy the best things) 不惜费用(做某事)Her parents spared no expense in arranging the wedding. 她父母不惜花费,大办婚礼。nEverything has been provided tonight – no expense has been spared!verbsincur an expense formal (=have to pay for something) 引致[带来]费用Potential buyers incur the expense of a survey and legal fees. 潜在买家要承担房屋鉴定费及法律费用。n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: NOUN + expensestravel/travelling expensesThe company will pay the travelling expenses involved in getting to and from the meeting.entertainment/business expensesThe president receives an unspecified allowance for business and entertainment expenses.relocation/moving expensesSuccessful candidates will receive a comprehensive benefits package that includes relocation expenses if needed.verbspay somebody’s expensesThey agreed to pay my travel expenses and initial accommodation costs.claim expenses (=officially ask your employer to pay you back money that you have spent while doing your job)If you have to stay overnight, you will be able to claim any expenses back.reimburse somebody’s expenses (=pay the money someone has spent for business purposes back to them)Your expenses will usually be reimbursed within one month of receiving the claim.Examples from the Corpusexpense• I was educated at his expense and until I repay his investment, it is illegal to employ me directly.• The fateful words do not establish a trust in favour of him, but instead a trust at his expense in favour of another person.• The problem is one of expense and effort in doing so, not the availability of the material.• Gast decided to stick around at his own expense and film as much as he could with the fighters.• Thus the legal aid scheme permits those eligible to take the risk of litigation at the possible expense of the Fund.• Or we could leave it up to the electricity generators to reduce the impact, at the expense of higher bills.• As a practical matter, a receipt showing the amount of the expense is an absolute prerequisite to substantiating a travel expense.From Longman Business Dictionaryexpenseex‧pense /ɪkˈspens/ noun1[countable, uncountable]ACCOUNTING an amount of money that a business or organization has to spend on somethingMost advertisers look upon advertising as an expense and not an investment, which is a mistake.The company’s cost-cutting program is expected to reduce expenses by $28 million next year. → accrued expense → capital expense → direct expense → entertainment expense → fixed expense → general expense → handling expense → indirect expense → interest expense → marketing expense → overhead expense → sales expense → travel expense2expenses [plural]ACCOUNTING money that an employee spends while doing their job on things such as travel and food, and which their employer then pays back to themCome on, have another drink — it’s on expenses.He gets an annual salary of $1.5 million; in addition he gets reimbursed for travel and other expenses.ex·pense noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  the Business money Corpus spend you on of that amount




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