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单词 compound
释义  Related topics: Compounds, Buildings, Grammar, Linguisticscom·pound1 /ˈkɒmpaʊnd $ ˈkɑːm-/ ●●○ AWL noun [countable]  1  HCC technical a substance containing atoms from two or more elements 化合物 → element man-made organic compounds 人造有机化合物compound of Sulphur dioxide is a compound of sulphur and oxygen. 二氧化硫是硫和氧的化合物。2  MIXa combination of two or more parts, substances, or qualities 混合体,复合物compound of Teaching is a compound of several different skills. 教书是多种不同技能的综合。 Brush on a damp-proofing compound. 刷一层防潮混合剂。3  TBBan area that contains a group of buildings and is surrounded by a fence or wall 四周有篱笆[围墙]的建筑群 a prison compound 监狱大院4. SLG technical a noun, adjective etc that is made up of two or more words. The noun ‘flower shop’ and the adjective ‘self-made’ are compounds. 复合词n COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + compoundan organic compound (=containing carbon)the organic compounds of which living things are madean inorganic compound (=not containing carbon)a chemical compound (=formed by a chemical process involving two or more elements)a carbon/nitrogen/sulphur etc compoundUse a copper compound to protect the trees from pests.a toxic/dangerous compound (=containing poisonous or harmful substances)toxic compounds such as heavy metalsverbsform a compoundAtoms combine in specific ways to form chemical compounds.a compound contains somethingThis compound contains two atoms of nitrogen and four atoms of hydrogen.Examples from the Corpuscompound• The second way was to find a compound which would compete for or block the inactivating enzyme.• Sulfur dioxide is a compound of sulfur and oxygen.• Freebase is a compound that can be inhaled or smoked.• The Special Forces adviser compound in Pleiku had showers.• A binary compound contains two elements.• Sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide are two common chemical compounds.• Marines protect the U.S. Embassy compound.• Then cover the filler wood with a thin layer of joint compound and paper joint-compound tape.• Seal all wall joints with joint compound and tape.• The soil was tested to make sure that it was free from ammonia or any other nitrogen compound.• an organic compound• She knew the meeting place; the pool in the little park on the south side of the palace compound.• It is probably very rare for consciousness to scan every component of a particular compound of limitation.• The upshot: A decade later, this compound and some other persistent pesticides were banished.Related topics: Financecom·pound2 /kəmˈpaʊnd/ AWL verb [transitive]  1  WORSEto make a difficult situation worse by adding more problems 使恶化,加重compound a problem/difficulty etc Helmut’s problems were compounded by his lack of concentration. 注意力不集中使得赫尔穆特的问题更加严重。2  British English to make a bad action worse by doing more bad things 加剧,恶化compound a crime/an offence etc He compounded the offence by calling his opponents liars. 他骂对手是骗子,攻击又升级了。3  be compounded of something formal to be a mixture of things 由某物混合而成 a smell compounded of dust and dead flowers 灰尘和枯花的混合味道4  American EnglishBF to pay interest that is calculated on both the sum of money and the interest 以复利计算支付〔利息〕 Interest is compounded quarterly. 利息按季度以复利计算。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscompound• Scientists are able to compound an increasing number of substances to produce new drugs.• The country's economic woes were compounded by a seven-year civil war.• Brian was lost in booze and drugs, compounded by paranoia and a deep sense of failure.• This is compounded by point 2 to 4 following. 2.• The effects of the East Coast snows this year were compounded by severe storms in the spring.• John and Val's domestic problems were compounded by stress at work.• Suspicions raised by the Whitewater deal are compounded by two other events.• My bank compounds interest quarterly.• It is rather as a precaution against compounding one media mistake with another.• Strong nationalist sentiment is compounding the deep political problems faced by the President.• But in this case, the director of field operations, abetted by other headquarters personnel, compounded the problem.• Mr Singh's letter compounded·pound3 /ˈkɒmpaʊnd $ ˈkɑːm-/ AWL adjective technical  1. compound eye/leaf etc technical a single eye, leaf etc that is made up of two or more parts 复眼/复叶等 → simple2. compound noun/adjective etc technical a noun, adjective etc that is made up of two or more words. For example, ‘ice cream’ is a compound noun. 复合名词/形容词等3. compound sentence technical a sentence that has two or more main parts 复合句,并列句 → complex sentenceExamples from the Corpuscompound• First, insects have compound eyes consisting of up to several thousand optical units called ommatidia, each with a single lens.• The present-value formula may be derived directly from the compound interest formula.• But the precise figure would be 10.7 per cent because of the effect of compound interest.From Longman Business Dictionarycompoundcom‧pound /kəmˈpaʊndkɑːmˈpaʊnd, ˈkɑːmpaʊnd/ verb [transitive] American English FINANCE to pay interest on both a sum of money and the interest already earned on itMy bank compounds interest quarterly.→ See Verb tableOrigin compound1 1. (1500-1600) → COMPOUND32. (1600-1700) Malay kampong “group of buildings, village” compound2 (1500-1600) Old French compondre, from Latin componere, from com- ( → COM-) + ponere “to put” compound3 (1400-1500) Past participle of compoun “to compound” ((14-17 centuries)), from Old French componre, from Latin componere; → COMPOUND2com·pound1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1com·pound2 verbcom·pound3 adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  substance or a Corpus atoms containing two elements Business more from




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