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单词 community service
释义  Related topics: Welfarecomˌmunity ˈservice noun [uncountable]  PEWwork that is not paid that someone does to help other people, sometimes as punishment for a crime 社区服务〔为他人免费做的社区工作,有时作为对犯法者的一种惩罚〕Examples from the Corpuscommunity service• Each was ordered to do 120 hours' community service and pay £850 costs.• After appointments in community service, she had joined the Navy.• Better yet, two-thirds wish that their high schools would make community service a requirement for graduation.• The study did not seem to lend itself to a description of community service profiles.• Milken already has completed the 3,000 hours of community service required under his probation terms, Reese said.• He was banned from driving for 6 months and ordered to do 200 hours of community service.• Like the House measure, the Senate bill requires public housing residents to contribute eight hours of community service a month.comˌmunity ˈservice nounChineseSyllable  does not someone work Corpus that that paid is




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