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单词 toy
释义  Related topics: Toystoy1 /tɔɪ/ ●●● S3 noun [countable]  1  DHTan object for children to play with 玩具 some toys for the baby 宝宝玩的一些玩具toy car/soldier/gun etc 玩具车/兵/枪等soft/cuddly toy British English (=a toy that looks like an animal and is covered in fur) 毛绒(动物)玩具 Annie was playing happily with her toys. 安妮正高兴地玩着玩具。2  OWNan object that you buy because it gives you pleasure and enjoyment, especially one that you don’t really need 小玩艺儿,小摆设 The food mixer is her latest toy. 这个食品搅拌器是她最近的“玩具”。3. sex toy an object that adults use to obtain sexual pleasure 〔成人〕性情趣用品Examples from the Corpustoy• Now your son is lavishing upon the computer the attention he would give to any new, rewarding and particularly attractive toy.• The three largest ocean liners in the world could have sat atop its crest like bathtub toys.• On the second floor, room 30 is the favourite: devoted to dolls, toys and other mementos of bygone childhood.• The red Porsche is his latest toy.• Dad was a wonderful craftsman and created many toys from scrap.• Did you get any new toys for your birthday?• I keep some of the toys on display in working order for my grandchildren to play with.toy car/soldier/gun etc• Unfortunately, the child in the story uses a toy gun to rid himself of the beast.• What, after all, are dodgems but toy cars that one can climb into?• He always nicked my toy cars.• Branwell's toy soldier, Bonaparte, had become the strong, bad, good-looking Duke of Northangerland.• Some are more obvious to identify, such as the toy car.• When daddy teasingly takes the toy car away he, too, is getting between the child and his interest.• Yet today toy guns are banned from our household.• One frustrated local battalion has resorted to practicing with toy soldiers on a gymnasium floor.toy2 ●○○ verb  1 toy with somebody/something phrasal verb a) THINK ABOUTto think about an idea or possibility, usually for a short time and not very seriously 〔通常指短暂且不很认真地〕考虑toy with the idea of doing something I’ve been toying with the idea of going to Japan to visit them. 我最近有个念头,想去日本看看他们。b) HOLDto keep moving and touching an object or food 〔一直〕摆弄,拨弄 He spoke casually and toyed with his pen. 他一边漫不经心地说着,一边摆弄着他的钢笔。 Laura was toying with her food and looking increasingly bored. 劳拉拨弄着自己的饭菜,显得越来越厌烦了。c) to lie to someone or trick them, for example saying that you love them when you do not 玩弄〔某人〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustoy• Pete Townsend, Jeff Beck and other guitarists had been toying with feedback and massive volume.• Perhaps he had been toying with John Chapel, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.• We sat there toying with our food.• Jeffries was toying with the crowd and putting the entire college on notice.• Like a trapeze artist who pretends to lose his balance, Blondin was for ever toying with the crowd.• Even Serrano was beginning to toy with the idea of a monarchist restoration, albeit under Falangist tutelage.• I would not dream of toying with you.Related topics: Petstoy3 adjective [only before noun]  1 DHPa toy animal or dog is a type of dog that is specially bred to be very small 〔动物〕体形非常小的 a toy poodle 小鬈毛狗Examples from the Corpustoy• A fanciful idea by some toy manufacturer which only goes to underline what was said previously about imagination and licence!Origin toy1 (1500-1600) toy “amusing story or action” ((15-18 centuries))toy1 nountoy2 verbtoy3 adjectiveChinese  children play object an to with Corpus for




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