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单词 Thus
1. Hold the wheel in both hands, thus.
2. Its people were thus reduced to slavery.
3. Bend from the waist, thus.
4. Thus much at least is clear.
5. He didn't work hard. Thus he was fired.
6. Thus the question was finally settled.
7. He had thus far succeeded in fending off my conversational sallies.
8. He sold his farm and thus he had enough money for his journey.
9. The universities have expanded, thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education.
10. The management decided to economize by cutting the dead wood from the workforce,thus reducing the wages bill.
11. to speak thus of her benefactor.
12. Her political career thus far had remained unblemished.
13. Italy had thus practically declared her independence.
14. The legend has thus much of foundation.
15. Havingcome thus far do you wish to continue?
16. They diluted the drug, thus reducing its effectiveness.
17. Many scholars have argued thus.
18. Thus a wheel revolves on its axle.
19. We haven't had any problems thus far.
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. Thus, he aided reaction and thwarted progress.
21. Thus it came about that, after many years as an interior designer and antiques dealer, he combined both businesses.
22. Joseph was able to grease a few palms, thus helping his brother to escape.
23. Words thus strung together fall on the ears like music.
24. Thus Europe was at peace for the first time in ten years.
25. Even in a highly skilled workforce some people will be more capable and thus better paid than others.
26. The management decided to economise by cutting the dead wood from the workforce, thus reducing the wages bill.
27. The smaller of its hands occasionally slipped round on the pivot, and thus, though the minutes were told with precision, nobody could be quite certain of the hour they belonged to.
28. For I know that my Redeemer lives, and that at the last he will stand up on the earth; and after my skin has been thus destroyed, then in my flesh I shall see God.
29. Most of the evidence was destroyed in the fire. Thus it would be almost impossible to prove him guilty.
30. The publishers claim that the book constitutes 'the first sequential exposition of events and thus of the history of the revolution'.
1. Its people were thus reduced to slavery.
2. Bend from the waist, thus.
3. Thus much at least is clear.
4. He didn't work hard. Thus he was fired.
5. Even in a highly skilled workforce some people will be more capable and thus better paid than others.
6. He had thus far succeeded in fending off my conversational sallies.
7. He sold his farm and thus he had enough money for his journey.
8. The smaller of its hands occasionally slipped round on the pivot, and thus, though the minutes were told with precision, nobody could be quite certain of the hour they belonged to.
9. The universities have expanded, thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education.
10. Most of the evidence was destroyed in the fire. Thus it would be almost impossible to prove him guilty.
11. Italy had thus practically declared her independence.
12. The legend has thus much of foundation.
13. Many scholars have argued thus.
14. Thus a wheel revolves on its axle.
15. Words thus strung together fall on the ears like music.
16. Thus Europe was at peace for the first time in ten years.
17. They thus increased their annual grain production rather than diminished it.
18. They have thus placed themselves in opposition to the people.
31. Thus spake the expert.
32. The big six record companies are multinational, and thus can segment the world market into national ones.
33. We do not own the building. Thus, it would be impossible for us to make any major changes to it.
34. He told me that he had done thus and so in the matter.
35. They planned to reduce staff and thus to cut costs.
36. Sex education is a sensitive area for some parents, and thus it should remain optional.
37. There has been no rain — thus, the crops are drying.
38. It is possible to premix the ore at the shipping point, thus saving time at the iron works.
39. Today he became the second candidate to declare himself——thus blowing the leadership race wide open.
40. He loosed the ropes that bound the prisoner, thus allowing him to jump up and escape.
41. Jimmy is adopted and thus unrelated to Beth by blood.
42. As we age the lenses of the eyes thicken, and thus refract light dif-ferently.
43. He arranges to collect the payment from the customer, thus saving the client the paperwork.
44. He could also have cut out much of the repetition and thus saved many pages.
45. The pavement thus laid is to be plained and polished.
46. They thus increased their annual grain production rather than diminished it.
47. They have thus placed themselves in opposition to the people.
48. Joanna was pouring the drink. While she was thus engaged, Charles sat on one of the bar-stools.
49. They're delighted with the replies they've received from the public thus far.
50. He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title.
51. The gambler bought off the police and thus was able to operate freely.
52. Old people often try to economize on heating, thus endangering their health.
53. This facility allows the user to input text in various forms onto the screen and thus create a true newspaper page.
54. Thus associative adjectives should never admit an intensifying adverb.
55. Thus, the couple had agreed upon a simple contract.
56. Thus, it is a reasonable thing to complain about.
57. Thus these phenotypes are selectively advantageous for the microorganisms.
58. Thus there was no actionable official policy or custom.
59. An extremely simple algorithm which does this runs thus.
60. Objections are frequently raised by affected personnel, and methods to input documents automatically are thus highly desirable.
61. While he was thus engaged, Yanto began to explain his plan of action to the girls.
62. Thus, a trace of ambiguity in the data can lower success rate.
63. Unlike mediation, fact-finding recommendations are generally made public, thus placing additional pressure on the parties to come to an agreement.
64. Thus, understanding how it stirs is one of the best ways for geophysicists to create an all-inclusive picture.
65. The inexperienced advice worker thus need no longer feel a burden on colleagues, as the need for support has formally been recognised.
66. Thus, there is still enough separation between the Goldens and the Jerseys to keep Warriors fans from abandoning hope entirely.
67. In two cases where father and son were both working shifts they had arranged alternate shifts thus allowing uninterrupted farm work.
68. This gives a more powerful bite, and thus represents an important evolutionary advantage.
69. Mercury thus contains a much greater abundance of denser materials, the strong implication being that it is rich in metallic iron.
70. This means that the opponent always has to step forwards in order to make an attack, thus warning you well in advance.
71. Thus far, only two relatively minor planks of the 10-point House-initiated legislative agenda have become law.
72. Thus, any serious, nonproliferation policy aims to make it as difficult as possible to obtain plutonium.
73. Money thus facilitates trade and specialisation, two key conditions for the economic advancement of any society or nation.
74. Never use aluminium as poisonous seepage will react with the plant alkaloids and its vitamin content, thus damaging the therapeutic properties.
75. Many nations great and small, even continents, are in actuality thus godless.
76. Thus another, better system must be adopted and translated into policy by planners and administrators.
77. Thus Stiglitz sees the control problem as a multiple-principal-single- agent problem with each principal having a somewhat different objective.
78. Men thus instructed often found it easier to get on with it than to try and explain the danger all over again.
79. Thus research into colonic motor function remains a challenging and potentially rewarding area where progress has been facilitated by recent technological advances.
79. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
80. Thus far, Dole has shown no signs of adopting such a strategy.
81. You thus have plenty of opportunity to achieve the keenest interest rate and save money.
82. The eighteenth century was thus a period of slow evolution rather than radical change in military affairs.
83. Thus, the bile itself seemed to be the inhibitory agent in the venous effluent.
84. The original alliance between Guntram and his nephew thus came to an end.
85. Contingency theory thus combines elements of technological and social determinism.
86. Thus government, i.e. local government, has strategic responsibility over its administrative area for the provision of sporting opportunities.
87. Thus for large numbers of older workers, poverty is experienced to the official pension ages.
88. He was thus involved in extensive travelling throughout the District, addressing meetings of branches, trade unions and co-operative societies.
89. Thus, these clever devices are curious stillbirths in our genealogy of automation.
90. Rivalries thus developed within the administration among officials of different places of origin.
91. A huge nutcracker is thus being deployed to crack a relatively small administrative problem.
92. Indeed many are still advice workers and are thus constantly furnished with very real on-going practical experience to support their tutoring role.
93. Thus the firm's constraint structure can affect its behaviour on pricing and its costs.
94. Thus it is not at all surprising to find managers acknowledging the importance of local knowledge.
95. Thus, for example, customs duties, discriminatory internal taxation and quotas have been abolished.
96. Thus in Britain the grounds for review are summarized as illegality, irrationality or procedural impropriety by the public agency being challenged.
97. This collection of materials for the building of the temple thus becomes an acceptable free-will offering because it is acknowledged as gift.
98. Thus, these Watergate reforms failed to make government and the electoral process more accountable, democratic or honest.
99. Thus the time spent on the physical abuse referrals varied from 30 minutes to 20 hours.
100. Like forest manipulation, afforestation also modifies the environment and must thus be regarded as a significant agent of environmental change.
101. Thus this second part is simply the tape that supposed to act on.
102. Thus the legal aid scheme permits those eligible to take the risk of litigation at the possible expense of the Fund.
103. She was acting on the advice of her therapist in speaking thus.
104. Changes in social structure are thus likely to be accompanied by changes in the function of component institutions.
105. Thus, we would undoubtedly feel less happy if political polls were not carried out by independent agencies.
106. Thus the scientific model of verification has an inbuilt mechanism for the evolution and promotion of generally accepted standards.
107. Thus, emphasis must be placed upon gradual acceptance rather than the expectation of instant success.
108. Thus, marital dependency reinforces the likelihood that women will tolerate physical abuse from their husbands.
109. Thus ideas have come out of academe and are being implemented in the clinic.
110. Thus if it is aggregate demand that requires controlling,(http:///thus.html) monetary policy is a poor weapon to do this.
111. You are thus delegating the right to achieve failure as well as success.
112. None the less, everything important is included on Sony's single disc, which thus enjoys a considerable price advantage.
113. At the same time the air pump removes waste water and air from the separate condenser thus maintaining a vacuum in it.
114. I took but little active part in last row and am thus out of the scrape.
115. Thus, with the exception of water, all of the most popular beverages on earth contain either caffeine or alcohol.
116. Thus, therapy for a particular ailment may specifically be excluded from a policy, whilst surgery would be covered.
117. Thus it can learn to need affection from people too.
118. However, these data combine spontaneous and induced abortions and thus reflect different causal phenomena.
119. Did they unwittingly do the worst possible thing in response, thus altering a fragile balance for ever?
120. He had thus discovered that alternators can run in parallel when synchronous.
121. The Independent Labour Party was thus forced to accept full responsibility for continuing the dispute.
122. Thus the simple but overall goal is that children should grow up properly equipped for adult life.
123. Austen thus advocates a conditional view of women's freedom within society.
124. The spectacles were sold at a price that most villagers couldn't afford, thus alienating the very people most at risk.
125. And thus this odyssey began, encompassing almost 50 years in the strange new culture of her adopted country.
126. Neither is fair, in the sense of being related to income, and thus ability to pay.
127. And thus begins a chase, with the Rat almost always being one step ahead.
128. Thus, secondary alterations in sodium transport were also corrected to wild-type levels by the transfection protocol used.
129. A fossil assemblage accumulated by a predator thus may not represent any single mammal community from any one habitat.
130. Most current special classification schemes have been devised with the aid of facet analysis and are thus faceted classification schemes.
131. Piaget suggested that feelings are variable, and thus the behavior activated by feelings may be variable.
132. Thus the administrative system tends to be larger, in relation to the society, as the political system becomes more totalitarian.
133. It gives a better account of all the relevant facts, and is thus the preferable hypothesis.
134. And thus the heart will break, yet brokenly live on. Lord Byron 
135. They thus built on the momentum they had gained in convention by moving about among the people.
136. Thus, it was even more amazing that the final scores were so high.
137. Property rights thus have a distributional implication - who compensates whom - but also act to achieve the socially efficient allocation.
138. Thus there was an academy of practising poets in Toulouse in the early fourteenth century.
139. The cooling tube retracted the rod,(http:///thus.html) thus opening the draft and increasing the fire.
140. This was due to an abundant supply and thus relatively low costs for pork.
141. Thus the relinquishing of violence can only be achieved as part of work on ourselves under the aegis of Esotericism.
142. Thus began a series of violent public demonstrations that brought about severe property damage, bloodshed, and death.
143. Thus, the Lord of the Manor was acclaimed by both workers on the land and consumers of their produce.
144. Thus, the logic of natural selection ceased favoring the extremely mild strains and now increasingly favored the most aggressive ones.
145. Thus, the companion record is currently the best goth album on the market.
146. Thus the recognition occurs one step earlier than under cash accounting.
147. The mounting of school productions and active involvement in community or touring theatre initiatives are thus of immense value.
148. Full costing using absorption methods includes fixed overheads and thus would not be appropriate for decision-making purposes.
149. Nkrumah saw this as a contradiction, and was critical, thus annoying Nyerere who should have been a natural ally.
150. Thus an expert's decision obtained after the limitation period will not be enforceable by court action: see Chapter 12.
151. Thus individuals often hold some additional money as a precaution.
152. Thus, the incidence of spina bifida decreased most dramatically when folic acid was not widely purchased.
153. Thus the Father had been the principal actor during the period of the Old Testament.
154. Thus, the two procedures are alternative methods of creating settlements of land.
155. Thus recorded crime can only be seen as an indication of criminal activity.
156. The estimate of three revolutions for three overflow records will thus be fairly accurate in this case.
157. Deliberately he walked into the minefield, triggering off every mine and thus absorbing in his own body the entire explosion.
158. The black presence on campuses with selective admissions policies such as City was thus minute.
159. Thus the machine automatically differentiates between an incoming fax signal and voice call and will respond accordingly.
160. Thus some one taking only a pledge can not acquire good title by virtue of this provision.
161. Malekith became his personal ambassador here and thus were sown the seeds of tragedy.
162. The 1945 Potsdam and London agreements and the 1971 quadripartite accord on Berlin were thus suspended.
163. Thus the measure of damages is the difference between the contract price and the market price on the date for actual performance.
164. It is thus with most of us; we are what other people say we are. We know ourselves chiefly by hearsay. Eric Hoffer 
165. Thus administrative receivers must be qualified to act as insolvency practitioners and can only be removed from office by the court.
166. Yet none of the fathers portrayed thus far has actually had to dramatically alter his work life in order to father.
167. It thus tackles head on the problem of excess or deficient aggregate demand.
168. The spousal notification requirement is thus likely to prevent a significant number of women from obtaining an abortion.
169. Thus, what was viewed as acceptable was determined largely by the centres' main client group - elderly disabled people.
169. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
170. The seller thus wants to make acceptance as quick, simple and decisive as possible.
171. It is possible for such programmes to meet the objectives of organisations such as LEAs and TECs thus attracting additional funding.
172. The manufacture of cloth was thus no more than a marginal addition to the subsistence agriculture of the interior.
173. The aged naturalist was thus kept in touch with London affairs when compelled to stay in Essex on account of ill health and slender means.
174. Thus the data relate to spontaneous miscarriages as well as to induced abortions.
175. But other theories do enquire and thus have to take an interest in what actors think that other actors think.
176. The reductivist enterprise thus inevitably comes to grief, and it is not altogether surprising that it does.
177. Timing of tax cash flow. Capital allowances reduce a company's tax liability and thus improve its after-tax cash flow.
178. Thus the Rome official showed his arrogance superciliously.
179. Thus, the difficult cases usually involve governmental benefits.
180. Thus, foreign demand for dollars bid up the dollar's value.
181. In pure or riskless arbitrage transactions, the purchase and re-sale of the asset in question are conducted simultaneously, thus the arbitrageur does not risk any of their own funds.
182. The statistic shows the occurrence of cataphora is relatively few. Thus we briefly study the formal markers in discourse.
183. Thus, private property interests in land subject to the public trust are severely limited.
184. It has thus indirectly promoted fierce competition in international banking.
185. But a second contradiction thus develops within monogamous marriage itself.
186. In all likelihood, however, ozone has the capacity to diffuse through the fungal wall into the organismic cytoplasm, thus disrupting cellular organelles.
187. These three transformations have been really difficult, but the transubstantiation of a commodity is even more difficult. Thus its difficulty is evidently shown.
188. The resuspension rate of the two kinds sediment shows different relationship for the excess shear stress. Thus, the paper adopts the different formulas to solve them.
189. In addition, loss of cell adhesion may contribute to loss of contact inhibition and thus play a role at the earlier stage of the neoplastic process.
190. In the method, control equations for the crack resistance capacity of the normal section are established, thus the area of prestressed steel tension member may be calculated.
191. Thus, although laboratory automation holds the promise of increasing sample throughput, in practice this does not alleviate the burden on laboratory staff.
192. That integer is both dividable by two and three, thus, dividable by six.
193. The three components of Deng Xiaoping Theory interpenetrate and push ahead successively, thus instituting a more perfect scientific system.
194. Thus individual preference may be followed in choice of immobilisation method.
195. The vacancy for banks in the auto loan market is thus filled by auto financing companies.
196. Some self-righteous specialists said for certain on that the pathogeny was Chlamydia. Thus, all the sick people were treated on that basis.
197. His observations of fungi in their natural habitat and his methods of culturing them enabled him to work out their developemt and life cycles, thus laying down the foundations of modern mycology .
198. Clear proof system, development of the context helps correct understanding and free proof for the essence of the system, thus building free proof system lay a good foundation.
199. But to make a true clone a cell needs to be not just pluripotent, but totipotent and thus able to turn into an entire animal.
199. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
200. Thus the students have become the machine of study while the teachers have become the machine of teaching. Education has become the unhuman-based skills training.
201. Thus classes should correspond to naturally occurring sets of things in a domain of discourse, and individuals should correspond to actual entities that can be grouped into these classes.
202. Thus the research on effects of inhibin is important theoretically and has application perspectives in improving the potential of animal reproduction and the research of human birth control.
203. Objective To determine whether serum estradiol (E2) level was low after Depot-medroxyprogesterone (DMPA) induced amenorrhea for contraception, thus to evaluate the safety of using DMPA.
204. Thus, it acts in a complementary mechanism to GKRP, which also regulates glucokinase protein expression and compartmentation .
205. Light-wave belongs to a high frequency electromagnetic wave. Thus, the theory of the curvature model optical fiber sensor is emulated and computed based on electromagnetism.
206. Thus, a subquery can be thought of as a temporary table with statement scope.
207. Thus the unmarketable products cause surplus phenomenon also happen all the time.
208. We idolize success and status and thus undermine our mutual respect.
209. Another explanation of the Osirian myth has thus been given : Osiris was the Nile god.
210. This microscope is equipped with a field-emission gun, thus it provides an atomic resolution in imaging and good energy resolution in spectroscopy.
211. Thus I have arrived at this conclusion: society has no further need for this unexceptional photography, but rather something that can shake people to the core.
212. Also, Freud made his observations and thus derived his theory from a limited population, primarily upper-class Austrian women living in a strict era of the 1900s.
213. Due to the disturbed flow at bridge pier, the original condition of flow and bed scouring and sedimentation was changed, and thus the navigation condition was affected.
214. Thus, the ego can be said to obey the reality principle, for example controlling the sex drive until conditions are right in the real world for its gratification.
215. The social situation is Proteus, thus we need more knowledge to cope with all its problems.
216. Thus, in his instigation[http:///thus.html], they are willing to do the sexual process.
217. Its original clay has also good decolorization capability and thus it is a good crude bleaching clay.
218. The petechial skin rash is related to rapid onset of thrombocytopenia. Presumably myriad fat globules become coated with platelets, thus depleting circulating platelets.
219. Thus, the soul of the book is best sublimed by the perfect expression_r of illustrations and words.
220. Massasoit, the leader of the local Wampanoag Indians, decided to share local agricultural techniques with the "Pilgrims", thus enabling the community to survive.
221. On the other hand, the war discourse about Malraux's own war experiences becomes the dominant discourse in his writing, thus making his writing highly unified in language and style.
222. Thus, this statute gives the federal government little power to control mining.
223. The distribution of red panda in Qionglai Mountains was discrete and existed many gaps and fragmentation trend. Thus, the protection of red panda in Qionglai Mountains should be further enhanced.
224. The client that reads my schema must be able to understand that I am describing such a linked list structure and thus must accept all possible versions of the XML that de-serialize to the same graph.
225. In fact, Omar Khayyam learnt wildly from other's strong points, had absorbed the rational factor from both the east and western mathematics source wisely, thus finished his algebra work creatively.
226. Its crew can thus monitor its immediate environment over 360 degrees from the safety of its crew comportment.
227. Thus, if the realized demand is very small, the firm will suffer a great loss due to idle capacity.
228. A vacuum absorbing device absorbs the smooth plane of the extracting device and the socket connector is positioned on the circuit board, thus achieving the goal of automatic assembling.
229. Thus, it seems embryonic mesenchyme can be replaced with adult stem cells to generate new teeth.
230. Thus, the spinor formalism and the complex-vector formalism of general relativity are unified on the basis of the unimodular group SL(2C) and its Lie algebra.
231. And thus better able to solve the unknown word problem and most of the ambiguity problem.




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