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单词 Attack
1. Attack is the best form of defence. 
2. He mustered up enough courage to attack the difficulty.
3. Our troops are now on the attack.
4. General Rattigan summoned reinforcements to help resist the attack.
5. He launched a determined attack on academic criticism.
6. The whole building was soon ablaze after the attack.
7. Then he unleashed his own, unstoppable, attack.
8. She was the innocent victim of an arson attack.
9. Doctors said surgery could induce a heart attack.
10. Our immediate response to the attack was sheer horror.
11. She launched into a blistering attack on her boss.
12. United looked woefully short of menace in attack.
13. She defended herself from the attack.
14. The Allies regrouped and launched a new attack.
15. The threat of attack has been greatly exaggerated.
16. She was the victim of a sickening attack.
17. The attack of flu left her feeling very groggy.
18. The newspaper toned down its attack.
19. The soldiers launched into a violent attack.
20. American troops formed the spearhead of the attack.
21. The cat hogged himself to attack a big dog.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. They fortified the area against attack.
23. The sentry defended the gate against sudden attack.
24. The rumours of an attack were later confirmed.
25. The attack on Charles was deeply unjust.
26. Three of his bodyguards were injured in the attack.
27. He suffered an attack of malaria and was delirious.
28. He was stabbed to death in a racist attack.
29. The army planned to attack enemy arsenals.
30. An attack of paralysis seized him.
1. She was the innocent victim of an arson attack.
2. Our immediate response to the attack was sheer horror.
3. United looked woefully short of menace in attack.
4. She was the victim of a sickening attack.
5. The soldiers launched into a violent attack.
6. They fortified the area against attack.
7. He was stabbed to death in a racist attack.
8. Passers-by grappled with the man after the attack.
9. She was obviously in distress after the attack.
10. Severe shock can bring on an attack of acne.
11. He made a scathing attack on the statement.
12. He renewed his attack on government policy towards Europe.
13. The attack on him was quite deliberate.
14. Who could have carried out such a vile attack?
15. These measures are designed to deter an enemy attack.
16. They decided to attack their enemy's southern flank.
17. The city was heavily defended against attack.
18. Police described the attack as horrific.
19. The attack began, sending residents scurrying for cover.
20. They dug in and waited for the enemy's attack.
21. It is impossible to defend against an all-out attack.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. Prisoners' families face continual harassment and attack.
23. A child is recovering in hospital after a serious attack by a stray dog.
24. In the most recent attack one man was shot dead and two others were wounded.
25. The invading force, conscious of their numerical inferiority at sea, decided on an airborne attack.
26. There is a miner attack in words but a major help in deeds.
27. This latest attack has greatly heightened fears of an all-out war.
28. The terrorists issued a denial of responsibility for the attack.
29. The attack on civilians is a flagrant violation of the peace agreement.
30. The attack was in revenge for the deaths of two loyalist prisoners.
31. Passers-by grappled with the man after the attack.
32. His attack on the government was pure vitriol.
33. She was obviously in distress after the attack.
34. The birds also attack crops when the opportunity arises.
35. He formulated a plan of attack.
36. He launched an all-out attack on his critics.
37. This attack of influenza has crocked him up.
38. Severe shock can bring on an attack of acne.
39. The soldiers barricaded the streets to prevent an attack.
40. Police described it as a sickening racial attack.
41. Vulnerable to the attack,who are incurable.
42. He made a scathing attack on the statement.
43. They knew when to attack and when to retreat.
44. He renewed his attack on government policy towards Europe.
45. Our orders are to attack their left flank.
46. He commanded his troops to attack.
47. The attack on him was quite deliberate.
48. Who could have carried out such a vile attack?
49. She is suffering a bilious attack.
50. These measures are designed to deter an enemy attack.
51. They decided to attack their enemy's southern flank.
51. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
52. The minefields make an all-out frontal attack almost impossible.
53. The city was heavily defended against attack.
54. Police described the attack as horrific.
55. The enemy attack was quickly repulsed.
56. The general affirmed rumors of an attack.
57. The attack began, sending residents scurrying for cover.
58. She died of a massive heart attack.
59. Police described it as a particularly gruesome attack.
60. She described the shooting as a wicked attack.
31. There's been much fear that the United Nations peacekeepers would be under attack in a situation like that.
32. Just before an attack everything would go quiet but we knew it was just the lull before the storm .
33. The police officer said the attack was the most horrendous he had ever seen.
34. Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack.
35. The attack was carried out by a lone gunman in a crowded shopping centre.
36. They have fifty thousand troops along the border ready to repel any attack.
37. Cash Junior made a full-frontal assault/attack on Hollywood's 'moral delinquency'.
38. The commander ambushed his troops in the woods for the morning attack.
39. Gissing used his fictional alter ego to attack Victorian morals.
40. I think he's having an asthma attack.
41. Nothing could avail against our attack.
42. His ailments include a mild heart attack and arthritis.
43. We were guarded by sentries against surprise attack.
44. The fort cannot be defended against an air attack.
45. The attack jumped off under cover of a barrage.
46. The experienced politician disposed of the attack in a few minutes.
47. His speech was a powerful and trenchant attack against 〔 on 〕 apartheid.
48. The regiment secured its position while awaiting the enemy attack.
49. They killed two men in retaliation for a bomb attack the previous day.
50. We must pick out the enemy's weakest units for attack.
51. They were killed, to the last man, in a futile attack.
51. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
61. Woodlice attack living plants and gnaw at the stems.
62. They dug in and waited for the enemy's attack.
63. It is impossible to defend against an all-out attack.
64. The attack succeeded,and the fort was taken.
65. Germany lost two warships during this attack.
66. Prisoners' families face continual harassment and attack.
67. Turning away under a strong attack is a sure recipe for defeat.
68. Before the enemy's attack he crossed the river and alarmed the unarmed villagers.
69. A child is recovering in hospital after a serious attack by a stray dog.
70. It wasn't a serious heart attack,() but it gave him a terrible scare.
71. In the most recent attack one man was shot dead and two others were wounded.
72. When the attack took place, there were no victim support schemes.
73. The invading force, conscious of their numerical inferiority at sea, decided on an airborne attack.
74. He died of a heart attack brought on by overwork.
75. There is a miner attack in words but a major help in deeds.
76. On the day after the terrorist attack, the overall mood in the town was one of vengeance.
77. This latest attack has greatly heightened fears of an all-out war.
78. The article was a savage attack on her past actions.
79. No one has yet stepped forward to claim responsibility for the attack.
80. The terrorists issued a denial of responsibility for the attack.
81. They had to meet the attack with very little ammunition.
82. The attack on civilians is a flagrant violation of the peace agreement.
83. The attack was in revenge for the deaths of two loyalist prisoners.
84. There's been much fear that the United Nations peacekeepers would be under attack in a situation like that.
85. Just before an attack everything would go quiet but we knew it was just the lull before the storm .
86. Extra men are needed to secure the camp against attack.
87. A third heart attack finally finished off the old man.
88. Two teenagers carried out a frenzied attack on a local shopkeeper.
89. It seems that the attack was a gratuitous/random/mindless act of violence.
90. The enemy troops moved in on the city and began to attack at dawn.
91. A muscular spasm in the coronary artery can cause a heart attack.
92. One sign of a heart attack is a tingling sensation in the left arm.
93. The police officer said the attack was the most horrendous he had ever seen.
94. These are the cells that directly attack and kill micro-organisms.
95. He dissimulated his intentions right up to the moment of the attack.
96. This was a savage attack on a defenceless young girl.
97. Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack.
98. The attack was carried out by a lone gunman in a crowded shopping centre.
99. Three villagers were hacked to death in a savage attack.
100. You are brave, anti crisis, attack difficulty, carry all before one, your loyalty, according to medical ethics, keep the purpose, have succeeded in carrying out an assignment.
101. There seemed to be no clear motive for the attack.
102. He would attack at night, preying on lone women in their twenties or thirties.
103. His attack on the manager led to his instant dismissal.
104. They have fifty thousand troops along the border ready to repel any attack.
105. The US will need a three-to-one superiority in forces to be sure of a successful attack.
106. Cash Junior made a full-frontal assault/attack on Hollywood's 'moral delinquency'.
107. His speech is being seen as a veiled attack on asylum-seekers.
108. The authorities often know that sex offenders will attack again when they are released.
109. The commander ambushed his troops in the woods for the morning attack.
110. Gissing used his fictional alter ego to attack Victorian morals.
111. The president responded to this with a blistering attack on his critics.
111. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
112. A line of forts was built along the border to protect the country against attack.
113. Snakes will only attack if you disturb them.
114. The surprise attack dismayed the enemy troops.
115. We renewed the attack after stopping for two hours.
116. All politicians come under attack for their views.
117. The army was ready to repel an attack.
118. The brutal attack resulted in the man's death.
119. He might be having a heart attack.
120. The attack was captured on film by security cameras.
121. The article is a searing attack on government mismanagement.
122. Tension has heightened after the recent bomb attack.
123. The attack on the village lasted all night.
124. The surprising attack was on at the first light.
125. Her speech was a caustic attack on government officials.
126. Five youths were arrested in connection with the attack.
127. The conversation degenerated to a personal attack.
128. The attacker/attack was beaten off.
129. A successful attack would incapacitate military training camps.
130. Police hunting the culprits have condemned the attack.
131. The village is defenceless against attack.
132. You're heading for a bad attack of sunburn.
133. The patient lasted out the attack.
134. They delivered an attack on the enemy.
135. He's in hospital, recovering from a heart attack.
136. They launched a stinging attack on the government.
137. The attack took place last Monday.
138. A surprise air attack was launched at night.
139. Police said his death was unrelated to the attack.
140. Our defences must be reinforced against attack.
141. The General commanded that the regiment attack at once.http://
142. The attack took place under cover of darkness.
143. They launched a frontal attack on company directors.
144. After the attack, they returned to base.
145. He suffered horrific injuries in the attack.
146. The RAF provided air cover for the attack.
147. They rebuffed the enemy attack from the air.
148. She died unexpectedly of a heart attack.
149. There is little evidence to connect them with the attack.
150. Since my heart attack, I've cut fatty foods out altogether.
151. The company has come under fierce attack for its decision to close the factory.
152. More than two million refugees have fled the area, fearing attack by loyalist forces.
153. A man has been charged in connection with the attack.
154. The gunman in Wednesday's attack has been identified as Lee Giggs, an unemployed truck driver.
155. The government has come under attack from all sides for cutting education spending.
156. The police were shocked by the ferocity of the attack.
157. The President took the unusual step of altering his prepared speech in order to condemn the terrorist attack.
158. Hardening of the coronary arteries can lead to a heart attack.
159. Police have so far failed to trace any witnesses to the attack.
160. Frears was rushed to hospital with a suspected heart attack.
161. The magazine recently published a vicious personal attack on the novelist.
162. The attack added a new urgency to the peace talks.
163. This was a nasty attack and the woman is still very shocked.
164. I attack politicians with the one weapon they don't have(), a sense of humor.
165. Patient education is important to minimize the risk of a second heart attack.
166. Any attempt to attack the budget problem is going to have to in some way deal with those issues.
167. A previously unknown extremist group has said it carried out Friday's bomb attack.
168. The attack is one of a series of savage sexual assaults on women in the university area.
169. As a diabetic she was accustomed to the occasional hypoglycaemic attack.
170. Ann then sailed in with a furious attack on the chairman.
171. As Napoleon once said,(/attack.html) attack is the best method of defence.
172. No organization has yet claimed responsibility for the bomb attack.
173. It is a deliberate, nasty and vicious attack on a young man's character.
174. There was a vicious and vitriolic attack on him in one of the Sunday newspapers two weeks ago.
175. This action was undoubtedly in retaliation for last week's bomb attack.
176. The newspapers launched a vicious attack on him, forcing him to resign.
177. International opprobrium has been heaped on the country following its attack on its neighbours.
178. Here is the plan of attack and this is where you come in.
179. The explosion had all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack.
180. A sudden attack of typhoid cut him off in the prime of his life.
181. After his heart attack the doctor put him on a strict regimen.
182. She is still trying to get over the attack and the resultant injuries.
183. The roof timbers were affected by rot and insect attack.
184. It appeared that both the accused were acting in concert in the attack upon the deceased.
185. Brazil began to attack more in the second half of the match.
186. The government has shown an outburst of righteous anger at the attack.
187. He lingered on for several months after the heart attack.
188. Fire-men were still clearing rubble from apartments damaged at the scene of the attack.
189. It is understood that the veteran reporter had a heart attack.
190. Reid reserved his most venomous attack for the Rail Authority.
191. Neighbours were shocked that such an attack could happen in their area.
192. Warnings of an enemy attack forced the troops onto the defensive.
193. Today's attack has seriously impaired attempts to achieve peace in the area.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 7:21:19