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单词 cohere
释义 Word family  noun coherence ≠ incoherence adjective coherent ≠ incoherent verb cohere adverb coherently ≠ incoherently  co·here /kəʊˈhɪə $ koʊˈhɪr/ verb [intransitive]  1  CONNECTED WITHif ideas, arguments, beliefs, statements etc cohere, they are connected in a clear and reasonable way 〔观点、论点、信念、陈述等〕一致,连贯 → coherent All the details are there and are correct but they don’t cohere. 所有的细节都摆在那里,而且都正确,但是它们并不一致。2. STICKif two objects cohere, they stick together 〔物体〕黏着,黏合→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscohere• Homologous parts tend to vary in the same way, and homologous parts tend to cohere.• Always stress what can be seen to cohere and fit together before attending to what does not fit.• It is an image, by and large, that coheres and satisfies.• But they don't cohere, don't add up.• It began to cohere into a picture that my mind was very reluctant to develop.Origin cohere (1500-1600) Latin cohaerere, from co- ( → CO-) + haerere “to stick”co·here verbChineseSyllable  arguments, if they statements connected ideas, in beliefs, Corpus cohere, are etc




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