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单词 codify
释义  co·di·fy /ˈkəʊdɪfaɪ $ ˈkɑː-/ verb (codified, codifying, codifies) [transitive]  SYSTEMto arrange laws, principles, facts etc in a system 将〔法律、原理、事实等〕编集成典;编纂 —codification /ˌkəʊdɪfɪˈkeɪʃən $ ˌkɑː-/ noun [countable, uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscodify• His call for a new spirit of experimental investigation was later codified and converted into a more concrete programme by Francis Bacon.• The agreement must still be codified by federal legislation.• It codified democratic rights and freedoms including freedom of speech, assembly and association, and private ownership.• Institutions have regulations, codified systems of behavior, organizational flow charts, and job descriptions.• In 1941, Roosevelt conceded failure and Congress summoned the courage to codify the date in law.• In 534 the emperor codified the law.• New nations from the eighteenth century onward have found it both necessary and useful to codify their·di·fy verbChineseSyllable   Corpus arrange a to laws, etc facts in principles,




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