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单词 coachwork
释义  Related topics: Motor vehiclescoach·work /ˈkəʊtʃwɜːk $ ˈkoʊtʃwɜːrk/ noun [uncountable] British English  TTCthe main outer structure of a car 〔汽车的〕车身Examples from the Corpuscoachwork• Isobel ran from one to another, touching the gleaming coachwork, the glittering chrome.• Lime was particularly good for coppicing and its timber prized for turning, furniture making and much used in coachwork.• Clearly he had long since trained himself to tune out all awareness of boys unless they menaced his engine or coachwork.• Everything is of top quality-the engine, the coachwork and the interior all fill you with confidence.• It took 19 litres of paint and cellulose for the coachwork, which matched the original perfectly.• The coachwork by the famous firm of Thrupp and Maberly matched the dark green and black livery.• The Daimler limousine motor car with coachwork by Barker &·work nounChineseSyllable  car main outer the structure of Corpus a




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