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单词 border
释义  Related topics: Geography, Gardeningbor·der1 /ˈbɔːdə $ ˈbɔːrdər/ ●●● S3 W2 noun [countable]  1  SGthe official line that separates two countries, states, or areas, or the area close to this line 国界,边界;边境地区 To cross the border, you will need a valid passport. 过边境需要持有效护照。border between the border between the US and Mexico 美国和墨西哥之间的边界border with regular patrols along the border with France 沿与法国交界的边境地区的定期巡逻on the border a market town on the border of England and Wales 英格兰和威尔士边界上的一个集镇across the border He helped them to get across the border. 他帮助他们越过边境。south/north etc of the border The coach took us south of the border to Tijuana. 长途客车把我们带到了边境以南的蒂亚胡瓦娜。2  EDGEa band along or around the edge of something such as a picture or piece of material 边,边饰 writing paper with a black border 饰有黑边的信纸 →5 see picture at 见图 edge13  DLGan area of soil where you plant flowers or bushes, along the edge of an area of grass 〔草坪边缘的〕狭长花坛,灌木带 a flower and shrub border 草坪边缘的鲜花灌木带4  something that separates one situation, state etc from another 〔区分两种情形、状态等的〕界线 new scientific discoveries that are stretching the borders of knowledge 拓展知识疆界的科学新发现 COLLOCATIONSverbscross the border 穿越边境The army crossed the border and advanced on Warsaw. 军队越过边境,向华沙进发。flee/escape across the border 逃过边境Over 100,000 civilians fled across the border. 逾10万平民逃过边境。form the border 形成边界The river forms the border between the two countries. 这条河成为两国的分界线。close the border (=prevent people from crossing) 关闭边境nThe government moved quickly to close the the border (=start allowing people to cross) 开放边境nAfter fifty years the border was finally opened.nstraddle the border (=cover land on both sides of it)This small village straddles the border between the West Bank and Jerusalem.adjectivesthe Welsh/Mexican etc border 威尔士/墨西哥等边境I had reached the Swiss border. 我已抵达瑞士边境。the southern/eastern etc border 南部/东部等边境They renewed their attacks on Ethiopia’s northern border. 他们再次对埃塞俄比亚北部边境发起进攻。nthe Austro-Hungarian/Hong Kong–China etc borderThe village is on the Oxfordshire-Warwickshire border.a common border (=that countries share) 共同边境,交界nIndia and Pakistan each withdrew troops from their common border.border + NOUNa border dispute (=a disagreement about where the border should be) 边境纠纷a long-running border dispute between Iraq and Iran 伊拉克与伊朗之间由来已久的边境纠纷a border town 边境城镇nthe Chinese border town of Shenzhena border area/region 边境地区nThe Afghan border area is open and wild.a border crossing (=a place where you cross a border) 过境处nThere are problems of delays at border crossings.a border guard 边境卫兵nthe North Korean border guardsborder controls (=controls on who crosses a border) 边境管制nHungary tightened its border controls.phrasesthis/the other side of the border 边境的这边/那边Her friend lives on the other side of the border. 她的朋友居住在边境的另一边。 THESAURUSborder the official line that separates two countries, or the area close to this line 国界,边界;边境地区 国界,边界;边境地区The town lies on the border between Chile and Argentina. 小镇坐落在智利与阿根廷的边界上。Strasbourg is very close to the German border. 斯特拉斯堡距离德国边境很近。nborder guardsfrontier especially British English the border 国界,边境They crossed the Libyan frontier into Egypt. 他们穿过利比亚边境进入埃及。line the official line that separates states and counties in the US 〔美国各州、县的〕边界His family lived across the state line in West Virginia. 他家人住在州界的那一边的西弗吉尼亚。boundary the line that marks the edge of an area of land that someone owns, or one of the parts of a country 〔某人领地的〕分界线;边界The fence marks the boundary between the two properties. 这道篱笆是两座地产的界线。The Mississippi River forms the boundary between Tennessee and Arkansas. 密西西比河是田纳西州与阿肯色州的分界线。nA road runs along the western boundary of the site.Examples from the Corpusborder• Jill wants to plant a border of flowers around the lawn.• Jeumont is a small town on the French-Belgian border.• Strasbourg is very close to the German border.• Samantha was wearing a knee-length skirt with a green border.• Fighting in border disputes has killed at least 25 people.• Isn't Manto near the Italian border?• Iraq had put thousands of troops along its border with Kuwait.• To the east lay border regions - Berry and Auvergne - where even the Duke's nominal suzerainty was at times doubtful.• It is the United States that has suffered from millions of impoverished, illegal aliens coming across the lengthy border.• We spent the night in, a miserable little border town.• The two presidents met for the first time to discuss their longstanding border dispute.• They are constantly having to negotiate borders and deal with difference.• The tablecloth had a brightly patterned border.• a skirt with a red border• They escaped across the border into Thailand.• Refugees have been warned not to attempt to cross the border.• As soon as we crossed the border we began to see signs of poverty.• You may remember seeing Katrina Hunter and the remarkable progress she made with a herbal cream from the borders.• It is a mountainous region, occupying a large area near the border with Nepal.• Last night we camped a metre short of the border, a beautiful spot between the upper and lower Sorjus lakes.• Workers refuse to hire on for less, because cost of living is higher on the border than farther south.• The talks were held in the northeastern state of Nuevo Leon, on the border with the US.• The town lies on the border between Chile and Argentina.• The army's main task was to patrol the border regions.• He had spotted another lay-by, beyond Jena, just before the link road to the autobahn back to the border.border with• Chile's border with PeruRelated topics: Geographyborder2 verb  1  SGP[intransitive, transitive] if one country, state, or area borders another, it is next to it and shares a border with it 与…接壤,与…毗邻 countries that border the Mediterranean 地中海沿岸的国家border on The area borders on the Yorkshire Dales. 这个地区与约克郡河谷相邻。2  EDGE[transitive] to form a border along the edge of something 是…的边界,毗邻 a path bordered by a high brick wall 与一道高高砖墙相邻的小路3 border on something phrasal verb RICHto be very close to being something extreme 近似,接近〔极端〕 His confidence bordered on arrogance. 他的自信近乎自负。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusborder• The Black Sea borders a half-dozen countries.• With three air-force pilots along for the ride, James flew along a railroad track bordered by tall trees.• Sometimes, the censorship bordered on the absurd.• They did so for complex reasons that border on the religious, not the ambitious.• France borders Spain along the length of the Pyrenees.• Azerbaijan borders the Caspian Sea.• Jackson went to the road that bordered the gardens on the left.• It looks an exquisite mess, but push through the vegetation bordering the path and the undergrowth clears.• He staggered across the wide path that bordered the pond and plunged into the water.• Willow trees bordered the river.Origin border1 (1300-1400) Old French bordure, from border “to border”, from bort “border”bor·der1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1border2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  states, separates or line areas, or Corpus official two that the countries,




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