随便看 |
- willingness
- willing partner
- willing volunteer
- Willis, Bruce
- willis,-bruce
- willis,bruce
- will it heck
- will live to regret it
- will murder you
- will never hear the end of it
- will never hear the last of
- will not be doing again in a hurry
- will not be doing in a hurry
- will not go near
- will not rest until
- will o' the wisp
- will-o'-the-wisp
- willow
- willows
- willowy
- willpower
- will rogers
- will-rogers
- willrogers
- will run and run
- Decency
- Catcher
- Liberty
- Rancher
- Ten commandments
- Silk road
- Fish
- Divergence
- Dissension
- Warped
- 官多设而数易,事多议而屡更,生民之殃未知所极。古人慎择人而久任,慎立政而久行,一年如是,百千年亦如是,不易代不改政,不弊事不更法。故百官法守一,不敢作聪明以擅更张。百姓耳目一,不至乱听闻以乖政令。日渐月渍,莫不遵上之纪纲法度以淑其身,习上之政教号令以成其俗。譬之寒暑不易,而兴作者岁岁有持循焉;道路不易,而往来者年年知远近焉。何其定静,何其经常,何其相安,何其易行,何其省劳费。或曰:法久而弊,奈何?
- 官媒议婚
- 官学
- 官学
- 官官相护的意思,官官相护造句
- 官家不税商,税农服作苦
- 官家但恨仓廪贫,不知淮南人食人
- 官无常贵,民无终贱》鉴赏
- 官本是臭腐,所以将得而梦棺尸;财本是粪土,所以将得而梦秽污
- 官样文章·例行公事是什么意思
- 官渡之战
- 官渡之战是什么意思
- 官滥羊头是什么意思
- 官滥羊头是什么意思
- 官爱民业种德》原文|译文|赏析
- Floodgate句子
- Singular句子
- Singles句子
- Phonetic句子
- Convalescence句子
- Deterioration句子
- Bulletin句子
- Procure句子
- Racial profiling句子
- Affirmative action句子
- Gobble句子
- Plagued句子
- In vivo句子
- For all句子
- Shun句子