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单词 sweat
释义  Related topics: Cooking, Biologysweat1 /swet/ ●●○ verb  1  liquid from skin 皮肤排出的液体 [intransitive, transitive]SWEAT to have drops of salty liquid coming out through your skin because you are hot, ill, frightened, or doing exercise 出汗,流汗,冒汗 SYN perspire I was sweating a lot despite the air conditioning. 尽管开着空调,我仍是满头大汗。sweat heavily/profusely (=sweat a lot) 出大汗,流很多汗 Within minutes she was sweating profusely. 不一会儿她就大汗淋漓了。sweat like a pig/sweat buckets informal (=sweat a lot) 汗流浃背,浑身臭汗,大汗淋漓 basketball players sweating buckets 汗如雨下的篮球运动员2  work 工作 [intransitive, transitive] informalWORK HARD to work hard 辛苦工作,拼命干活 They sweated and saved for ten years to buy a house. 他们拼命工作,攒十年钱买了一幢房子。sweat over He’d sweated over the plans for six months. 他为这些计划苦干了六个月。sweat blood/sweat your guts out (=work very hard) 拼命地干 I sweated blood to get that report finished. 我为了完成那份报告不要命地干。 We’ve been sweating our guts out here! 我们一直在这里累死累活地干!3  worry 担心 [intransitive, transitive] informalNERVOUS to be anxious, nervous, or worried about something 焦虑;精神紧张;担心 Let them sweat a bit before you tell them. 你让他们着着急再告诉他们。sweat bullets American English (=be very anxious) 非常担心,十分着急 Workers are sweating bullets over the possibility of job losses. 工人们十分担心可能会丢掉工作。4  don’t sweat it American English spokenWORRIED used to tell someone not to worry about something 别担心,别着急 Don’t sweat it, I’ll lend you the money. 别担心,我会借给你钱的。5. don’t sweat the small stuff WORRIED American English spoken used to tell someone not to worry about unimportant things 不要为小事担心6. produce liquid 产生液体 [intransitive]LIQUID if something such as cheese sweats, fat from inside appears on its surface 〔干酪等表面〕渗出水分7  cook 烹调 [transitive] British EnglishDFC to heat food gently in a little water or fat 用文火熬 Sweat the vegetables until the juices run out. 用文火把蔬菜熬出汁来。8.sweat something ↔ off phrasal verb SWEATto lose weight by sweating a lot 通过大量流汗减轻〔体重〕9 sweat something ↔ out phrasal verb a) to wait anxiously for news that is very important to you 焦急地等待〔重要的消息〕 Charles is sweating it out while the coach decides which players he’s taking to the Olympics. 查尔斯在焦急地等待教练决定带哪些队员去参加奥 运会。b) American English to work very hard on something, especially something difficult 拼命干〔尤指困难的事情〕 kids sweating out a test 埋头考试的孩子们c) to do hard physical exercise 拼命锻炼身体 They were sweating it out in the gym. 他们正在健身房里拼命锻炼。d) MIto get rid of an illness by making yourself sweat a lot 通过发汗治好〔疾病〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussweat• Out in the corridor Toby found he was sweating.• The heat from the lights was making her sweat and her make-up started to run.• If I had to sweat blood it would be done.• It was tough work. Within minutes we were all sweating buckets.• Let them sweat - I'll give them a decision tomorrow.• Amphitryon, sweating, leaned on his spear.• My God, it's hot in here - I'm sweating like a pig!• Quinn tried to imagine him lying in his bed, sweating out a fever.• Sweating profusely and gripping the lectern, Anderson began his speech.• It's so hot, you start sweating the minute you walk outside.• You're sweating. Why don't you take your jacket off?• She was sweating, yet her skin felt cold.sweat heavily/profusely• At that time, when it was removed from the casket, the community was astonished to see it sweat profusely.• By noon on the fourth day he was sweating profusely.• Her father was under clad for the time of year but was sweating heavily.• Within minutes her eyes were watering, she was sweating profusely and she began to find it difficult to breathe and speak.• Hutt crept silently into the kitchen, his hands sweating profusely as he closed in on his prey.• They grip the lectern, their knees knock, and they sweat profusely as they try to get their point across.• I was sweating profusely in a wool shirt.• The Prime Minister, who looked relaxed but sweated profusely in the hot hall, said he relished the fight ahead.sweat over• The committee spent months sweating over the new budget.sweat bullets• You see, as Job Survivor I am sweating bullets by night, biting bullets by day.Related topics: Biologysweat2 ●●○ noun  1  liquid on skin 皮肤上的液体 [singular, uncountable]SWEAT drops of salty liquid that come out through your skin when you are hot, frightened, ill, or doing exercise 汗,汗水,汗液 SYN perspiration Ian came off the squash court dripping with sweat. 伊恩大汗淋漓地离开壁球场。 Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. 他的额头上冒出了汗珠。 Sweat poured down his face. 他满头大汗。2  [countable] the condition of sweating 出汗,流汗 Symptoms include fatigue and night sweats. 症状包括疲倦和盗汗。work up a sweat (=do physical exercise or hard work that makes you sweat) 因锻炼[辛苦工作]而流汗3  a (cold) sweat NERVOUSFRIGHTENEDa state of nervousness or fear, especially one in which you are sweating 〔由于精神紧张或害怕而出的〕一身(冷)汗in/into a (cold) sweat I woke up from the nightmare in a cold sweat. 我从噩梦中惊醒,出了一身冷汗。 Don’t get into such a sweat about it! It’s only a test. 不用这么紧张!这不过是一个测验。4  break into a sweat/break out in a sweat a) to start sweating 开始出汗 b) to become very nervous or frightened 非常紧张;非常害怕 Drops in stock market prices have investors breaking out into a sweat. 股市大跌使投资者陷入恐慌。5  break sweat British English, break a sweat American English to start sweating because you are making an effort 〔因用力而〕开始流汗 Karen was on the exercise bikes, just beginning to break a sweat. 卡伦在骑健身单车,刚开始出汗。6  no sweat spokenEASY used to say that you can do something easily 一点也不难,毫不费力 ‘Are you sure you can do it on time?’ ‘Yeah, no sweat!’ “你有把握按时完成吗?” “嗯,没问题!”7  sweats [plural] American English informal a) DCCDSclothes made of thick soft cotton, worn especially for sport 运动服 SYN sweatsuit b) DCCDStrousers of this type 运动裤 SYN sweat pants8. work 工作 [singular] old-fashionedWORK HARD hard work, especially when it is boring or unpleasant 〔尤指枯燥或不愉快的〕艰苦工作,累活9. the sweat of somebody’s brow literaryWORK HARD the hard effort that someone has made in their work 艰苦,艰辛n COLLOCATIONSverbsbe dripping with sweatAfter two hours' climbing, their bodies were dripping with drenched/soaked with sweat (=be covered in a lot of sweat)His shirt was drenched with sweat.sweat runs/pours somewhereMy hand was shaking and sweat was pouring off my forehead.sweat trickles somewhere (=flows slowly)I could feel the sweat trickling down my back.glisten with sweat (=be wet and shiny with sweat)His chest glistened with sweat.phrasesbeads of sweat (=drops of sweat)There were beads of sweat on his forehead.a trickle of sweat (=sweat that is flowing somewhere)A trickle of sweat ran down my wet/damp with sweatShe had been exercising and her hair was damp with sweat.sweat stands out on somebody's forehead (=there are drops of sweat on someone's forehead)Sweat stood out on Ian's forehead.wipe the sweat from your brow/foreheadHe wiped the sweat from his brow and carried on digging.adjectivesstale sweatThe room smelt of stale sweat.Examples from the Corpussweat• Sweat poured off his face.• He threw up so easily, not like an adult retching and covered with cold sweat.• I got sweat in my eyes and couldn't see.• You have more sweat glands and blood vessels per square inch in your scalp than any other part of your body.• Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead and she trembled visibly.• Tepid sweats form, and shine, and instantly evaporate.• The lumps are heavy but I drove myself till my arms cried out and the sweat runs down my back.• He constantly rotates five pairs of gloves, disliking the sweat that builds up inside as he plays.• I sat on an upturned box, feeling the sweat beginning to trickle down my back.• He stopped working for a moment to wipe the sweat off his face.• The sweat of old memories, buried horrors, miserable lonely fears.Sweat poured• After his victory Marcello retired to his terrace with a towel. Sweat poured from his head and chest.• The backs of his thighs were bulging, his hamstrings taut as guy wires. Sweat poured off his up a sweat• Beals, also working up a sweat, wears a distraught look through most of the movie.• Keep this in mind, says Reed, if you are working up a sweat digging your car out of a ditch.• After half an hour or so of vigorous boring with the hand drill, we both worked up a sweat.• They are silent and focused, working up a sweat.• On the days he did hit the water, he lost interest in the workout before he worked up a sweat.• Can you bring us a drink? We're working up a sweat out here.• Just enough to work up a sweat, keep the blood moving, tone the old cardio-vascular whatsit.• Kick the day into action with refreshing Celsius Body Splash Opposite, below: keep your cool even when working up a sweat.From Longman Business Dictionarysweatsweat /swet/ verb → sweat something → out→ See Verb tableOrigin sweat1 Old English swætan, from swat “sweat” (noun) sweat2 (1300-1400) → SWEAT1sweat1 verbsweat2 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  liquid have drops of Corpus salty Business to




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