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单词 Belly-up
1 The business went belly-up.
2 My company may go belly-up because we have lost 3 million since last year.
3 There are many reasons why IBM nearly went belly-up, not least the fact that Big Blue had become a bureaucratic monster.
4 If I go belly-up, I will no longer be able to tip my doorman when he gets me a taxi.
5 And in Arkansas, an estimated 100,000 fish went belly-up the day before 5,000 blackbirds slammed into roofs, mailboxes and the ground at full speed.
6 To wake up with her belly-up and demanding affection is to have your heart explode with the kind of joy that compels some people into a life of large-scale oil painting.
7 When banks around the globe were going belly-up, Britain came up with answers fastest,[] and it must be an important part of worldwide re-regulation.
8 The Chinese government has bigger concerns than just belly-up exporters.
9 If you keep spending money, you will go belly-up one day.
10 An international conference, which has been on the edge of collapse for days, finally goes belly-up.
11 When I kill cockroaches using an aerosol spray, they invariably die belly-up.
12 Her second thoughts about the bank's leverage crusade led to her being sidelined into a policy job a year before the bank went belly-up.
13 Howery, an American law firm, poured resources into Brussels only to have its business hit a nasty patch and go belly-up.
14 Great states like California and Illinois appear about to go belly-up. The U.
15 Meanwhile, French president Nicolas Sarkozy has been flying to Frankfurt for desperate emergency meetings with Frau Merkel to try to prevent French banks from going belly-up.
16 After peaking at 29.7 trillion yen in 1997, the country's restaurant sector has shrunk almost every year as a weak economy has driven businesses into price wars — or worse, sent them belly-up.
17 The way this business is run, it's just a matter of time before it goes belly-up .
18 It is possible to buy credit-default swaps (CDSs), a form of insurance against default, on China's sovereign debt, but few think that would really go belly-up anyway.
19 In the past 10 years, the Alley has endured the triple asteroid strikes of an exploding Internet Bubble, the 9/11 terror attacks and the financial crisis. Thousands of firms went belly-up.
20 Great states like California and Illinois appear about to go belly-up.
21 Executives could be in the line of fire too, since they assured shareholders that the bank was fine just before it almost went belly-up.




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