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单词 clockwork
释义  Related topics: Powerclock·work /ˈklɒk-wɜːk $ ˈklɑːk-wɜːrk/ noun [uncountable]  1  TP British English clockwork toys, trains, soldiers etc have machinery inside them that makes them move when you turn a key 〔玩具上的〕发条装置 mechanical toys powered by clockwork 以发条为动力的机械玩具 The tape was driven by a clockwork motor. 带子由发条式马达驱动。2  go/run like clockwork SUCCEED IN DOING somethingto happen in exactly the way you had planned 顺利地进行 The concert went like clockwork. 音乐会进行得很顺利。3  like clockwork  (also (as) regular as clockwork)REGULAR happening at the same time and in the same way every time 非常准时的;极有规律的 Matt came round each Friday, regular as clockwork. 马特每星期五过来,非常准时。4. with clockwork precision/accuracy EXACTin an extremely exact way 极精确地Examples from the Corpusclockwork• Every time they do it, it comes off like clockwork.• Like clockwork the three nurses and I followed along with the male radio voice and did a ten-minute exercise routine.• Many beginners start to practise their forms in a kind of clockwork, robotic manner.• He clicked the lever, and the clockwork motor whirred.• You don't have to play these cat and mouse games with your clockwork soldiers.clock·work nounChineseSyllable   Corpus clockwork soldiers trains, toys, etc have




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