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单词 click
释义  Related topics: Computersclick1 /klɪk/ ●●● S3 verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]SOUND to make a short hard sound, or make something produce this sound (使)发出咔嗒声 The door clicked shut behind me. 门在我身后咔嗒一声关上了。 Mother clicked her tongue (=made a short sound to show disapproval) and sighed. 妈妈咂咂嘴,叹了口气。 Edmund clicked his fingers (=made a short sound to get someone’s attention) for John to follow him. 埃德蒙弹了个响指示意约翰跟着他。 Vogel clicked his heels (=hit the heels of his shoes together) and bowed. 沃格尔咔嗒一声并拢脚跟,鞠了个躬。 Twist the lever and the gears click into place. 转动变速杆,排挡就咔嗒一声到位了。2  [intransitive, transitive] to press a button on a computer mouse to choose something from the screen that you want the computer to do, or to press a button on a remote control 点击(鼠标);按动(遥控器) Choose the image you want by clicking twice. 双击鼠标选取所要的图像。click on Children can click on a sentence to hear it read aloud. 儿童可以点击句子听到朗读。 →4  See picture of 见图 click3  [intransitive] informalUNDERSTAND to suddenly understand or realize something 突然明白,恍然大悟 It’s hard work, but one day it will just click. 这是很难,但总有一天会豁然开朗的。 I thought, ‘What is he doing?’ and then suddenly it all clicked into place (=I understood how all the events related to each other). 我想:“他在干什么呢?”然后我恍然大悟了。4  [intransitive] informalLIKE somebody OR something if two people click, they like, understand, and agree with each other 〔两个人〕情投意合,合得来 They clicked straight away. 他们俩一见如故。5  [intransitive] informal to happen in a good or successful way, especially because people are working together well 〔尤因配合默契〕进行顺利 If everything clicks, we should have a good season. 如果一切顺利,我们应该有一个不错的赛季。n COLLOCATIONSclick + NOUNclick your fingers (=make a short sound with your fingers to get someone's attention)She clicks her fingers and he comes your tongue (=make a short sound with your tongue to show disapproval)She clicked her tongue in your heels (=hit the heels of your shoes together, as a soldier does)He clicked his heels and saluted.phrasesclick into place/positionMake sure the lid clicks firmly into open/shut (=open with a short hard sound)I heard the gate at the front of the house click open.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusclick• Both men smiled as the cameras clicked.• Sort of Twin Peaks meets Gertrude Stein, and somehow everything clicks.• I had a lot of trouble with algebra, but the teacher was patient and one day it just clicked.• Just keep working at it, and suddenly it will all click.• We just clicked, and we've been friends ever since.• Everything clicked for the team all season long.• We just clicked from the moment we started working together.• He clicked his tongue, the cob plodded resolutely forward and so did I. And it was easy!• I stuck it out the window, pointed it at the garage, and clicked it.• To schedule an event, click on one of the icons and drag it to the schedule.• When you click on the link, Netscape or Internet Explorer will open a newsreader in a separate window.• She was a wind-up putting-away doll, clicking through its programmed movements.• So you click to the next channel.• I never really clicked with my boss, and it made work a little more difficult.clicked shut• She was snapped out of her reverie as the door clicked shut and the secretary left them alone again.• As the door clicked shut, Chucha opened one eye, then closed it.• I'd allowed the door to swing to behind me and just as it clicked shut, some one knocked.• It clicked shut with an expensive, slightly sinister on• Children can click on a sentence to hear it read aloud.• Click on 'next' when you have finished filling out the ... click• It clicked and died on her.• He opened it with a click, holding it in his left hand.• Open it, right click inside the directory listing and choose New, Shortcut.• Several times he beard it click into gear and deliver its robotic message; the caller hung up.• But once all the children had a more settled routine at night, it clicked into place.• In the next window, browse to the file's location on your hard drive and select it, then click Next.• Clicking on a directory will open it, clicking on a file or dragging and dropping it should start the download.• One nice touch lets you italicize and embolden text simply by highlighting it and clicking on one of the toolbox icons.click2 ●●○ noun [countable]  1  a short hard sound 咔嗒声 The door closed with a click. 门咔嗒一声关上了。2  the click of a mouse used to show how quickly something can be done on a computer 点击一下鼠标 Your photos can be viewed with the click of a mouse. 点击鼠标就可以看照片了。n COLLOCATIONSverbshear a clickShe heard a click, and then the line went dead.make/produce a clickHe made a click of disapproval.go clickSoon there were photographers all around him going click, click, click.shut/close with a clickThe front door shut with a click.adjectivesa sharp click (=loud and quick)There was a sharp click, and the panel opened like a tiny door.a loud clickI heard the loud click of heels on the stone floor. a faint/soft click (=not loud)There was only a faint click from the gun's trigger mechanism.a metallic click (=like something made of metal)She strapped herself in with a metallic click of the belt.a little clickThe neon sign made little clicks as it changed colour.phrasesa series/succession of clicks (=several clicks one after another)A series of loud clicks came from the car's engine.the click of a latch/door/lock etcThe click of the latch told me Michele was back.Examples from the Corpusclick• I heard a click, and the phone went dead.• An informed, caring community is a computer click away.• With each click, the new channel and the program are identified at the bottom of the screen.• They live about five clicks out of town.• In came a previously undisclosed audiotape of a police interview with Butch Yunkin full of gaps, clicks and curious pauses.• A single mouse click would simply highlight the item.• It lies in a shallow valley a couple of clicks north of Redondo.From Longman Business Dictionaryclickclick1 /klɪk/ verb [intransitive, transitive] COMPUTINGto press a button on a computer mouse in order to choose something from the screen that you want the computer to doChoose the image you want by clicking onClick on the link to go to that webpage.→ See Verb tableclickclick2 noun [countable] COMPUTINGthe action of pressing a button on a computer mouseYou can check your bank account at the click of a mouse.Origin click2 (1500-1600) From the soundclick1 verb →n COLLOCATIONS1click2 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese   Business short sound, Corpus hard make or a produce make to something




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