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单词 clergy
释义  cler·gy /ˈklɜːdʒi $ ˈklɜːr-/ noun  the clergy [plural]RRC the official leaders of religious activities in organized religions, such as priests, rabbis, and mullahs 神职人员,牧师,教士 → clericalExamples from the Corpusclergy• In 1294-7, it has been calculated, the laity and clergy together yielded £280,000 in direct taxes to the king.• It was the corruption of the Roman Catholic clergy in medieval times that paved the way for the Reformation.• The saintly Vicar of Keyingham, Philip of Beverley, who did much for local clergy, was venerated as a saint.• But while they defended against outsiders, a new enemy came from their own clergy ranks.• It also provided approximately 40% of the stipends and housing costs of the 11,500 serving clergy.• Praise will be led by the clergy and choir of Holywood Parish Church.• He sets the clergy against each other in rivalry for his favours.Origin clergy (1200-1300) Old French clergie, from clerc; → CLERK1cler·gy nounChineseSyllable  religions, leaders Corpus of organized religious official activities in the




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