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单词 clap
释义  clap1 /klæp/ ●●○ verb (clapped, clapping)  1  [intransitive, transitive]PRAISE to hit your hands against each other many times to make a sound that shows your approval, agreement, or enjoyment 拍(手),鼓(掌) → applause One man began to clap, and others joined in. 一个人鼓起了掌,其他人也跟着鼓掌。 The couple were cheered and clapped on their arrival. 这对夫妇抵达时人群为他们欢呼鼓掌。 The audience clapped politely but without much enthusiasm. 观众礼貌地鼓了掌,但并不热烈。2  [transitive] if you clap your hands, you hit your hands together a few times to attract someone’s attention or to show that you are pleased 〔为引起注意或表示高兴而〕击(掌),拍(手) Narouz clapped his hands and a servant entered. 纳鲁兹拍了拍手,一名佣人走了进来。 Mandy laughed and clapped her hands in delight. 曼迪笑了,高兴得拍起手来。3  [transitive] to put your hand on something quickly and firmly 快速用力把手放到〔某物上面〕 ‘Mick!’ She clapped her hand over her mouth. ‘I’d forgotten!’ “米克!”她突然用手捂住了嘴,“我忘了!” Ben grinned and clapped me amiably on the shoulder. 本咧嘴笑了笑,友好地拍了拍我的肩膀。4  clap eyes on somebody/something SEE British English informal to see someone or something, especially when you did not expect to 〔尤指意外地〕看见某人/某物 Mark had loved the house from the moment he clapped eyes on it. 马克一看到这房子就喜欢上了。5. clap somebody in prison/jail/irons literaryKEEP somebody IN A PLACE to suddenly put someone in prison or chains 把某人投进监狱 —clapping noun [uncountable] Each song was greeted with enthusiastic clapping. 每一首歌都得到了热烈的掌声。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusclap• The sound of no hands clapping.• This measurement was for his new uniform, she assured him, while his colleagues wolf-whistled and clapped.• Nutty got a glimpse of Gloria and Seb, jaws dropping, as everyone started to jeer and clap.• The audience clapped and cheered.• The audience cheered and clapped as the curtain came down.• Mrs. Phillips clapped her hands and yelled at the dog to come inside.• Jack clapped him on the shoulder.• I might jump up and clap my hands.• Fans usually clap the batsman when he leaves the field.• A crowd gathered to watch the runners, clapping their hands and urging them on.• Where Turtles us'd to clap their silken Wings.• His hands were clapped to his face, and almost at once blood began trickling through his fingers.clapped ... hand over• Dad clapped his hands over his cheeks when the thunderbolt struck.• They were just slowly crawling around. l clapped my hands over them.Related topics: Natureclap2 noun  1  [singular]PRAISE the loud sound that you make when you hit your hands together many times to show that you enjoyed something 拍手(声),鼓掌(声)give somebody a clap British English Come on everyone, let’s give Tommy a clap. 来吧各位,我们为汤米鼓鼓掌吧。2  DN[singular] a sudden loud noise 砰然巨响,霹雳声 an ear-splitting clap of thunder 震耳欲聋的雷声3. the clap informal gonorrhea 淋病Examples from the Corpusclap• I give her a clap and turn round.• Witnesses recalled a clap of wood and the sight of Bailey plunging toward the ground, then his dangling body spinning hard.• The thought of another dose of clap flashed across his mind.• Check the responses after all the claps.• Under those trees no dragons could fly ... He heard the clap of wings before shadows folded around him.• Some ten seconds later, we heard the clap of thunder.• After a while the clapping died down.give somebody a clap• When they stop I give them a clap, but no one else does.• I give her a clap and turn round.clap of thunder• There is a clap of thunder and the garden disappears.• Suddenly we nearly jumped out of our skins as there was an incredible clap of thunder.• Some ten seconds later, we heard the clap of thunder.Origin clap1 Old English clæppan clap2 1. (1300-1400) → CLAP12. (1500-1600) Old French clapoir “swelling on the skin”clap1 verbclap2 nounChinese   each other against hands your Corpus to hit




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