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单词 clandestine
释义  clan·des·tine /klænˈdestɪn/ adjective  SECRETdone or kept secret 秘密的,暗中从事的 a clandestine affair 秘密关系 clandestine meetings 秘密会议► see thesaurus at secretExamples from the Corpusclandestine• That the jumps are often illegal has kept the society clandestine and elite.• Gedge later became much more clandestine and unpretentious when asked about the lyrical content of his songs.• Thus he is forced to lead a clandestine existence, abandoned only when he occasionally reappears to demand money from his wife.• To turn this into some clandestine meeting in the middle of the ocean..• a clandestine meeting• His clandestine meetings with PLO officials had been secretly recorded.• But there were enough to constitute an underground community, a clandestine network of social outcasts and émigrés.• The result of weeks of clandestine planning sat now inside the bedside cupboard.• He'd expected a clandestine rendezvous - curtained windows, locked doors - not a gypsy encampment.• The doctor was arrested after she was named as a member of a clandestine socialist movement.Origin clandestine (1500-1600) Latin clandestinus, from clam “secretly”clan·des·tine adjectiveChineseSyllable  kept Corpus secret done or




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