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单词 civilize
释义  civ·i·lize (also civilise British English) /ˈsɪvəl-aɪz/ verb [transitive]  1  SENSIBLEto influence someone’s behaviour, making or teaching them to act in a more sensible or gentle way 教化,使有教养 The missionaries went out to civilize other places. 传教士们去异国他乡教化当地人民。2  to improve a society so that it is more organized and developed, and often more fair or comfortable 使开化,使文明 Ellis was credited with civilizing the Texas prison system. 据信是埃利斯改良了得克萨斯州的监狱制度。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscivilize• The Romans hoped to civilize all the tribes of Europe.• But I wish he'd civilize his living arrangements.• By the year gold was discovered, disease and the civilizing process had already reduced this number to some 100,000.• Queequeg is seen to be more delicate and civilized than most of the Christians that Ishmael has known.civ·i·lize verbChineseSyllable  teaching someone’s behaviour, or them Corpus making influence to




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