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单词 airstrip
释义  Related topics: Airair·strip /ˈeəˌstrɪp $ ˈer-/ noun [countable]  TTAa long narrow piece of land that planes can fly from or land on 临时(飞机)跑道,简易机场Examples from the Corpusairstrip• On 30 May de Gaulle landed at an airstrip at Boufarik outside Algiers.• At about dusk last Saturday, it was approaching a civilian airstrip in Marana, about 25 miles northwest of Tucson.• A collection of firefighting crews moved to a primitive airstrip, a strip of grass amid the pines.• I flew with her into the bush, to land on a tiny crushed-pumice airstrip laid along a mountain ridge.• We visited Meiktila by plane and continued by air to Mandalay, landing on a very rough airstrip.• The first cover story for the airstrip was that a group of businessmen wanted to start up a tourist resort there.• We put up a little prefabricated building on the edge of the airstrip.air·strip nounChineseSyllable   Corpus can a from of narrow that fly land long piece planes




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