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单词 fulcrum
释义  Related topics: Mechanicalful·crum /ˈfʊlkrəm, ˈfʌl-/ noun (plural fulcrums or fulcra /-krə/) [countable]  TEMthe point on which a lever (=bar) turns, balances, or is supported in turning or lifting something 〔杠杆的〕支点Examples from the Corpusfulcrum• The Law can also be applied to the depth dimension, with a fulcrum in the middle ground.• As we saw, the historical model on which this concept of autonomy is based has Beethoven as its fulcrum.• The pencil lying next to the books acts as the fulcrum, or rotation point.• When they pushed at the end of the arm, they were applying force farther from the fulcrum.• If they used a shorter pencil, they had to apply more force because they were pushing closer to the fulcrum.• The fulcrum of this balance has shifted.• The fulcrum was the place where their fingers joined their hands.• A group of similar objects direct attention towards their fulcrum, according to the Law of Moments.Origin fulcrum (1600-1700) Latin “bedpost”ful·crum nounChineseSyllable  the which (=bar) lever Corpus on point a




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