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单词 chutzpah
释义  chutz·pah /ˈhʊtspə/ noun [uncountable] informal  CONFIDENTa lot of confidence and courage to do something, especially something that might involve being impolite to someone in authority – used to show approval 厚脸皮;敢作敢为〔含褒义〕 SYN nerve It took a lot of chutzpah to talk to your boss like that. 跟老板说那样的话脸皮非得很厚才行。Examples from the Corpuschutzpah• His reputation, along with luck and chutzpah, helped him get unique access to Ames.• His was a lifetime spent on the borderline between chutzpah and hubris.• And who else would have the happy chutzpah to seem so natural doing it?• This is chutzpah on rye bread with a side order of pickles and sour cream.• And the resolution to this scene is exquisite in its chutzpah and farcical bad taste.• It took a lot of chutzpah to quit your job like that.• Had word of Hanson's interest leaked to the market, the stockbroker's chutzpah could almost have bankrupted the firm.• But you can't help admiring the chutzpah.• No one else has the chutzpah to claim that.Origin chutzpah (1800-1900) Yiddish Late Hebrew huspahchutz·pah nounChineseSyllable  and of to lot courage do a something, especially confidence Corpus




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