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单词 chromium
释义  Related topics: Elementschro·mi·um /ˈkrəʊmiəm $ ˈkroʊ-/ noun [uncountable]  HCMa hard blue-white metal that is used to cover metal objects with a shiny silver protective surface. It is a chemical element: symbol Cr 铬〔一种化学元素,符号为Cr〕 a chromium-plated handrail 镀铬扶手Examples from the Corpuschromium• He smelled the bitter fragrance of ablated chromium steel.• High levels of cadmium, lead and chromium were also found in sediment in the Dogger Bank.• Inorganic chemistry in particular provided the bulk of new pigments based on chromium, cadmium, cobalt, zinc, copper and arsenic.• Physicians then found that some diabetics were able to tolerate sugar better when they were given some chromium.• But just as uncertain is whether anyone needs to take chromium at all.• She's misjudged the weight of the chromium door and crushed her big toe.• The chromium, used to prevent pipe corrosion, was released from 1951 until 1966, but lingered in groundwater.• But, as with chromium picolinate, the stars of various supplements rise and fall in the media faster than Hollywood careers.Origin chromium (1800-1900) Modern Latin French chrome; → CHROMEchro·mi·um nounChineseSyllable  blue-white Corpus cover to a is metal hard used that




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