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单词 child prodigy
释义  ˌchild ˈprodigy noun [countable]  INTELLIGENTGOOD ATa child who is unusually skilful at doing something such as playing a musical instrument 神童,天才儿童;有特殊才能的儿童Examples from the Corpuschild prodigy• A wonderful, uplifting movie about a child prodigy who is damaged, then saved, by his art.• As the book opens she is turning this demanding four-year-old into a child prodigy.• I was something of a child prodigy.• A child prodigy, Balling won a jazz contest in 1944 and formed his own small group.• Evgeny Kissin was the kind of child prodigy who made people believe in the possibility of a Mozart.ˌchild ˈprodigy nounChineseSyllable  unusually Corpus is child doing skilful at a who




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