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单词 air
释义  Related topics: Airair1 /eə $ er/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  gas 气体 [uncountable] the mixture of gases around the Earth, that we breathe 空气 Let’s go outside and get some fresh air. 我们出去呼吸些新鲜空气吧。 You need to put some air in the tyres. 你得给轮胎充气了。in the air There was a strong smell of burning in the air. 空气中有一股浓烈的焦味。 → a breath of fresh air at breath(2)2  space above the ground 空中the air the space above the ground or around things 空中,天空into the air Flames leapt into the air. 火苗蹿向天空。through the air He fell 2,000 metres through the air without a parachute. 他没用降落伞在空中下落了2,000米。3  planes 飞机 a) by airTTA travelling by, or using, a plane 乘飞机 I’d prefer to travel by air. 我喜欢坐飞机出行。 b) TTArelating to or involving planes 航空 the victims of Britain’s worst air disaster 英国最大空难的死难者 Air travel was growing rapidly. 航空旅行在迅速增长。 air traffic congestion 空中交通阻塞 His brother died in an air crash. 他的兄弟死于一场空难。4  be in the air a) if a feeling is in the air, a lot of people feel it at the same time 〔某种情绪〕弥漫在空气中 There was a sense of excitement in the air. 到处洋溢着一种激动的气氛。 b) to be going to happen very soon 即将发生 Change is in the air. 变革即将到来。5  appearance 外表 [singular] if something or someone has an air of confidence, mystery etc, they seem confident, mysterious etc 神态;样子;风度;气氛air of She had an air of quiet confidence. 她气定神闲。 She looked at him with a determined air. 她看着他,神情坚毅。6  be up in the air if something is up in the air, no decision has been made about it yet 悬而未决 Our trip is still very much up in the air. 我们的旅行计划有许多事情尚未决定。7  be on/off (the) air TCBto be broadcasting on the radio or television at the present moment, or to stop broadcasting 正在广播[播放]/停止广播[播放] We’ll be on air in three minutes. 三分钟后我们开始广播。8. music 音乐 [countable] a simple tune, often used in the title of a piece of classical music 曲调,旋律〔常用于古典乐曲名中〕9  airs [plural]PROUD a way of behaving that shows someone thinks they are more important than they really are 装腔作势,摆架子put on airs/give yourself airs Trudy is always putting on airs. 特鲁迪老是摆架子。 an actor with no airs and graces 毫无架子的演员10. be walking/floating on air to feel very happy 欢天喜地 → hot air, on-air, → clear the air at clear2(15), → disappear/vanish into thin air at thin1(15), → out of thin air at thin1(16) COLLOCATIONSadjectivesfresh 新鲜的She opened the window to let in some fresh air. 她打开窗户放进一些新鲜空气来。clean 干净的London’s air is cleaner than it has been at any time since 1585. 伦敦的空气比1585年以来的任何时候都要干净。warm/hot 温暖的/炎热的Warm air rises and is replaced by cooler and denser air. 暖空气上升,取而代之的是较为凉爽、密度较大的空气。nI felt a sudden rush of hot 凉(爽)的/寒冷的The air had turned a little cooler. 空气变凉了一些。 crisp (=pleasantly cool) 凉爽的the crisp autumn air 秋天凉爽的空气clear 晴朗的nI looked up to the stars in the clear night air.damp/humid 潮湿的nDamp air causes condensation.polluted 受污染的nThe air in Mexico City is heavily polluted. stale (=not fresh and often full of smoke) 污浊的nThe room was full of stale air and tobacco smoke.the air is thin (=there is less oxygen because you are in a high place) 空气稀薄nPeople cannot live up there because the air is too thin and there is not enough oxygen to breathe. the morning/evening/night air 早晨/傍晚/夜晚的空气nHe stepped out and breathed in the cold morning air.the sea/mountain/country air 海边/山里/乡间的空气nthe salty smell of the sea airthe still air (=air in which there is no wind) 凝滞的空气nSmoke from the chimneys hung in the still air.air + NOUNair pollution 空气污染Most air pollution is caused by cars. 空气污染主要是由汽车引起的。the air quality 空气质量The air quality is very poor on hot days. 高温天气时的空气质量非常差。the air pressure 气压nThe air pressure had dropped.phrasesa breath of air 透气I went outside for a breath of air. 我到外面去透透气。a rush/blast/stream of air 一股风nThere was a cold rush of air as she wound down her window.a current of air 一股气流nThe birds are able to glide on a current of warm air.verbsbreathe in the air 吸入空气She breathed in the cool mountain air. 她呼吸着山上凉爽的空气。fight/gasp for air (=try to breathe with difficulty) 急促地喘气He clutched his throat as he fought for air. 他抓着喉部急促地喘气。let in some air (=let fresh air into a room) 放进一些新鲜空气nIt would be nice to open the door and let in some air.put air into something (=fill a tyre, balloon etc with air) 给某物充气I need to put some air in the tyres. 你得给轮胎充气了。n GRAMMAR: Patterns with airin the air• You say that something is in the air: The plane was in the air.Put your hands in the air! ✗Don’t say: The plane was on the air. into the air• You say that something goes up into the air: The plane went up into the air.on the air• You say that a TV or radio programme is on the air or on air (=it is broadcast): The show has been on the air for over 30 years.Examples from the Corpusair• air pollution• Jennifer better make sure an air bag is handy.• the clean air of the countryside• Alex stood shivering in the cold, damp air.• Ice can crack off into the engine air intakes and cause them to shut down.• But gecko feet work in ionised air, which would cancel out the electrostatic effect.• To his disappointment, Bessie and Edgebone were already sitting there enjoying the night air.• Cars are a major cause of air pollution.• The weight of the air on top of the paper held it down with so much pressure that the stick broke.• Could you turn on the air?• He was uncoordinated, moving his arms through the air and pointing at nothing in particular.• I say they curved through the air by 25 centimetres.• Gobbets of ice sliced through the the air• Green and gold flames danced in the air over the central mountains.• There was a sense of excitement in the air.• A light rain hovers in the air.• But it's different, there's a strange hush in the air and the endless rumbling of 50,000 cannon shells.• I could taste iron in the air, and naphthalene.• If a cat stuck its leg in the air, they all raced off, screaming that they'd seen something move.• The Daughter drew signs in the air with her needles.• That thing throws you up in the air too.air2 ●○○ verb  1  opinion 观点 [transitive] to express your opinions publicly 公开发表〔看法〕air your views/grievances/complaints etc Staff will get a chance to ask questions and air their views. 员工将有机会提问并发表意见。► see thesaurus at say2  tv/radio 电视/无线电 [intransitive, transitive] to broadcast a programme on television or radio 播放,广播 KPBS airs such popular children’s programs as ‘Barney’ and ‘Sesame Street’. KPBS电视台播出《小博士邦尼》、《芝麻街》等受欢迎的儿童节目。 The program is due to air next month. 这个节目将于下月播出。3. room 房间 [transitive] especially British English, air something out American English to let fresh air into a room, especially one that has been closed for a long time 使通风4  clothes 衣服 [intransitive, transitive] especially British English, air (something) out American English to put a piece of clothing in a place that is warm or has a lot of air, so that it smells clean (把…)透风;晾干 I’ve left my sweater outside to air. 我把毛衣放在外面透透风。 → airing, → air your dirty laundry at dirty1(7)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusair• Voters deserve an opportunity to hear unpleasant alternatives fully debated and aired.• It had probably been the only one aired and ready for the unexpected guest this morning.• Concerns that were aired by many transit executives last month were just a big bureaucratic misunderstanding, says Rep.• The music that's finally being aired, fifty years on.• The newsconference will be aired live at 7 p.m.• He talked about events in the Middle Ages as if they'd happened-yesterday and been fully aired on the nine o'clock news.• So far, only Black Entertainment Television has accepted and aired the 60-second ads.• I hung the blankets on the clothesline to air them out.• Stahl's report is scheduled to air tonight after the news.air your views/grievances/complaints etc• For too long managers have had no authoritative body to express their views or air their grievances.• From the petrol-soaked armchair he aired his views.• Nor do the parties offer their constituents soapboxes on which to air their views.• Today you have a chance to air your views.• A chance for you to air your views and put them to a Government spokesperson.• A chance to air your views and put your questions to the people responsible for the programmes you hear on Radio 2.• The board made room on the agenda for supporters of the team to air their views in a public session Friday.• Rejecting any partition of the country, Cheiffou called upon the rebels to disarm, and to air their grievances through dialogue.Origin air1 1. (1200-1300) Old French Latin aer, from Greek2. (1500-1600) Probably a translation of Italian aria; → ARIAair1 noun →n GRAMMAR1 →COLLOCATIONS1air2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  the around of the gases Corpus mixture




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