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单词 kite
释义  Related topics: Toys, Birdsldoce_185_akite1 /kaɪt/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1. DHTa light frame covered in coloured paper or plastic that you let fly in the air on the end of one or two long strings 风筝 →5  See picture of KITE 风筝 →4  See picture of 见图 kite2. HBBa type of hawk (=bird that eats small animals) 鸢3. American English informalMONEY an illegal cheque 空头支票;非法支票4. fly a kite SUGGESTto make a suggestion to see what people will think of it 试探反应,探口气 → go fly a kite at fly1(24), → high as a kite at high1(16)Examples from the Corpuskite• Here we have a dangerous situation of a kite flailing on one line, possibly towards onlookers and certainly not under control.• How was that possible, a kite suspended in the air, without an anchor?• As soon as any kite touches the ground it is eliminated.• It's bad enough trying to fly with unequal line lengths; having an asymmetric kite can be most frustrating!• Of these, the best known is the Everglade kite, which escaped attention even longer than the crocodile.• All the stuff off the kite blew right out of sight - and all that was left was the frame.• Between the curving cross-spars, the sail adopts a vee form not unlike that on a Malay or triangular kite.kite2 verb [intransitive, transitive] American English informal  1  (also kite up)EXPENSIVE to raise the cost of something 增加(费用) SYN hike up Soaring medical costs keep kiting up insurance premiums. 骤升的医疗费用使保险费不断上涨。2. STEALto obtain money using an illegal cheque 开(空头支票);使用(假支票)骗钱→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuskite• That summer I took Esmerelda kiting quite a lot.From Longman Business Dictionarykitekite1 /kaɪt/ noun fly a kite to make a suggestion, often an unusual one, to find out what people think of itHe used his speech to fly a policy kite.kitekite2 verb [intransitive, transitive] informal1FINANCE kite checks to write cheques for more than the amount in the related accountMembers of the society had kited more than 8,000 checks in a single year.2LAW kite checks to use stolen chequesdrug-related crimes, like kiting checks to buy drugs→ See Verb tableOrigin kite1 Old English cytakite1 nounkite2 verbChinese  frame in paper Business light coloured Corpus or covered a




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