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单词 cesspit
释义  Related topics: Daily lifecess·pit /ˈsesˌpɪt/ noun [countable]  1. (also cesspool /ˈsesˌpuːl/)DCLEAN a large hole or container under the ground in which waste from a building, especially from the toilets, is collected 污水坑;化粪池2  SERIOUS SITUATIONa place or situation in which people behave in a bad or immoral way 罪恶的渊薮,藏污纳垢之地 For weeks the affair threatened to be a cesspit of scandal. 几个星期来,这一事件眼看就要成为丑闻的滋生源。Examples from the Corpuscesspit• Scutari was built over a cesspit.• By leaking, like cesspits, they contaminated ground water.• A once charming rural idyll, Emmerdale had become a moral cesspit.cess·pit nounChineseSyllable  in a which the under or Corpus hole container ground large




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