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单词 cause célèbre
释义  Related topics: Lawcause cé·lè·bre /ˌkəʊz seˈlebrə, ˌkɔːz- $ ˌkɒːz-, ˌkoʊz-/ noun (plural causes célèbres (same pronunciation)) [countable]  SCLSITUATIONan event or legal case that a lot of people become interested in, because it is an exciting subject to discuss or argue about 轰动一时的事件;引起公众关注的诉讼案 The case became a cause célèbre among feminists. 这个案件在女权主义者中引起了轩然大波。Examples from the Corpuscause célèbre• Gun control has become the cause célèbre since the recent high school shootings.Origin cause célèbre (1700-1800) French “famous legal case”cause cé·lè·bre nounChineseSyllable   Corpus case a legal or an that event




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