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单词 carve
释义  Related topics: Sculpture, Cookingcarve /kɑːv $ kɑːrv/ ●●○ verb  1  make object or pattern 雕刻物件或图案 [transitive]AVS to make an object or pattern by cutting a piece of wood or stone 雕,刻 → carvingcarve something out of/from something a statue carved from a single block of marble 独块大理石雕成的雕像 carved wooden chairs 木雕椅子2  cut STH into a surface 把某物刻在表面上 [transitive]CUT to cut a pattern or letter on the surface of something 刻〔图形或字母〕carve something on/in/into something Someone had carved their initials on the tree. 有人将自己姓名的首字母刻在树上。3  cut meat 切肉 [intransitive, transitive]DFC to cut a large piece of cooked meat into smaller pieces using a knife 把〔熟肉〕切成小块;〔从熟肉上〕割下薄片 Carve the meat into slices. 把肉切成片。 Who’s going to carve? 谁来切肉?► see thesaurus at cut4  job/position/life 工作/职务/生活 [transitive] (also carve out) to succeed in getting the job, position, life etc that you want 成功获得〔所要的工作、职务、生活等〕 He carved a niche for himself as a writer. 他成功当了一名作家。 She carved out a successful career in the film industry. 她在电影界创出了成功的事业。 He moved to Boston to carve out a new life for himself. 他搬到波士顿去展开新的生活。5  water/wind 水/风 [transitive] if a river, the wind etc carves land or rock, it removes some of it 冲刷;侵蚀 The river had carved channels in the limestone rock. 河水在石灰岩上冲刷出了一条条水道。 → not be carved in stone at stone1(9)6  reduce STH 减少某物 [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to reduce the size of something by removing some of it 减少,削减carve something from something The company carved $1 million from its budget. 公司从预算中削减了100万美元。7 carve somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb a) to divide land, a company etc into smaller parts and share it between people – used especially to show disapproval 瓜分,分割〔含贬义〕 The Ottoman Empire was carved up by Britain and France after World War I. 奥斯曼帝国在第一次世界大战后被英、法两国瓜分了。 The two companies are attempting to carve up a large slice of America’s publishing industry between them. 这两家公司企图瓜分美国出版业中的一大块肥肉。b) British English informal to drive past a car and then suddenly move in front of it so that you are too close 快速超车,快速切入别人的行车线→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscarve• The bust was mutilated in late antiquity, probably by Christians who carved a cross in the forehead.• What's the best way to carve a turkey?• Who's going to carve, Dad or Grandpa?• This plywood structure has grown bigger and bigger, and he has even carved gothic spires on its top.• Shapes of naked half-men half-beasts writhing in some hideous dance were carved on to the mahogany chair.• Her son holding his head beside the big carved pumpkin, mimicking a wide, toothy grin.• In Fujian, workers are carving roads into red clay hills, scaling bamboo scaffolding, hauling piles of stone.• Who's going to carve the turkey?• Michelangelo carved this figure from a single block of marble.• I am lying in the cornfield gazing at clouds being carved up by harp-edged leaves above me.• You start carving while I fetch the vegetables.carved out ... career• Through hard work and sheer determination, Dennis carved out a career in the building industry.Origin carve Old English ceorfancarve verbChinese  pattern object or by an Corpus to make




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