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单词 carpool
释义  car·pool, car-pool /ˈkɑːpuːl $ ˈkɑːr-/ verb [intransitive] especially American English  SHAREif a group of people carpool, they travel together to work, school etc in one car and share the cost 合伙用车,拼车 —carpooling noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscarpool• We should encourage more people to carpool.From Longman Business Dictionarycarpoolcarpool2 verb [intransitive] American English if a group of people CARPOOL, they go to work together in one car, often using cars owned by different people in the group on different days→ See Verb tablecar·pool verbChineseSyllable  of people group a to if travel together carpool, Corpus Business they




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