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单词 Divinity
1. She has a Doctorate in Divinity from York University.
2. The other gods are mere pretenders to divinity.
3. It was the breath of a divinity.
4. After 1946, the Emperor no longer claimed divinity.
5. But divinity is a fragile commodity.
6. He suspected the dominant divinity of shallowness and an undue optimism.
7. He announced that he was a student of divinity; did Mr Arkwright read his Bible?
8. The offended divinity gave not a thought to whether the youth had purposely insulted her or had come there in all innocence.
9. The eternal, overarching divinity whom Graves' favorite goddess personified has gone by many names.
10. The divinity of the second person of the trinity is then understood with reference to the other two persons of the trinity.
11. The search for the seat of divinity in man and nature is only a prelude to the aspiration for transcendence.
12. It looked like the carrel of an overworked divinity student.
13. Modern architects are moving away from the divinity of the right angle to rhomboids, to rounded spaces and parabolas.
14. The delicate question of which divinity is absorbing which is not always clear.
15. Neith: goddess of Sais and a divinity of warfare, with her early symbols of a bow and arrows and shield.
16. This is, of course, precisely the divinity with which Napoleon teased Laplace.
17. There ,my son, is love. The love that makes all things beautiful. Yes, and breaths divinity into the very dust you tread.
18. How can you be a Christian and dispute the divinity of Jesus?
19. Fire, then, may well have been the first enshrined divinity of prehistoric man.
20. As in the Biblical version, so here, the being split in two is not the ultimate divinity.
21. Under the 1643 ordinance to control printing, Bachilor was appointed one of the twelve divines empowered to license books of divinity.
22. Garuda was not only a devotee of Vishnu, but a divinity in its own right.
23. Prince, and the artist formerly known as, has long blurred the lines between divinity and getting down.
24. Not for him the emancipation and the exultation and the divinity of creative work!
25. It was taught by a professor of religion in the divinity school.
26. The college preacher in 1743-4 and 1746-7, he was dean of divinity in 1750-1.
27. No dust has settled on that robe; no time has elapsed since that divinity was revealed.
28. Look at the teamster on the highway, wending to market by day or night; does any divinity stir within him?
29. What the little boys remembered about his class was that he made divinity fun, even though it was before breakfast.
30. However separate in appearance they may be, the individual, the universe, and transcendent divinity are essentially one.
1. How can you be a Christian and dispute the divinity of Jesus?
31. The status of the golf pro was elevated from serfdom to secular divinity in 20 years.
32. I gave a talk at Harvard Divinity School in the fall.
33. The teaching staff of the faculty of divinity was not - with one exception, Hoskyns.
34. Some of the younger members of the faculty of divinity were angry.
35. In 1597 this priest with degrees in both divinity and law opened a school in the squalid part of Tiber.
36. There is an aura of divinity about him.
37. Hofrat ("Doctor of Divinity, Imperial and Royal Court Counsellor").
38. Mercury was the presiding divinity over commerce.
39. He entered Otago University to study arts and divinity.
40. Its true spirit lies in sublimity and divinity.
41. I am a droplet in the ocean of divinity.
42. But in Commentary on Iqing, the "divinity" is pulled down from altar and gradually closes to being "saint" on the descending way of godhood.
43. The body of Jonathan Swift , Doctor of Divinity, dean of this cathedral churcn, is bruied here.
44. After his return from Rome, Luther received at the University of Wittenberg the degree of doctor of divinity .
45. Ph . D . dissertation, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School of Trinity International University , IL.
46. The Divinity School at the University of Chicago has problems as well.
47. The reason for him to set up a Christianity divinity mode of tribulation original sin.
48. You can gain additional Channel Divinity powers by taking divinity feats.
49. Aristotle had made no secret of his contempt for Alexander's pretense of divinity, and the king had executed Aristotle's grandnephew Callisthenes as a traitor.
50. Philip Pullman addresses the apparent separateness of his subject's divinity and humanity in a provocative way.
51. Indian lotus flower, Rich in meaning and metaphor, symbolizes divinity, fertility, wealth, knowledge and enlightenment.
52. My father's little library consisted chiefly of books polemic divinity, most of which I read.
53. "I thank God I am a Baptist, " said a little, short Doctor of Divinity, as he mounted a step at a convention.
54. He graduated from Columbia Theological Seminary in 1996 with the Master of Divinity, was ordained in 1997 and received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Texas Christian University in 2006.
55. And so God being the charter member means that everybody who's in that has a kind of divinity, a kind of superiority.
56. The ten assembly halls divinity - place of Hong River have characteristics of region, mundaneness, symbolism, and compatibility.
57. The sandstone artefacts are mainly divinity statues from Brahmanism and Buddhism. Inscribed stele and architectural elements are also strongly represented.
58. As a hobby, auxiliary to his readings in Divinity, he developed his slight skill in church-music and thorough-bass, till he could join in part-singing from notation with some accuracy.
59. The major origin and impetus of veneration of Mary comes from the Christological controversies of the early church - many debates denying in some way the divinity or humanity of Jesus Christ.
60. They say there is divinity in odd numbers , either in nativity, chance, or death. Away!
61. The concept of "the proprieties " and "law" is formulated under the effect of deification, originally filled with divinity.
62. Our seminarian intern, Luke Xie graduated from Christian Witness Theological Seminary in May with a Master of Divinity.
63. Walt Whitman believes that everything in nature reflects divinity, which contributes to the formation of his pantheistic outlook on nature.
64. The body of Jonathan Swift, Doctor of Divinity, dean of this cathedral church, is buried here.
65. Richard Bentley Regius Professor of Divinity from 1717, completes his edition of the Latin poet , Horace.
66. Students of divinity are typically preparing for ordination in some form of Christian ministry, such as pastor, seminary professor, or denominational administrator.
67. This divinity may be in a tangible physical form or a more abstract energy form.
68. A divinity presiding over forests and trees; a wood nymph.
69. The boom of secularism stems from the secularization of divinity, the enlightenment of market consciousness and the inchoation of commercial spirit.
70. Milton ultimately is a pious man and wants us to frown on Satan's critique of the Judeo-Christian conception of divinity.
71. He then seemed to be doubly awake, like an enslaved and dwarfed divinity.
72. Sometimes it is suggested that the omnipresence of religious belief constitutes confirmation or validation of an omnipresent divinity.
73. Hence, Ganesha figures are most commonly seen with four hands which signify their divinity.
74. When we internalise this truth, our life manifests this inherent divinity.
75. This spell summons a Devata, a lesser divinity of the Celestial Sphere.
76. Certain areas were considered more charged with divinity than others, especially pools, lakes and small groves , which were the sites of the cental ritual activities of Celtic life.
77. Contemplation , for the Transcendentalists, was a vehicle for mindfully and thoughtfully experiencing our own divinity.
78. This is a one-year post-graduate program of 30 credit hours at the Master of Divinity level. It is opened to graduates of recognised universities, or those with equivalent qualifications.
79. It is a marvelous conception this imageless divinity: nothing could be more opposed to our modern iconolatry.
80. The construction and conception of esthetic divinity needs to raise the modem scientific spirit.
81. The absolute worship of text provides literary study with legitimacy and transcendence and divinity, but meanwhile, this kind of study loses validity reality and humanity.
81. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
82. People have triple nature, animality, reason and divinity, which they represent the human three different life de sires and being forces.
83. Rev. John Kao obtained the Doc tor of Divinity, conferred by Tyndale University, College and Seminary. Dr. Kao was the first Chinese to receive such honour.
84. They were also given their own temple and patron divinity or hero, whose priests they elected.
85. Thus, the above two characteristics -uprightness and deceitfulness -are respectively resultant factors for divinity i. e. , heavenly abode, and deviled i. e. , hellish abode.
86. One medical pamphlet printed at the time by Thomas Moulton, a doctor of divinity and Dominican friar, advises particular caution during outbreaks of the plague: "use no baths or stoves;"
87. Diana L. Eck is professor of comparative religion and Indian studies on the faculty of arts and sciences and a member of the faculty of divinity at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
88. It has the features of divinity, human - analogy, and sociality.
89. Pastor Chang graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary with the degree of Master of Divinity.
90. Emerson denies God, affirms the divinity of man and stresses that humans intuition is an integral part of the "oversoul" permeating the universe.
91. the divinity of Christ.
92. Few things seemed to Newland Archer more awful than an offence against "Taste, " that far-off divinity of whom "Form" was the mere visible representative and vicegerent.
93. Without entering into an abstruse point of divinity , one thing is plain.
94. Subsequently, he pursued his study at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and received a degree in Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages.




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