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单词 Woefully
1 United looked woefully short of menace in attack.
2 Individuals and businesses appear woefully uninformed about this aspect of the information age.
3 Public expenditure on the arts is woefully inadequate.
4 The school's text books are woefully out-of-date.
5 His performance was woefully inadequate.
6 'I'll never see him again,' she sighed woefully.
7 We are still woefully ignorant of the causes of this disease.
8 Either she was woefully ignorant, or wilfully obtuse.
9 The training that nurses get is woefully inadequate.
10 Health-care reform, his first hope, was woefully mishandled.
11 The preparations were woefully inadequate.
12 Unfortunately, partner reduction proved woefully inadequate by itself.
13 As such, it is woefully inadequate.
14 The committee system is woefully inadequate.
15 Accordingly, in 1883 a woefully neglected Ruckers of 1612 was located in Windsor Castle and proffered as a likely candidate.
16 Where the technique of etching fell woefully short, he discovered, the art of lithography excelled.
17 Their artist's impressions were woefully inadequate, though, so I binned it.
18 Reliable cause of death statistics are woefully lacking for developing countries and of less than desirable quality for many developed ones.
19 Dependent on woefully inadequate soup kitchens, they died on the streets.
20 The safety precautions taken by large resort hotels are often woefully inadequate for the number of people who stay there.
21 But the overriding image carried every night on the evening news has been one of a woefully inadequate effort.
22 The brake pedal likewise; when fitted with anti-lock brakes, pedal response is woefully mushy.
23 If he neglected his physical body, there was no one here to reprimand him, for the whole community was woefully neglected.
24 Last fiscal year, the center chalked up a $ 1. 5 million deficit after falling woefully short on donations.
25 There was a lovely picture of him on telly last night peering woefully over the fence dressed in snazzy suit.
26 Already the ranks of the creative arts had been woefully thinned.
27 However, the simple method of adapting plastic tubing for joints was woefully inadequate where 3 or 4 rods converged.
28 My early 1980s collection, which had fast been gathering dust up in the loft, was now woefully lacking.
29 Education also needs equipment - buildings, books, scientific apparatus, even paper, pencils and slates are woefully inadequate.
30 At least they might have asked some more searching questions before giving their woefully inadequate answers.
1 United looked woefully short of menace in attack.
2 Individuals and businesses appear woefully uninformed about this aspect of the information age.
31 Meanwhile, librarian Jane Lane has recently had to discard around 100 social science books because they were woefully out of date.
32 But as a theoretical basis for the protection of these rights and freedoms, such ideas are woefully inadequate.
33 Most of the ships were woefully short of ammunition.
34 Most sciences have become woefully compartmentalized.
35 Li sighed woefully and said, " What bad luck!
36 Mr Giuliani has done woefully in the early states.
37 Maybe an important database is woefully out of date.
38 Their own techniques was at this time woefully imperfect.
39 Performance in every instance fell woefully short of promise.
40 "The dirty little secret about medicine", confides Paul Yock of Stanford University, "is that we physicians make decisions all the time based on woefully incomplete information."
41 "Small-scale fisheries are woefully underreported for bycatch," he notes, especially in the eastern Indian Ocean and off West Africa.
42 In truth, Mrs Gradgrind's stock of facts in general was woefully defective.
43 At that point the capital buffer implied by VAR turns out to be woefully inadequate.
44 Others, such as Germany, are being woefully timid ( see article ) .
45 Either you're woefully unprepared for a big test or you're naked.
45 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
46 The amusing incongruence between their woefully out-of-tune singing and unflinchingly dedicated facial expressions soon became a hot topic among student-netizens.
47 But many doctors woefully evasive in talking with their patients.
48 The United States has woefully underfunded its national infrastructure, according to a bipartisan congressional commission, the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission.
49 The police SWAT team that eventually went in appeared to be woefully ill-prepared, and President Benigno Aquino admitted the personnel had not received adequate training or equipment.
50 Zhang's misfortune is not uncommon. China's housing boom has created a woefully frustrated class of bachelors.
51 Treasury Secretary Geithner concluded that the size of the NAB is woefully inadequate to deal.
52 Thousands of US homeowners grappling with problems caused by defective Chinese drywall (plasterboard) have found the federal government woefully unequipped to help them, according to ProPublica .
53 The 21% haircut on the net present value of Greek bonds outstanding, which was painfully agreed to by the banks and the Europeans earlier this summer, appears to be woefully inadequate.
54 The amusing incongruence between their woefully out-of-tune singing and unflinchingly dedicated facial expressions soon became a hot topic among students.
55 He said woefully: "I love my country, but it does not give a damn about me."
56 We were woefully outmatched in numbers in this new mortal weapon of the air.
57 It was woefully inadequate.




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