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单词 cage
释义  Related topics: Petscage1 /keɪdʒ/ ●●○ noun [countable]   DHPTa structure made of wires or bars in which birds or animals can be kept 笼子Examples from the Corpuscage• Its single elevator had a cage door.• The animal crouched ready for an attack and then dashed across its cage floor towards the spot where Leyhausen was standing.• Throw anything you want into our cage and we will give it serious consideration.• The cold pressed into his rib cage.• Breathe in and out - not too deeply, expanding both the top and bottom of the rib cage Muscle-tensing.• A member of the Kennel Club, she kept most of the animals in small cages in two bedrooms.• Simple and quite open, temporary cages.• Trapping is a method which meets with limited success and involves feeding within a specialised wire cage for a period of time.cage2 verb  [transitive]KEEP somebody IN A PLACE to put or keep an animal or bird in a cage 把…放[关]进笼中 caged birds 笼中鸟→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscage• With the restoration of democracy in 1986, the monster that Marcos had unleashed refused to be caged.• He would never try to cage Mark.• A male is caged on one side of a barrier separating him from the females in the same cage for 2 days.Origin cage1 (1100-1200) Old French Latin cavea “hollow place, cage”, from cavus; → CAVE1cage1 nouncage2 verbChinese  a Corpus which structure wires of bars made birds in or




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