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单词 tacit
释义  ta·cit /ˈtæsɪt/ adjective  AGREEtacit agreement, approval, support etc is given without anything actually being said 心照不宣的,默认的 SYN unspoken a tacit agreement between the three big companies 三家大公司之间的默契 —tacitly adverbExamples from the Corpustacit• Roh's remarks indicated a tacit acceptance of the high-level talks.• It is a tacit acknowledgement that neither office nor a peerage awaits them.• Custom, practice and a tacit agreement not to rock the boat did the rest.• No one actually claims this is how the brain works, but there is a tacit assumption that it might be.• Locke also suggests that a man's presence in a particular state implies tacit consent to its political system.• In both cases tacit knowledge and experience is accepted as valid and enhanced and developed.• The language appeared to indicate tacit support for the opposition.tacit agreement• It was better to say nothing and to convey, by the quality of her silence, a level of tacit agreement.• Your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement.• When as Chancellor he was preparing to enter in 1985, he said, tacit agreement had been reached with the Bundesbank.• In tacit agreement, they separated before reaching the farm.• The response - from tacit agreement to outrage - was enormous ...Origin tacit (1600-1700) French tacite, from Latin tacitus, from tacere “to be silent”ta·cit adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus actually anything is tacit approval, agreement, support etc without given




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