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单词 call
释义  Related topics: Sportcall1 /kɔːl $ kɒːl/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  1  telephone 电话TELEPHONE [intransitive, transitive] to telephone someone (给…)打电话 She calls her father every couple of days. 她隔几天就给她爸爸打个电话。 I’ll call you soon. 我马上打电话给你。 What time did Tony call? 托尼是什么时候来电话的?call a doctor/the police/a cab etc (=telephone someone and ask them to come to you) 打电话叫医生/警察/出租车等 I think we should call a doctor. 我觉得我们应该打电话叫医生来。 I’m gonna call the cops! 我要打电话叫警察了!5 ► Don’t say ‘call to someone’. Say call someone.不要说 ‘call to someone’. 而要说 call someone.► see thesaurus at phonen Grammar• You call someone on the phone: Call me tomorrow. ✗Don’t say: Call to me tomorrow.• If you call to someone, you shout at them to get their attention: He called to the driver to stop. 2  describe 描述CALL/DESCRIBE AS [transitive] to use a word or name to describe someone or something in a particular way 认为…是,把…叫作call somebody something Are you calling me a liar? 你在说我撒谎吗? You may call it harmless fun, but I call it pornography. 你可能会说这是无恶意的小玩笑,但是我却认为这是色情。call somebody names (=use insulting names for someone) 辱骂某人 The other kids used to call me names, but I tried to ignore them. 别的小孩过去常常辱骂我,但我尽量不去理睬他们。3  have a name 名叫 [transitive]NAME OF A PERSON to have a particular name or title, or use a particular name or title for someone or something 名叫,叫作;把…唤作be called something Our son is called Matthew. 我们的儿子叫马修。 The arrow that appears on the screen is called a cursor. 屏幕上出现的箭头叫光标。call somebody something My name’s Virginia, but my friends call me Ginny. 我的名字叫弗吉尼娅,但朋友们都叫我金尼。 Do you want to be called Miss or Ms? 你愿意被称为小姐还是女士?call somebody by something I prefer to be called by my middle name. 我更喜欢别人叫我的中间名。4  give SB/STH a name 给某人/某物取名NAME OF A PERSONNAME OF A THING [transitive] especially British English to give someone or something the name they will be known by in the future 给…取名 SYN American English name What are you going to call the new puppy? 你们打算给这只刚出生的小狗起个什么名字?call somebody something They’ve decided to call the baby Louise. 他们决定给宝宝取名为路易斯。5  ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO somethingask/order by speaking 呼唤/召唤 [transitive] to ask or order someone to come to you 召唤,呼唤call somebody into/over/across etc Peter called the waitress over and ordered a large brandy. 彼得把女服务员叫过来,要了一大杯白兰地。 Marcie was called up to the principal’s office. 马尔切被叫到校长办公室去了。6  arrange 安排ARRANGE A MEETING, EVENT ETC [transitive] to arrange for something to happen at a particular time 安排,召集call a meeting/strike/election etc The Security Council has called an emergency session to discuss the crisis. 安理会召开了紧急会议,讨论这场危机。5The prime minister called an election.首相召集大选。n According to the law, the election must be called within the next two months.7  say/shout 说/喊叫 [intransitive, transitive]SAY/STATE to say or shout something loudly so that someone can hear you 喊,叫 I heard someone calling in the distance. 我听到远处有人在叫。 ‘I’m coming!’ she called down the stairs. “来啦!”她朝楼下喊道。 Sheila was just sneaking out when her mother called her. 希拉正要溜出去,这时她妈妈叫她了。 She heard him call her name. 她听到他叫她的名字。ncall ton The foreman called to the workmen.8  call yourself something CALL/DESCRIBE ASto say that you are a particular type of person, although you do nothing to show this is true 自称为…,把自己说成是… How could Julian call himself a friend and then let me down so badly? 朱利安怎么能自称是我的朋友,又这么让我失望呢?9  call the shots/tune informalIN CHARGE OF to be in a position of authority so that you can give orders and make decisions 发号施令 It was a job in which she was able to call the shots. 这是一份她可以说了算的工作。10  call it a day informalSTOP DOING something to decide to stop working, especially because you have done enough or you are tired 结束一天的工作,到此为止 Come on, let’s call it a day and go home. 好了,今天我们就到此为止,回家吧。11. call collect American EnglishTCT to make a telephone call that is paid for by the person who receives it 打对方付费电话 SYN British English reverse the charges12  read names 点名 [transitive] (also call out)SHOUT to read names or numbers in a loud voice in order to get someone’s attention 点〔名〕 When I call your name, go and stand in line. 我点到谁的名字,谁就去站到队伍中。13  court 法庭 [transitive]TELL to tell someone that they must answer questions in a law court or in front of an official committee 传唤,传召〔到法庭或官方委员会〕n The prosecution called its next somebody to do something They were called to give evidence at the trial. 他们被传召出庭作证。n Grammar Call is often passive in this meaning.14  call (something) into question UNCERTAINto make people uncertain about whether something is right, good, or true 使(对某事)产生疑问 I feel that my competence is being called into question here. 我觉得我的能力此刻受到了怀疑。15  be/feel called to do something RELIGIONto feel strongly that you should do something 感到有责任做某事 He felt called to write to all his fellow investors, warning them of the impending crisis. 他感到有责任写信给所有和他一起投资的人,提醒他们危机即将来临。16. call somebody/something to order formalTCOBEY to tell people to obey the rules of a formal meeting 命令某人/某事遵守会议规程17  visit 拜访 [intransitive] (also call round British English)VISIT to stop at a house or other place for a short time to see someone or do something 〔短时间〕拜访,看望 She called round for a chat. 她过来聊了聊天。call on somebody Let’s call on James on the way home. 我们回家时顺道去看看詹姆斯吧。call (in) at something I regularly called in at his office for news. 我经常去他的办公室走走,看看有没有什么新闻。call into something People often call into the library while they’re out shopping. 人们外出购物时常常会去图书馆逛逛。18  call it £10/two hours etc spokenAGREE used to suggest a general figure rather than a more specific one, especially in order to make things simpler 就算作 10 英镑/两小时等 ‘I owe you £10.20.’ ‘Oh, call it £10!’ “我欠你10英镑20便士。”“哎呀,就算10英镑吧!”19. call it a draw if two opponents in a game call it a draw, they agree that neither of them has won 打成平局,不分胜负 → call it quits at quits(2)20. call it/things even spoken use this to say that someone who owes you something does not have to give you anything more than they have already given you 不必再给了;就算了结了21  call (somebody’s) attention to ATTENTION a) to ask people to pay attention to a particular subject or problem 提请(某人)注意 May I call your attention to item seven on the agenda? 请大家注意议程上的第七项。 b) to make someone notice someone or something 引起(某人的)注意 I wanted to shout out to Ken, but I didn’t want to call attention to myself. 我本想大声叫肯,但又不想引起别人对我的注意。22  call something to mind a) REMIND/MAKE somebody REMEMBERto remind you of something 使回忆起某事物 Don’t those two call to mind the days when we were courting? 难道他们俩没让你想起我们谈恋爱的时候吗? b) REMEMBERto remember something 想起某事物 I couldn’t call to mind where I’d seen him before. 我想不起来以前在哪里见过他。23. call a huddle ARRANGE A MEETING, EVENT ETC American English informal to make people come together to talk about something 让大家聚在一起讨论24. call time (on somebody/something) to say that it is time for something to finish or stop 宣布(某人该把某事/某事)结束25  trains/ships 火车/船TRAINS [intransitive]TTT if a train, ship, bus etc calls at a place, it stops there for a short time 〔火车、船、公共汽车等〕短暂停留 SYN stop This train calls at all stations to Broxbourne. 本次列车开往布罗克斯本,沿途各站都停。26  coin 硬币GAMES/SPORTS [intransitive, transitive]DS to guess which side of a coin will land upwards when it is thrown in the air, in order to decide who will play first in a game 猜硬币〔决定先后次序〕 It’s your turn to call. 轮到你来猜硬币了。27. card game 纸牌游戏 [intransitive, transitive] to risk the same amount of money as the player who plays before you in a poker game 跟(同样的赌注) → so-called, → call somebody’s bluff at bluff2(2), → too close to call at close2(8)n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: to telephone someone (给…)打电话call for + NOUNcall for an end to somethingDemonstrators have called for an end to the for somebody’s resignationOpposition parties called for the president’s for actionThe European Parliament have called for action on age for a banFrench farmers have called for a ban on for a boycottIn 1980 he called for a boycott of the Olympic for a changeScientists are calling for a change in the for an inquiry/investigationRelatives have called for an inquiry into the causes of the plane for a return to somethingThe prime minister called for a return to traditional Labour for reformThe Church has called for reform of the for the abolition of somethingHuman Rights groups have called for the abolition of the death for a ceasefire (=for an end to a war)The United Nations called for an immediate ceasefire. PHRASAL VERBS28 call back phrasal verb a) call (somebody) backTELEPHONE to telephone someone again, for example because they were not at home when you telephoned last time 再打电话(给某人);回(某人)电话 I’ll call back later. 我稍后再打电话来。 Can you ask John to call me back when he gets in? 约翰到家后让他给我回电话好吗?b) British EnglishRETURN to return to a place you went to earlier 回来,再来〔早些时候去过的某处〕 You could call back to collect her at noon. 你可以中午再来接她。29 call by phrasal verb GOto stop and visit someone when you are near the place where they live or work 顺路拜访 I thought I’d call by and see how you were. 我想顺便来看看你。30 call down something phrasal verb  formal to ask for someone, especially a god, to make something unpleasant happen to someone or something 〔尤向神〕祈求降祸于… on/upon He called down vengeance on them. 他祈求上天给他们报应。31 call for somebody/something phrasal verb a) ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO somethingif a group of people call for something, they ask publicly for something to be done 要求,呼吁 Human Rights groups are calling for the release of political prisoners. 人权组织呼吁释放政治犯。b) NEEDto need or deserve a particular type of behaviour or treatment 需要〔某种行为或对待方式〕 Dealing with children who are so damaged calls for immense tact and sensitivity. 对待受到如此伤害的儿童需要很有技巧,也需要非常细心周到。 That kind of abuse is really not called for (=it is unnecessary and unwelcome). 那样的辱骂是完全没必要的。 → uncalled forc) MEET British English to meet someone at their home in order to take them somewhere (去)接〔某人〕 I’ll call for you at eight o'clock. 我8点钟去接你。d) PREDICT American English to say that a particular kind of weather is likely to happen 预测〔天气〕 SYN predict The forecast calls for more rain. 天气预报说还会下雨。32 call something ↔ forth phrasal verb SHOW/BE A SIGN OF formal to produce a particular reaction 唤起,引起,激起 Great works of classical music can often call forth a mixture of responses from the listener. 优秀的古典音乐作品往往能够激起听者复杂的反应。33 call in phrasal verb a) ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something call somebody/something ↔ in to ask someone to come and help you with a difficult situation 召来[叫来]某人/某事物 The government then called in troops to deal with the disturbances. 政府于是调来军队应对骚乱。b) TELEPHONEto telephone somewhere, especially the place where you work, to tell them where you are, what you are doing etc 〔尤指向工作单位〕打电话汇报 Rachael called in sick (=telephoned to say she was too ill to come to work). 雷切尔打电话来请病假。c) to telephone a radio or television show to give your opinion or to ask a question 打电话到〔电台或电视台节目发表意见或提问〕 Over 2,000 viewers called in with complaints about the bad language used in the programme. 2,000多名观众打电话来投诉节目中使用了粗俗语言。d) call in a loan/debtASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO somethingLEND to officially tell someone to pay back money you lent them 〔正式通知〕要求还款 The bank can call in the loan at any time. 银行随时都可以要求还款。e) British EnglishVISIT to visit a person or place while you are on your way to somewhere else 顺路参观;顺路探望 on/at Could you call in on Mum on your way home? 你在回家的路上可以顺便去看看妈妈吗?34 call somebody/something ↔ off phrasal verb a) CANCELto decide that a planned event will not take place 取消,撤销〔原定活动〕 SYN cancel The trip to Italy might be called off. 意大利之行可能要取消。b) STOP DOING somethingto officially decide that something should be stopped after it has already started 取消,停止进行〔已经开始的事情〕 Rescuers had to call off the search because of worsening weather conditions. 因为天气越来越糟,营救人员只得停止搜救。c) STOPto order an animal or person to stop attacking or threatening someone 把…叫开,喝住 Call your dog off. 喝住你的狗。35 call on/upon somebody/something phrasal verb a) ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO somethingto formally ask someone to do something 呼吁,号召call on somebody to do something The UN has called on both sides to observe the ceasefire. 联合国已呼吁双方遵守停火协议。b) VISITto visit someone for a short time 短暂访问,探访 Why don’t you call on my sister when you’re in Brighton? 你到布赖顿,何不去跟我姐姐短叙?36 call out phrasal verb a) SHOUTto say something loudly 大声呼叫,呼唤call something ↔ out ‘Hi there!’ I called out. “喂,你好!”我大声喊道。 to The firemen called out to him. 消防队员对他大声呼喊。b) call somebody ↔ outORDER/SEQUENCE to ask or order a person or an organization to help, especially in a difficult or dangerous situation 〔尤指在出现困难或险情时〕要求某人来,命令某人出动〔来帮忙〕 The army was called out to help fight fires. 军队被派来帮助灭火。c) call somebody/something ↔ out British EnglishSTOP WORKING/GO ON STRIKE to order workers to go on strike 号召〔工人〕罢工 The transport workers were called out. 运输工人被号召起来罢工。37 call up phrasal verb a)TELEPHONE 电话 TELEPHONE especially American English informal to telephone someone 给〔某人〕打电话call somebody ↔ up He called me up to tell me about it. 他给我打电话,把这事告诉了我。 I’m going to call up and cancel my subscription. 我打算打电话去取消订阅。b) TD call something ↔ up if you call up information on a computer, you make the computer show it to you 〔在计算机上〕调出,调取〔信息〕 I called up their website, but it didn’t have the information I was looking for. 我进入了他们的网站,但上面没有我要找的信息。c) PM call somebody ↔ up British English to officially order someone to join the army, navy, or air force 征召某人入伍 SYN American English draft I was called up three months after war broke out. 战争爆发三个月后我应征入伍了。d) DS call somebody ↔ up to choose someone for a national sports team 挑选某人入国家队 → call-up Hurst was called up for the game against Mexico. 赫斯特入选国家队,参加和墨西哥队的比赛。e) SHOW/LET somebody SEE something call something ↔ up to produce something or make it appear 唤来某物,呼唤出某物 She can call up the spirits of the dead. 她能召唤亡灵。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscall• "Coming, Mom, " I called.• The three packages used in this example are called A-CONFORMOLINES, E-VALUES and F-MAP.• His secretary started calling around to find out where the commission was meeting.• Can you call Becky before six?• Guidebooks call Chicago "The Windy City".• This use is a form of spending; in business it is called depreciation.• A meeting has been called for 3 p.m. Wednesday.• I'll call for a taxi now.• The transition to democracy and market economies will call for much patience and persistence.• Though Republicans called for the president to fire him, Brown refused to step down.• The back page has a strip called Haggis, which is about a black highland terrier and his adventures.• "She's a fraud." "I wouldn't call her that."• Already his followers were calling him a saint.• His name's actually Robert, but everyone just calls him Bob.• "OK, call it." "Heads."• My mother wanted to call me Yuri.• A similar service is offered via e-mail by a company called Mercury Mail.• Do you want to be called Miss or Ms.?• I called round to see if anyone knew where Tom was.• I called Sue yesterday.• People wishing to enroll in the study should request a referral from their doctors or call the nearest participating hospital.• Get out of here or I'll call the police!• Patty called when you were out.• Mr. Sweeney called while you were out.• Didn't you hear me calling you?• "I'll call your dollar - what have you got?" "Three nines."• OK, when I call your name, raise your somebody names• He tried to make Oliver cry by hitting him, pulling his hair, and calling him names.• He went out and confronted him, calling him names.• "She said I was a fat pig.'' "Oh, I've been called far worse names than that.''be called something• They live in this little town called Leroy, not far from Reed City.• What was that movie called again?call a meeting/strike/election etc• If I had let it go, it would have been called a strike.• Prime Minister Paul Keating must call an election before May this year, with mid-March the most likely time.• The truth is bland: Mr Major will call an election if the opinion polls suggest he can not lose.• He expected his successor to call elections in the autumn.• Roberts called a meeting of the Town Council and he and Cross asked the police to start an investigation.• He opened the sixth inning with a breaking ball for a called strike to Greg Gagne.• Soon after Jeffries' speech the Africana Studies Movement called a meeting to protest his ... name• But the day 1 remember is when Neil finally opened his eyes when I called his name.• It was one of those things you know, when you get called names.• Jess, though, is openly bawling even before the announcer calls her name.• She knew that there was no point in jumping up and running after him; no use in calling out his name.• She recognized Telemachus instantly from his likeness to his father and she called him by name.• We may think we see the dead person walking down the street, or hear them calling our name.• He calls us by name, and his relationship to each one of us fits our own person somebody to do something• I've been called to testify at Smith's (in) at something• In addition to their regular schedules, chief executives are on call at all hours to handle emergencies.• Holman was on call at any time although they had found no trace of the fog for two days now.• He called in at home after.• Before we had received a reply, Fitzroy Maclean chanced to call at my office.• Winston called at six to tell me he would be here for sure.• O all now call at the 15 meter-deep port, some with fully-loaded next-generation vessels.• The 49ers screwed up a penalty call at the end of the fourth quarter.Related topics: Animals, Sportcall2 ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  TELEPHONEtelephone 电话 [countable] when you speak to someone on the telephone (一次)通话;电话call for Were there any phone calls for me while I was out? 我不在时有人给我来过电话吗?call from I received a call from an old friend last week. 上个星期我接到一位老朋友打来的电话。 It’s cheaper to make calls after 6 pm. 下午6点以后打电话便宜些。 I’ll give you a call at the weekend. 我到周末给你打电话。2  be on call WORK/DO WORKif someone such as a doctor or engineer is on call, they are ready to go and help whenever they are needed as part of their job 〔医生、工程师等〕待命,随叫随到 Don’t worry, there’s a doctor on call 24 hours a day. 别担心,全天24小时都有一位医生值班。3  SHOUT/CRYshout/cry 叫/喊 [countable] a) HBAHBPa loud sound that a bird or animal makes 〔鸟或动物的〕叫声 SYN crycall of the call of an owl 猫头鹰的叫声 b) SHOUTa shout that you make to get someone’s attention 〔引起他人注意的〕呼喊声4  visit 拜访 [countable]VISIT a visit, especially for a particular reason 〔尤指有原因的〕短暂拜访 Sorry, Doctor Pugh is out on a call at the moment. 对不起,皮尤医生现在出诊去了。pay/make a call (on somebody) (=visit someone) 拜访(某人)5  request/order 请求/命令 [countable]ORDER/SEQUENCE a request or order for something or for someone to do something 号召,呼吁 Members obediently answered the calls for funds. 会员都顺从地响应了募集资金的号召。call for somebody to do something There have been calls for the secretary to resign. 已经有呼声要求部长辞职。a call to arms (=an order for people to fight against an enemy) 战斗号召6  DECISIONdecision 决定 a) DS[countable] the decision made by a referee in a sports game 〔体育比赛中裁判员的〕判决,裁决make a good/bad call There may have been a few bad calls, but they’re making them for a reason. 可能有些判罚失当,但他们那样做是有原因的。 b) DECIDE[singular] informal a decision 决定 Don’t just say what you think I would like. It’s your call. 不要只说你认为我喜欢听的话,现在是你作决定。make a call (=decide something) 作决定an easy/hard call (=an easy or difficult decision) 容易/困难的决定judgment call (=a decision based on your personal judgment of a situation) 根据自己判断作出的决定7  there isn’t much call for something NEEDused for saying that not many people want a particular thing 某物没有需求,没有多少人需要某物 There isn’t much call for black and white televisions these days. 如今黑白电视机的需求量不大。8  there is no call for something spokenBAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONS used to tell someone that their behaviour is wrong and unnecessary 没有理由做某事,没必要做某事 There’s no call for that kind of language! 没必要那样骂人!9  TTAat an airport 在机场PLANE [countable] a message announced at an airport that a particular plane will soon leave 登机广播 This is the last call for flight BA872 to Moscow. 这是飞往莫斯科的BA872航班最后一次登机广播。10  have first call on something a) FIRSTto have the right to be the first person to use something 具有使用某物的优先权 b) FIRSTto be the first person that you will help because they are important to you 处于优先〔受助的〕地位 Her children had first call on her time. 她把时间优先用在她的孩子身上。11  the call of something literaryATTRACT the power that a place or way of life has to attract someone 某事物的吸引力[召唤] the call of the sea 大海的召唤12. the call of nature HBHa need to urinate (=pass liquid from your body) – used especially humorously 要小便〔尤为幽默用法〕 → be at somebody’s beck and call at beck(1), → port of call, roll-call, wake-up call COLLOCATIONSverbsmake a call 打电话He made a few calls and then went out. 他打了几个电话就出去了。give somebody a call (=phone someone) 打电话给某人I’ll give him a call later today. 今天晚点我会给他打电话。get/have a call (also receive a call formal) 接到电话At 11 in the evening we got a call from the police. 晚上11点钟,我们接到警方打来的电话。there is/was a call 有电话There was a phone call for you. 刚才有个找你的电话。answer a call 接听电话We’re sorry that we cannot answer your call right now. 对不起,我们现在无法接听您的来电。take a call (=answer one) 接听电话Monica took the call upstairs. 莫妮卡在楼上接了电话。return somebody’s call (=call someone after they have tried to call you) 回某人的电话nI left a message for her but she didn’t return my call.nexpect a callShe’s expecting a phone call from Matt.transfer a call (=connect one to another person’s phone) 转接某人的电话nThe call was transferred to his secretary.put through a call (=transfer or make one) 接通电话nShe asked the switchboard to put the call through.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + calla phone/telephone call 电话I had a phone call from Barbara in Australia. 我接到芭芭拉从澳大利亚打来的电话。a quick call 简短的电话This is just a quick call to make sure you’re OK. 我只是给你打个简短的电话,问问你好不好。a local call 本地电话Local calls are free at weekends. 本地电话周末免费。a long-distance call 长途电话nI’d like to make a long-distance call. an international call 国际电话a collect call American English (=one paid for by the person who receives it) 对方付费电话nCan I make a collect call to Florida, please?incoming/outgoing calls (=coming into or going out of a place) 打进/拨出的电话nYou have to dial 9 first to make an outgoing emergency call (=to the police, fire service, or ambulance service) 紧急电话nThe police normally respond immediately to an emergency call.a hoax call (=one intended to trick someone) 恶作剧电话nThey received a hoax call warning of a bomb in the anonymous call (=in which the caller does not give their name) 匿名电话nThe £10,000 demand was made in an anonymous call to his crank call (=made by someone you do not know, as a joke or to annoy you)The heavy breathing sounded like a crank call. Examples from the Corpuscall• He remained calm, made a call and forked out $ 700 of his own money for a plane ticket.• a call for help• Taking a long-distance call still causes a certain turbulence here.• Ambulances try to arrive within eight minutes of an emergency call.• This is the last call for flight 372 to Atlanta.• Have there been many calls?• Phone call from Education Office, re. dinner money summary sheets.• Investigators responded to the two locations after they received calls of suspicious packages in the mail.• Weiss has failed to return calls seeking comment.• When you play at your opponent's court, the calls tend to go against you.• This is an unobtrusive way of keeping expensive unofficial calls to the minimum.• As a result, there are fewer circuits open for regular voice for• Leaders in both parties are calling for changes in campaign finance laws.• Amnesty International has consistently called for the release of political prisoners.• The Times crossword calls for a certain amount of literary knowledge.• Launching a new product is a highly complicated business, and careful planning is called for.• It was a tricky situation that called for a lot of diplomacy.• I hear that you two are getting married. This calls for a celebration.• The Football Association is likely to call for a ban on alcohol at football of• the distinctive call of the hyena pay/make a call (on somebody)• He remained calm, made a call and forked out $ 700 of his own money for a plane ticket.• She offered me a number I could ring in Chicago to make a claim for making a call to Chicago.• A job seeker used that tactic when he made a call to Miller recently.• But one winter evening, Charles Henstock paid a call upon his friend Harold Shoosmith.• And then one night, one bright and starlit night, a true free dragon came by to pay a call.• Having met his hero one evening at a small gathering, he was invited to pay a call the following week.• Another out-of-town visitor paid a call last month.• This will show you just how much you can save on your bill if you make calls out of peak periods.a call to arms• But Kennan stopped short of a call to arms.• Even after the Czech coup, however, Congress was not willing to respond wholeheartedly to a call to arms.• It was a call to arms for a politics that wishes a farewell to arms.• Poets might construe that as a call to arms against a culture of minute-to-minute rush and bottom lines.• Such a call to arms was, in fact, a necessity for a band in their career situation.• This is widely understood as a call to arms to defend the movement against a takeover by Mr easy/hard call• Open admissions was an easy call for the Left and the Right; for liberals, it was torment.• For David Smith, the way to use new digital channels was an easy call.• Inside the Vatican, it was an easy call.• Politically, that was an easy call for the Likud Party leader. Related topics: Education, ComputersCALL /kɔːl $ kɒːl/ noun [uncountable]  1.(computer-assisted language learning) the use of computers to help people learn foreign languages 计算机辅助语言学习Examples from the CorpusCALL• Sample disks for CALL are under discussion but will not be possible until the products are ready.From Longman Business Dictionarycallcall1 /kɔːlkɒːl/ verb1[intransitive, transitive] to telephone someoneShe called the airport to ask about flights.I was told that the office was closed and to call tomorrow.2call (somebody) collect American English to make a telephone call which is paid for by the person you are telephoningSYN BrE reverse the charges3call a meeting/election to arrange for a meeting or an election to happen at a definite timeThe company called a shareholders’ meeting to discuss the takeover bid.4[intransitive] to make a short visit to a person or place in order to do somethingIf you decide not to go ahead, just return the policy within 15 days. No salesman will call.5[transitive] to ask or order someone to come to a placecall somebody in/into/toMike was called into the manager’s office and told there was no longer a job for somebody to do somethingThey were called to give evidence before the committee.6[transitive]FINANCE to repay a loan or bond to a lender, usually before it is normally due to be repaidInterest rates are so low now it’s unlikely the bonds will ever be called. → call back → call for something → call in → call something → off → call on/upon somebody → call up→ See Verb tablecallcall2 noun [countable]1an attempt to speak to someone by telephoneCalls cost 36p a minute cheap rate, 48p at all other times.If you wish to be added to the mailing list, please give me a call on the number above.Andrew Walker telephoned this morning, and would like you to return his call as soon as possible. → cold call → conference call → courtesy call → toll call2a request or demand for someone to do somethingcall forHe made a call for private companies to offer up to 25% of their shares to workers’ co-operatives.a strike call3a short visit, especially for a particular reasonI’ll pay a call on our supplier later this week.4BANKING a demand for money that can be made at any time and without warning, especially a demand for a loan to be repaidThere are $200 million in bearer bonds still outstanding, held by people who did not hear about a call. → cash call5BANKING at/on call if a bank lends money at call or on call, the bank can demand to have it paid back at any time and without warningSYN ON DEMANDOverdrafts to customers are often granted for a few days or weeks. Some loans to other financial institutions may be loans at call. 6FINANCE a demand from a company to a shareholder to pay for shares that they have been givenThe company is raising £155 million from the first call of 225p a share. → margin call7 (also covered call) another name for CALL OPTION (=the right to buy shares etc at a particular price within a specific period of time)Total options volume was 33,000, with puts at 19,000 outnumbering calls.8a decision that you have to make yourselfBuy or don’t buy - it’s your call. → see also yield to call → judgement callOrigin call1 (1100-1200) Old Norse kallacall1 verb →10-19 →20-27 →n GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →PHRASAL VERBS1call2 noun →COLLOCATIONS1CALL nounLDOCE OnlineChinese   Business to telephone Corpus someone




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