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单词 Insufficient
1 His children were dwarfed by insufficient food.
2 The food was both bad and insufficient.
3 His salary is insufficient to meet his needs.
4 Insufficient resources have been devoted to the health service.
5 Facilities for people with disabilities are still insufficient.
6 He decided there was insufficient evidence to justify criminal proceedings.
7 The unit has insufficient armament with which to do battle.
8 The food and drinks were insufficient for the needs of twenty lads.
9 He was reprimanded for insufficient control.
10 In diabetes the body produces insufficient insulin.
11 At the moment, there's insufficient evidence to arrest anyone.
12 They gave insufficient help in this project.
13 The case was dismissed because of insufficient evidence.
14 He was tired because he had had insufficient sleep.
15 The resources available are quite insufficient for the task.
16 There was insufficient evidence to convict him.
17 Our school has been reprieved from insufficient financial resources.
18 He was acquitted on the grounds of insufficient evidence.
19 His salary was insufficient for their needs.
20 Her daughter was dwarfed by insufficient food.
21 The management paid insufficient attention to working conditions.
22 The heating is insufficient to kill the bacteria.
23 British industry suffers through insufficient investment in research.
24 There is insufficient space for enlargement of the buildings.
25 His injuries have returned as there was insufficient recovery time between matches.
26 Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises. 
27 Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions form insufficient premises.
28 The case was thrown out of court because of insufficient evidence.
29 There are fears that the existing flood barrier may prove insufficient.
30 The police have decided not to prefer charges against them because of insufficient evidence.
1 His children were dwarfed by insufficient food.
2 The food was both bad and insufficient.
3 His salary is insufficient to meet his needs.
4 Insufficient resources have been devoted to the health service.
5 Facilities for people with disabilities are still insufficient.
6 He decided there was insufficient evidence to justify criminal proceedings.
7 The unit has insufficient armament with which to do battle.
8 The food and drinks were insufficient for the needs of twenty lads.
9 He was reprimanded for insufficient control.
10 He was tired because he had had insufficient sleep.
11 The case was thrown out of court because of insufficient evidence.
12 His injuries have returned as there was insufficient recovery time between matches.
13 The worshiper thinks that the worst is the insufficient horsepower.
31 Police dropped the charges against him because of insufficient evidence.
32 We have insufficient funds to pay for the building work.
33 The judge finally concluded there was insufficient evidence of premeditation.
34 Her lawyer accused the prosecution of founding its case on insufficient evidence.
35 The worshiper thinks that the worst is the insufficient horsepower.
36 There was insufficient evidence to identify a patron.
37 Complaints were of insufficient guitar strings, paints and brushes.
38 Animals that produced insufficient milk were sold.
39 Less serious mistakes are simply insufficient.
40 Why do most adults take insufficient physical exercise?
41 This may be insufficient for newcomers to the company.
42 Will, now approaching his seventies, wanted to retire but their savings were insufficient to allow him to do so.
43 It gives insufficient information about the reasons for its decisions.
44 Insufficient domestic savings results in greater reliance being placed on external finance from international banks, capital markets and international agencies.
45 Insufficient knowledge of the latter can waste a lot of money.
46 If insufficient cells migrate into the front of the head the face will be abnormally small.
46 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
47 Now Propane is on the point of pulling out because of insufficient interest.
48 Productivity growth Faster scrapping of old plant as a result of insufficient labour should increase the rate of growth of labour productivity.
49 It is of course difficult to appraise peoples' motives for buying or selling derivative assets, so mere observation is insufficient.
50 Unfortunately, the survey did not ask them if they sold the products about which they said they had received insufficient training.
51 Those who gave evidence say the sentence is insufficient, they say it just gives licence to youngsters to break the law.
52 However, this improvement has been insufficient to offset the decline in other areas.
53 Product knowledge and benefits Knowledge of product features is insufficient for sales success.
54 The nuns say there is insufficient evidence that the chickens carry the virus.
55 He was widely expected to visit the province last week but ongoing talks made insufficient progress.
56 Poor-quality eggshells indicate insufficient deposition of calcium and this deficiency was shown to have arisen because of increased soil acidification.
57 Any lesser density makes the private appropriation of lands ineffective and the potential supply of paid labour insufficient.
58 There is insufficient attention paid to the analytical problems to be addressed in biochemistry.
59 One was heard to complain that there were insufficient Trolls to go round.
60 The best policies will also provide transport to another resort if yours has insufficient snow.
61 Even if workers could solve their collective action problems and unite behind a socialist party, their electoral muscle would be insufficient.
62 Even higher organisms resort to fermentation as an auxiliary process when the oxygen supply is insufficient.
63 Moreover it may sometimes be the case that the acoustic input is simply insufficient to discriminate between hypotheses.
64 The failing of the more usual critique lies in its insufficient attention to empirical practice.
65 A subsequent grand jury said there was insufficient evidence of misconduct.
66 The planes had an insufficient fuel supply for a return flight.
67 The court decided there was insufficient evidence for a manslaughter charge.
68 His planning powers were also insufficient to enable the breaking through of older residential areas to construct Paris-type boulevards.
69 On its own, this outside model is insufficient for our purposes.
70 Both firms and workers are being coerced by the same forcemajeure of insufficient demand in the commodity market.
71 Our own H. D. Battery was replaced with a small torque start, there being insufficient room under the bonnet.
72 Our study suggests that food sensitivity is of insufficient importance to warrant putting all patients through elimination diets.
73 Officials within the department have complained, privately, that staff numbers are insufficient to handle the requests for aid.
74 The chief suspects have been identified, but because of insufficient evidence no one has been charged.
75 As early as 1662, 2000 miners from Tyne and Wear had petitioned the King about insufficient ventilation in the mines.
76 The report estimated that 75 percent of local authorities would have insufficient resources to implement the government's community care proposals.
76 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
77 Native grasses usually have insufficient nutritional value as they provide considerably less protein.
78 Industry bodies have dismissed what has so far emerged as insufficient.
79 Books like these contain much music which is transitory but include insufficient hymnody from the traditional repertoire.
80 The Crown Prosecution Service decided there was insufficient evidence to secure a conviction.
81 The Commission said this was insufficient and is considering court action.
82 He made immediate inquiries by telephone, but felt that there was insufficient evidence to justify his intervention.
83 Government scientists may be forced to declare that they have insufficient data to justify recommending commercial production.
84 Saprophytic fungi like coral spot on mulch are an indication of insufficient hoeing.
85 Where there is insufficient information supplied about a proposed assignee for a proper decision to be made on the question of consent.
86 There is clearly insufficient evidence for the most serious charges.
87 For both printed and handwritten input, the stimulus alone is insufficient to unambiguously identify the text.
88 Insufficient support is provided for both keyboard and keypad which sag under pressure but the key actions are quite nice.
89 The bank charged me for having insufficient funds in my account.
90 As the problem of insider trading increased it became increasingly evident that s.16 was insufficient.
91 If the total resources are insufficient to meet all needs then how does one choose the needs that should take precedence?
92 There had been breaches of the Code by insufficient breaks in the interrogation and insufficient meals provided.
93 But Zajedno leaders said the concession from Milosevic was insufficient and the demonstrations would continue.
94 This protocol is deemed insufficient for dealing with the needs of commerce(), where strong authentication and message integrity are necessary.
95 It was lauded by the industry but condemned as insufficient by some security experts and victims' advocates, including Cummock.
96 We also realised that there was insufficient classroom time for the testing of children individually in dramatic performance.
97 However, over-exposure to the sun or insufficient protection is a major cause of premature skin ageing.
98 This is always dangerous because at that moment the glider has insufficient speed to allow for safe recovery and landing.
99 It was returned for insufficient funds, according to the suit.
100 The number of funded vacancies may be insufficient for all of them to be offered full-time posts.
101 In fact, the reason you move outwards is that there is insufficient force pulling you inwards.
102 Overaccumulation meant there was insufficient labour to keep old plants going, so they had to be scrapped.
103 Poverty is defined as an income insufficient to keep members of the family in a state of physical well-being.
104 Since then the CBoT has launched various bond and stock index futures contracts though many have been delisted due to insufficient trading volumes.
105 The Bonn government said the resignation was insufficient and free elections must follow.
106 For this the recantations were insufficient,[] and different tactics were now applied to obtain a much more abject confession.
107 We shall never know because the obtuse camera angle, from midwicket, provided insufficient evidence.
108 However, physical appearance and intellect are insufficient foundation for effective long-lasting relationships.
109 Unfortunately the true picture will never be established, for insufficient evidence survives.
110 An obvious risk of property damage alone is insufficient for manslaughter, but may suffice for the driving offences.
111 Publication to a single person is, impliedly, insufficient to constitute the offence.
112 However, a knowledge of pair-wise transitional probability is often insufficient to select the target word string.
113 The degree of colonic bioavailability might have been insufficient for other reasons.
114 Even their police greatcoats had been insufficient to keep out the chill and the wet of this storm.
115 Pena was roundly criticized by senators who lectured him about public grandstanding and insufficient attention to safety concerns.
116 I tried to argue, Holmes, but somehow my words carried insufficient conviction.
117 Equally, the estimator may have insufficient time or resources to provide a breakdown of the estimate.
118 But Weisberg said there was insufficient evidence to back that claim in the Menendez case.
119 They alleged unsanitary conditions, lack of food and water, and insufficient cage space.
120 Any increases in spending on education were seen as insufficient by staff and students alike at major universities.
121 Essentially those institutions with surplus funds lend to those with insufficient funds to meet their requirements.
122 Changes will be deferred if there is insufficient information available to make a decision.
123 Doubts have been cast on this interpretation, but insufficient evidence is available to reassess it in terms of the more typical two-phase sequence.
124 Again, insufficient external information was raised as a difficulty, especially among less profitable organisations.
125 For most this left insufficient time to build any significant pensions.
126 Although we have approved desegregation plans involving magnet schools of this conventional definition[], the District Court found this insufficient.
127 Unfortunately this does not always happen and when it does there is often insufficient time given to such training.
128 Some schools have insufficient specialist accommodation to be able to give their pupils the basic curriculum.
129 The Methodist chapel proving insufficient to hold them, the large schoolroom was opened.
130 These results could still be seriously attenuated by insufficient follow-up, since they include many studies undertaken in the 1970s.
131 The two agents were arrested in May 1990, but were released a few days later on grounds of insufficient evidence.
132 Photosetters such as the Linotron 101 produce 1270 dots per inch and this is regarded by some as still being insufficient.
133 Diverticular disease is a condition of the bowel caused by abnormal activity of the bowel wall when your diet contains insufficient fibre.
134 The current data are insufficient to establish the suitability of the heater probe compared with other types of endoscopic treatment.
135 It could be that insufficient information was available upon which to make a correct decision.
136 And even the greatest independence was insufficient,[http:///insufficient.html] still not enough.
137 Simply expressed, they have insufficient time, inadequate resources, not enough basic interest and, crucially, other priorities.
138 The focus is upon inter-organizational relationships, and changing political and economic circumstances receive insufficient emphasis.
139 It is no use stimulating muscle growth if your protein intake is insufficient.
140 Staff at the Commission have claimed that it has insufficient funds to do this.
141 Furthermore a higher proportion of blacks were acquitted after trial, which again suggests insufficient evidence.
142 The underlying cultural patterns anthropologists seek means the implications offered by changing historical circumstances are given insufficient attention.
143 Certainly, insufficient attention is often paid to concepts of choice, self-expression and self-help.
144 The accused drew by cheque card on a bank balance which had insufficient funds to meet the sum.
145 For this reason, machine-cut trial trenches are most commonly used on sites where there is insufficient time for more careful methods.
146 However this is a dangerous situation since there will be insufficient energy in the system to stop the model and land.
147 But they regarded the simple wartime orientation of the neutralisation regime as insufficient in the post-Second-World-War era.
148 The data we have is insufficient to draw any conclusions.
149 The trouble with our system is that we overdo the disqualification and pay insufficient attention to requalification.
150 However there is insufficient information present in script for unambiguous identification of characters and words.
151 Very small amounts were available, quite insufficient to treat all the patients who might benefit.
152 What happens if there is insufficient political skill or political will?
153 If there is less than a certain amount,() the gravitational force will be insufficient to stop a never-ending expansion.
154 They will help us explain the prosecutor 5 zeal to accuse on insufficient evidence.
155 As the prince soon discovers, even this severe sentence is insufficient to suppress the quarrel.
156 In some places, however, there is insufficient discussion of large amounts of experimental data.
157 However, these are insufficient to detract from a very readable and extensive account of modern mass spectrometry.
158 There was insufficient evidence for a verdict of unlawful killing or suicide.
159 They put down sawdust but had insufficient to deal with the flooding to all areas of the factory.
160 These blinds are not suitable for very shallow windows as there would be insufficient depth of fabric to form into pleats.
161 Their Lordships held that it was insufficient for the immigration officer to show that he had some reasonable grounds for his action.
162 It may thus transpire that a marginal improvement is insufficient to justify the increase in complexity associated with this algorithm.
163 However, most of these methods paid insufficient attention to the highly complex nature of landscape values, while overemphasizing scenic attractiveness.
164 There may be insufficient information, in which case the conclusion is exactly that.
165 The historian's problem is that there is insufficient archaeological or documentary evidence to establish the chronology of this process.
166 Most cryptocorynes are adapted to life in situations with insufficient light.
167 Not only may the manager have insufficient personal skills to do everything,[/insufficient.html] but also far too little time.
168 In the past, however, insufficient priority has been given to processing such applications.
169 Jobs realized that merely publishing this information in a manual would be insufficient incentive to hew this line.
170 There has been insufficient rainfall over the past two years, and farmers are having trouble.
171 For one, with so little time in the field, there was insufficient information about routine operations.
172 Kemp went bankrupt, and there were insufficient purchasers to complete the grand design.
173 While the city is relatively young, age alone provides insufficient explanation.
174 The average stay is two years and this is considered insufficient time to master the workings of a complex government department.
175 There was insufficient recognition that some of the voluntary organisations who helped with the plans do not adequately consult disabled people.
176 Mere presence at the scene of the disorder is insufficient to establish liability.
177 Only one in 12 instances of poor quality can be ascribed to insufficient effort by the practitioner.
178 It is better to report that you had insufficient time to collect certain data than to produce half baked results.
179 The other 27 cases undetermined due to insufficient data.
180 These efforts were insufficient to contain the burgeoning crisis.
181 The evidence against him was weak and insufficient.
182 Current non-woven bag industry generally and there some hidden unemployment, low value-added, unit of energy consumption for industrial products, insufficient effective demand.
183 Regulation over the Chinese Internet industry is gravely insufficient, partly due to the fast expansion of business there in myriad complex ways.
184 Distance alone is insufficient to specify all properties at space.
185 For greater benefit, the railway freight requires operation of double-decked container trains, making the clearance under the railway overpass insufficient .
186 If the hospital was caught short-handed because it hired too few nurses to staff the X-ray room, management relied on insufficient data.
187 This result also showed patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome may have problems like poor flexibility, insufficient muscle strength, and proprioception deficit at the same time.
188 The obligation to return the dowry and to pay the jointure (ketubah) served as a good security against divorce on insufficient grounds.
189 Frequently insufficient feathers are available for the development of the framework branches.
190 The development and application of chalcogenide glasses as an IR transmitting material with high performance have long been impeded by insufficient degree of purity present in glasses.
191 Insufficient sleeping affects people's work, study and health. It can also induce many diseases such as palpitation, precordial pain with chest discomfort, dizziness, headache and apoplexy.
192 Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength ; attacking , a superabundance of strength.
193 And when fertilizer is insufficient, new branch grows feeble, blade decrescent hair is yellow, the time that bud forms is deferred backward, flower decrescent , fragrance is feeble.
194 Section three and four discuss another two drawbacks of independent directors institution: insufficient information and impropriate incentive plan.
195 In his view differences in adaptation are insufficient to create niches commensurate in number and kind.
196 Chapter 5 Conclusion Though CS causes the concern in our academicals and enterprises ,[http:///insufficient.html] it seems insufficient in theory and practice because it just launches.
197 Elsewhere in developing countries, where these is insufficient revenue from current taxation, governments seek to make use of PFI and PPP methods to deliver projects on a deferred payment basis.
198 China's Supreme People's Court, which has the final say on death-penalty cases in China, declared there was insufficient proof that Mr. Shaikh suffered mental illness.
199 If the degreasing lipoprotein is insufficient or defective, it will lead to hyperlipaemia.
200 Our country economy added fast rein in 1998, because social demand is insufficient, cause directly.
201 The packings are insufficient and the contents leak out considerably.
202 The root cause of forming "bottleneck " in demethaninzer of separating olefin plant is found to be insufficient designed capacity through analyzing demethaninzer system.
203 The focus is on the use of a deposit-refund requirement by the government when the collection rate voluntarily achieved by the firms is deemed insufficient.
204 The development of high - tech industries is faced with some problems, such as relatively insufficient effective demand.
205 Peace - keeping operations most of the times are faced with the problems of insufficient funds.
206 Based on its high degree of homology to UCP1, early studies examined the role of UCP3 in thermogenesis. However, evidence for such a function is still insufficient.
207 The weld size was controlled according to the definition of leg on the corner joint and DL/T869—2004 (power plant welding technical regulation), which led to the effective thickness was insufficient.
208 As spirometry is used as a diagnostic test to verify obstruction (instead of excluding it), these predictive values are insufficient. ?br.
209 For the other 5 main shocks, the simulation cannot be made due to the insufficient precursory events for the full determination of energy accelerating curve or disturbance to the energy release curve.
210 If microflow parallelism is insufficient, examine your application and increase the respective thread pool.
211 Because of the insufficient cue of depth, the traditional pin-hole camera model cannot be used in some areas, such as medical and military simulation.
212 When oozing is insufficient to swell the packing, water is applied directly using a narrow-gauge hyperdermic needle.
213 He knew what it meant to be one of the disinherited, to be chained to the deadening routine of the machine and to soul-destroying labor for an insufficient reward.
214 In 2007, the American Medical Association decided not to call excessive video-gaming an addiction, saying there was insufficient evidence to warrant the label of a diagnosable disorder.
215 The regions adaptive to "non-negative pressure" pressure water supply device were analyzed, and the inadaptable regions with insufficient water source for water supply capacity were presented.
216 Must distinguish the different situation, takes the strict measure, the supervision related company improves reimburses ability, the practical guard reimburses the ability insufficient risk.
217 The lack of land promotes the application of electro-osmosis reinforcement in soft clay foundations, but insufficient attention is given to its design method.
217 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
218 Could not read from socket due to insufficient memory, or internal error. Disconnecting from server.
219 Firstly the present entrusted property right relationship leads to banks' operation with multi-objectives, operating behavior deviation, operating target nonentity and insufficient incentive control.
220 Insufficient protein. The current RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for protein -- the amount that people are supposed to get each day -- is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight for adults.
221 Cause is somnolence dote on shop loss many pets add fund insufficient -!
222 No matter what algorithm is selected, it can make up insufficient of current categorization deficient semantic relation to some extent. Enhance the document classification accuracy.
223 There was insufficient memory to convert the expression into a finite state machine.




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